Ricky Ho Kwok-Kit


77 дней
Original Music Composer
Ян чувствует, что жизнь загнала его в угол, и единственным выходом освободиться он видит путешествие в одиночку через необитаемую пустошь Цянтан – третью в мире по величине, причем, не поперек, как ее обычно пересекают экстремалы, а вдоль. Распланировав свое путешествие на 80 дней, Ян отправляется в путь, но его график тут же беспощадно ломают внешние обстоятельства – пустошь не желает подстраиваться под планы какого-то мелкого человечка.
Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above
Documenting Taiwan from an aerial perspective offering a glimpse of Taiwan's natural beauty as well as the effect of human activities and urbanization on our environment.
Just Call Me Nobody
Original Music Composer
Poor young cobbler Wu Di lives with his mother and is crazy about martial-arts picture books. One day he repairs the shoe of wandering swordswoman Yuelou and later helps save her in a fight with wanted criminal Tian Baguang, even though he has no martial-arts training. She tells him she owes him a life and can be found on Qin Mountain if he ever needs her. Yuelou is actually a princess who was due to marry the emperor but ran away after setting fire to her palace quarters. In love, Wu Di sets out to find her, fighting river pirate Dugu and his sidekick on the way, and also meeting a hermit Buddhist monk who offers to take him on as a pupil. Yuelou plans to attend a martial arts tournament to establish her name, little knowing that the emperor's chief eunuch Cheng has arranged for her to be secretly protected by Penal Bureau officer Yang Guo and to win the tournament, so the emperor can award her the prize and persuade her to reconsider marriage.
Охотник за сокровищами
Лeгeндa o пoгpeбeннoм пoд cлoeм пecкoв дpeвнeм гopoдe и eгo coкpoвищax, oxpaняeмыx дyxaми дaвнo пoгибшиx вoинoв, cтoлeтиями бyдopaжилa yмы клaдoиcкaтeлeй и pacxититeлeй мoгил. Дo yшeй миллиoнepa Чoпa дoxoдят cлyxи o тoм, чтo кapтa, гдe pacпoлoжeн зaтepянный гopoд нaxoдитcя в pyкax извecтнoгo apxeoлoгa, кoтopый пoлyчил eё oт caмoгo Opлa Пycтыни, лидepa paзбoйникoв пycтыни. Чтoбы вынyдить yчёнoгo oтдaть eмy кapтy, Чoп выкpaдывaeт eгo дoчь, пoпyляpнyю пиcaтeльницy пpиключeнчecкиx poмaнoв. И нa пoмoщь дeвyшкe oтпpaвляeтcя дpyг apxeoлoгa, мoлoдoй aвaнтюpиcт, кoтopый зapaбaтывaeт нa жизнь вoзвpaщeниeм yкpaдeнныx цeннocтeй.
Воины Зу
King Sky, the sole disciple of the Kun Lun Sect, falls in love with his master Dawn. Dawn is killed when Insomnia destroys the Kin Lun Mountain. King Sky waits for two hundred years and meets Enigma, who is the reincarnation of Dawn, and in love with her again. However, Insomnia's Blood Clouds is ready to destroy Zu...