Sarah Cawley


Фэй Грим
Director of Photography
Саймон Грим и его сестра полагали, что уже никогда больше не услышат о Генри Фуле — об этом изысканном писателе-интеллектуале с низким гипнотизирующим голосом и прожженном эротомане со склонностью к педофилии в одном флаконе. Как вдруг ЦРУ обратилось к Фей с просьбой найти некие ценные документы, принадлежавшие ее мужу. Она соглашается помочь в обмен на освобождение Саймона из тюрьмы. Путешествуя из одной страны в другую, Фей узнает, что ее муж на самом деле жив и находится в большой опасности. Теперь ей надо опередить спецслужбы четырех стран и первой найти своего загадочного и неповторимого Генри Фула — единственного человека, которого она когда-либо любила…
Three of Hearts: A Postmodern Family
Director of Photography
In his early twenties, Sam Cagnina, oldest son of a Mafia hit man, meets Steven, a handsome 19-year old college student and they fall in love. Then, after a few years Sam offers Steven a "visionary" idea. What if they could find a woman who would fall in love with both of them and agree to live in a "trio" relationship? They spend the next 7 years dating and looking for that special woman. Finally, they meet Samantha, a young, struggling actress. THREE OF HEARTS explores this very unique trio union as they negotiate their living arangements, fall in love and open one of the hottest wellness centres in New York City. Everyone who comes in contact with them is never quite sure how the relationship works. But the one thing which seems certain is their love for each other.
The Girl from Monday
Director of Photography
A comic drama about a time in the near future when citizens are happy to be property traded on the stock exchange.
Mexico City
Director of Photography
When her brother disappears during a brief travel layover in Mexico, Mitch begins a desperate search that will eventually lead the young divorcee into the capital city's most notorious neighborhood. But even with the aid of the American Ambassador, her plight is only met with indifference and inaction from the authorities. As the story unfolds, Mitch is forced to look for help in the least likely places as she races against time in a dangerous quest to find answers and locate her brother.
Director of Photography
A hot summer day on a country road. A young woman in her bridal dress gets kicked out of a car. Lost and frustrated, she wanders off across a sea of grass into a dark wood - and discovers an abandoned house. Tired and worn out, she lies down on a bed. When she is awakened from her nap by a clap of thunder, she sees a cup of steaming hot tea and a package on the floor. She opens it - and finds a kimono. The bride knows she no longer is alone ... but should she put on the kimono?
Director of Photography
Похищена богатая светская дама. Её муж получает шокирующее послание: если в течение суток похитителю не будет выплачен щедрый выкуп, его жертва задохнется, похороненная заживо где-то в лесах штата Нью-Йорк. Теперь только от решительности опытного следователя Мэдлайн Фостер зависит жизнь несчастной женщины, но успеет ли она добраться до маньяка, уготовившего своим преследователям чудовищный сюрприз?
Денежные короли
Винни Глинн - хозяин подпольного тотализатора, находящегося под опекой могущественной итальянской мафиозной семьи, однажды с удивлением узнает о новом компаньоне - молодом головорезе Тони. Отдавший бизнесу 30 лет жизни, Винни возмущен подобным решением, но решает выждать. Однако бесцеремонность и жестокость этого юнца вынуждают его действовать, нарушая все законы преступного мира.
Myth America
A story about Generation X-ers growing up in Manhattan.
Greetings from Africa
Cheryl, playing herself, humorously experiences the mysteries of lesbian dating in the '90s.
Dance with Me
Director of Photography
As a child, Kyoko learned latin dance from Jose, a Cuban-American serviceman stationed in Japan. Years later, Kyoko travels to New York to see Jose again. After much searching, she finds Jose, only to discover that he is dying of AIDS and no longer remembers much of his past, including the time he and Kyoko spent together.
A Reason to Believe
Director of Photography
Sorority gal Charlotte's innocence is lost after she is raped during a frat party. Confused, terrified and shunned by her peers, she finds solace and the courage to confront her attacker after she is befriended by the leader of a campus women's group.
Director of Photography
A couple of people steal the daughter of a famous lawyer. Now they want money to give her back, but it's not just the money they want. They want revenge.
A Woman's Point of View During Sex
The woman's hand
A black comedy about a couple living together caught from the woman's point of view. An absolute must for men who want to learn something about sex life.