Cyril Fontaine


Entre vents et marées
Costume Design
In Brittany, a notary is killed with shots to the head. His wife Joséphine is a suspect. Her husband had just sold part of their property to two shady real estate developers who wanted to transform the little fishing village into an ultra-modern marina for wealthy clients.
The Ponzi Scheme
Costume Design
Ponzi, from his arrival in Boston in 1903, to hi death in Rio in 1949. He made himself famous in inventing the first fraud of modern times on a large scale, and inspired Bernard Madoff.
Costume Design
A piano teacher suspects her entourage of being responsible for the disappearance of a former pupil she was putting up. She starts to grow suspicious of everyone's behavior.
Blanche Nuit
Costume Design
When Arthur decided to become a policeman it was most definitely not so that he would be put on the trail of a group of ultra-left wing artists, the Black Fist Collective. No, his real motivation was so that he could trace his father, Public Enemy Number One, La Malice. But, alas, it is Chief Inspector Moulinette who sets the rules, assisted by his faithful lieutenant Gégé. Arthur has no choice but to infiltrate the troublesome Collective, by posing as an actor...
La solitude du pouvoir
Costume Design
Pierre Vasseur is the French president. He has a busy schedule: resolving political crises, abating popular anger, tolerating sarcastic journalists, and parrying opposition attacks-not to mention dealing with the tense relationship he has with his daughter.
Second Chances
Costume Design
Costume Design
Начало ХХ века, Европа охвачена войной, Российская империя на краю пропасти. Внезапное появление загадочного Григория Распутина в царских покоях вызывает волну негодования при дворе. Сибирский целитель облегчает страдания неизлечимо больного наследника престола, проповедует и творит чудеса. Императрица уверена, что всё не случайно и Григорий — божий человек, спаситель, посланный свыше. Ее уверенность разделяют далеко не все. Вокруг «святого беса» плетутся заговоры, его мистическая власть над царской семьей и нежная дружба с императрицей раздражают слишком многих. Россия, монархия и Распутин в эпицентре приближающейся катастрофы.