Ran Tal


1341 Frames of Love and War
Israel's most celebrated war photographer, Micha Bar-Am, unfolds his extraordinary archive of over half a million negatives. A life devoted to recording a conflict for the prestigious Magnum agency.
1341 Frames of Love and War
Israel's most celebrated war photographer, Micha Bar-Am, unfolds his extraordinary archive of over half a million negatives. A life devoted to recording a conflict for the prestigious Magnum agency.
The Viewer
A film crew steps into a film critic’s life, to watch the perpetual watcher, and turn him into a cinematic hero.
Что если? Ехуд Барак о войне и мире
78-летний Эхуд Барак – бывший скандальный премьер-министр Израиля. Полевой командир, ведущий деятель сионистского движения. Ему же принадлежит концепция плана убийства Ясира Арафата. В этом фильме Барак без иллюзий оценивает своё прошлое и историю Израиля через 20 лет после провала саммита в Кемп-Дэвиде.
Израильский музей в Иерусалиме - из тех, которые на Западе называют "энциклопедическими", это очень большое сооружение, в нем гигантские и очень ценные фонды, которые нужно поддерживать в должном состоянии. Режиссер Ран Таль целых полтора года снимал свой документальный фильм там, куда не пускают туристов, и следил в том числе за работой научных сотрудников и реставраторов, а также других служащих, которых не встретить в музее любой другой страны, например, специалиста по соблюдению кашрута и палестинского гида.
Израильский музей в Иерусалиме - из тех, которые на Западе называют "энциклопедическими", это очень большое сооружение, в нем гигантские и очень ценные фонды, которые нужно поддерживать в должном состоянии. Режиссер Ран Таль целых полтора года снимал свой документальный фильм там, куда не пускают туристов, и следил в том числе за работой научных сотрудников и реставраторов, а также других служащих, которых не встретить в музее любой другой страны, например, специалиста по соблюдению кашрута и палестинского гида.
The Garden of Eden
This poetic ensemble of personal stories converging over the course of a full year is a cinematic portrait of contemporary Israel: multifaceted, diverse, contradictory, complex. At Sakhne, one of the most popular parks in Israel, a varied collection of characters—recent immigrants, Zionist pioneers, Christians, Arabs and non-believers—coexist in an intricate microcosm of Israeli society. There are stories of camaraderie, loneliness, tolerance, intolerance, alienation and love. And each one, despite religion and politics, reminds us that we are, after all, one and the same. As summer turns to fall and winter, then spring, stories renew themselves with each new visitor that passes through the park gates.
Children of the Sun
A documentary on how children are conforming to living in an Israeli kibbutz.
Children of the Sun
A documentary on how children are conforming to living in an Israeli kibbutz.
67 Ben Tzvi Road
67 Ben Tzi Road” is the address of the only Institute of Pathology in Israel. 2,500 bodies arrive at the institute every year for investigation as to the cause of death. Needless to say, the bodies sent for autopsy did not die of natural causes.
67 Ben Tzvi Road
67 Ben Tzi Road” is the address of the only Institute of Pathology in Israel. 2,500 bodies arrive at the institute every year for investigation as to the cause of death. Needless to say, the bodies sent for autopsy did not die of natural causes.
67 Ben Tzvi Road
67 Ben Tzi Road” is the address of the only Institute of Pathology in Israel. 2,500 bodies arrive at the institute every year for investigation as to the cause of death. Needless to say, the bodies sent for autopsy did not die of natural causes.
Skin Deep
Skin Deep is a tragic comedy of a destined loser who will do anything to prove that the destiny is wrong. A story of a hopeless romantic who wants to surprise his love one with a tattoo on his left arm carrying her name, and ends up by surprising her with another lover. Now he has tow options: abandon his belief in an eternal love or find another girl with the same name.
Skin Deep
Skin Deep is a tragic comedy of a destined loser who will do anything to prove that the destiny is wrong. A story of a hopeless romantic who wants to surprise his love one with a tattoo on his left arm carrying her name, and ends up by surprising her with another lover. Now he has tow options: abandon his belief in an eternal love or find another girl with the same name.
Short Stories About Love
Israeli short films mini-series.
Short Stories About Love
Israeli short films mini-series.