Ray Porter
Ray Porter is an actor and casting director.
Жестокий тиран угрожает жителям мирной колонии на краю Галактики, и их единственной надеждой становится таинственная незнакомка.
Uxas / Darkseid (voice)
Monochromatic blockbusters are all the rage, with Mad Max: Fury Road and Logan receiving black-and-white reissues in recent years. So it was only logical that Zack Snyder would anoint his new cut of Justice League worthy of the upper echelon of action movies with a second release that strips out the remaining color. One week after the release of the “Snyder Cut,” fans have yet another four-hour experience at their hands: Justice League: Justice Is Gray.
Darkseid (voice)
Вдохновившись самопожертвованием Супермена, Брюс Уэйн вновь обретает веру в человечество. Он заручается поддержкой новой союзницы Дианы Принс, чтобы сразиться с ещё более могущественным противником. Бэтмен и Чудо-женщина набирают команду сверхлюдей для борьбы с пробудившейся угрозой.
First A.D.
4 ноября 1979 г. революция в Иране достигает своего апогея, исламисты штурмуют посольство США в Тегеране и берут в заложники 52 американца. Но в этом хаосе шестерым удается ускользнуть и найти прибежище в доме канадского посла. Понимая, что их обнаружение и, вероятнее всего, убийство — всего лишь вопрос времени, Тони Мендес, специалист ЦРУ по тайному вывозу людей из страны, предлагает рискованный план безопасной эвакуации. План столь невероятен, что такое бывает только в кино.
Epilogue to the TV series Lost.
Maggie's friends have planned a surprise birthday party (despite it being a month away). During the party, Maggie realizes there's more to it then that.
In one of the most hostile lands on the planet, an ancient people called the Israelites forged an army and carved out an empire. Their ancient military exploits are described in one of history's most famous religious texts; the old testament of the Bible. But by reading between the religious lines, ancient military historians unlock the soldier's secrets of the bible by examining the weapons, the strategies; and the commanders, some of whom are unlikely warriors, like Abraham, Moses, and Deborah.
With a divine answer to a humble prayer at age 14, Joseph Smith began to fulfill his inspired mission. He translated the ancient Book of Mormon and restored the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. Many flocked to the American frontier to worship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by the Prophet Joseph's dynamic and courageous example. Unstopped by his martyrdom at age 38, Joseph's legacy continues today in the dedicated lives of Saints throughout the world who still sing; "Praise to the Man who Communed with Jehovah!"
Sahara (voice)
Built Upon the Rock is a story of two brothers and how an inheritance teaches them about their own foundation and eternal life. In the beginning of the video, Gideon is dying and has asked that his two sons, Thomas and Sahara work together overseeing his vineyards after he is gone. When Gideon dies, Sahara takes control of the vineyards and begins to sell grapes that are not yet ripe to loyal customers. Thomas is greatly disturbed and seeks out a lawyer named Josiah to help him regain his part of his inheritance. Josiah has left law practice to follow Jesus. He encourages Thomas to listen to the words of Jesus to find the answers to his problems. Jesus is giving his sermon on the mount and shares the beatitudes, or the actions, attitudes and blessings true believers should experience. He tells the people they need to go beyond just believing and act upon their faith. Jesus uses the parable of the wise man who built his house upon a rock...
Narrator (voice)
Experience the Passion of Christ. Witness the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Pray with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will, but thy will be done.” Feel the betrayal of Judas’ kiss. Endure the trial and crucifixion as Jesus willingly submits. Rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus’ death and resurrection provides pardon for our sins.
Месть — блюдо, которое лучше подавать холодным. Эту истину на своем собственном опыте познал отставной полицейский Эдди Бернс, вот только в роли графа Монте-Кристо выступил не он. В жизни Эдди, отдавшего 15 лет «убойному» отделу города Рино, начинают происходить зловещие события, начало которым кладет таинственное исчезновение его сестры. Бернс — профи, ему не нужно много времени, чтобы понять, что происходит. Он догадывается, что стал жертвой дьявольски изобретательной мести. Вот только кто и зачем собрался ему мстить? Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, ветерану придется припомнить кое-какие темные факты своего далекого прошлого. Прошлого, которое далеко не так безупречно, как привыкли считать...
Roadie Mick
История о том, как простой американский мальчишка Уильям Миллер волею случая стал корреспондентом авторитетного музыкального журнала «Роллинг Стоун» и отправился по заданию редакции в турне с группой «Стиллуотер». В компании суровых рокеров, юных фанаток и бурлящих в крови гормонов парень делает свой первый шаг в полную удивительных приключений взрослую жизнь расклешенных семидесятых. И уж, поверьте, эти самые приключения не заставят себя ждать!
Grisham (voice)
В этом магическом,мистическом мультфильме для всей семьи,Пугало,очарованное любовью,пытается добиться лишь одного:стать настоящим человеком!Одинокое Пугало,покоренное красотой очаровательной девушки-сироты Полли,получает шанс:добрая колдунья оживляет его.Однако,встретиться с Полли и обьясниться ей в любви может оказаться задачей,посложнее оживления!Но Пугало не знает,что у него есть соперник-богатый и коварный граф Гришэм, который собирается использовать свои познания в черной магии, чтобы внушить девушке любовь к себе. С помощью своих друзей-пробивной и бесшабашной полевой мыши и заколдованной метлы, Пугало должно перехитрить графа-злодея, скрыть свое необычное происхождение, и доказать, что даже в набитой соломой груди может биться сердце героя!
A group of single guys meet for their weekly, all male, all-night poker game. One of the regulars invites a woman (Liz) to join and she turns out to be a very good player. Things get more complicated when two of the guys (Ty and Gordon) confide to a third (Andy) that they're having affairs with each other's girlfriends. The host (Bill) tries to keep his weekly ritual intact as it begins to crumble around him.
Satan / Narrator (voice)
Jesus, the Son of God begins with Jesus, Mary and Joseph traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover in 13 A.D. Young Jesus, age twelve, walks behind His parents carrying a lamb. Jesus is to present the lamb to the priest as a sacrifice for sins. Once inside the busy, noisy city full of trading and bartering, Jesus and His family sell and buy the things they need before taking the lamb to the priest. Jesus presents the lamb to the priest, and the priest tests Him by asking some questions about the law. Jesus' answers are correct and the priest congratulates Him.
King Saul (voice)
God works in mysterious ways. When the proud and powerful King Saul disobeys God’s commands, God gives a shepherd’s young son, David, the power to slay the Philistine giant, Goliath. David will be the successor to the mighty Saul.
Reporter #2 / Ludwig Boehm / Narrator (voice)
Thomas Edison opens up the laboratory of America’s most celebrated inventor and invites you to explore its secrets. Sprinkled with humor and packed with little-known details about the search for a working electric light bulb, this story will help you see for yourself why Edison quipped, “Genius is about one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
Phineas (voice)
Eli, the high priest of Israel, knowingly disobeys the Lord, and he and his sons are punished. Hannah fulfills her promise to God, and gives up her son to His service. In return, God blesses Hannah by making her son, Samuel, the chosen Prophet of the people of Israel. At the tabernacle of Ark of the Covenant, Hannah prays for a son. She promises God that she will offer the boy up to His service. Eli, the high priest, overhears her prayer and sends her off with vague promises. Eli's sons abuse their position and steal from those who come to offer sacrifice.
Paul (voice)
The Ministry of Paul is a dramatic story of adventure, faith and endurance. From his encounter with King Agrippa to his terrifying shipwreck, Paul’s powerful preaching and example bring amazement and conversion as persecution is answered, again and again, with the gospel of love. Paul’s timeless example beckons each Christian to faithfully witness for Jesus.
Collector (voice)
Forgive Us Our Debts combines a classic parable with the teachings of Jesus to His disciples. Jesus teaches that forgiveness comes from God as He instructs Peter to catch a fish that contains a coin to pay Peter's debt. Jesus also teaches about a man who is forgiven by his king of an enormous debt. Yet, the forgiven man leaves and immediately casts a man, who owes him almost nothing, into prison. The king then rescinds his forgiveness. To receive forgiveness we must also forgive.
Narrator (voice)
John the Baptist is a story of courage and conviction seen through the life of one of God’s greatest prophets who gave everything to prepare the way for the Lord. It begins with the blessing John’s birth was to his aged parents. John grows in strength and integrity as he stands against political and spiritual adversity to preach the coming of the Lord. Finally, John beholds and baptizes Jesus, the Lamb of God.
Darkseid (voice)
The anticipated sequel to Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) and third installment his DCEU pentalogy consisting of Man of Steel (2013), Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021), Zack Snyder's Justice League 2, and Zack Snyder's Justice League 3.