Consuelo de Nieva

Consuelo de Nieva


Consuelo de Nieva


La plaça del diamant
Colometa is an average housewife with two children to care for in the late 1930's, as the Spanish Civil War is starting and her husband goes off to fight. She had been an ordinary woman working in a shop when she met the lively carpenter who married her, and their life together was without major problems. But now she is forced to raise her children under straitened circumstances, and after her husband dies, her life undergoes another major change as she marries for the second time. Underneath Colometa's acquiescent, forebearing exterior must lie just a few discontents, a few unrealized dreams - but they never surface as she blithely moves from one episode in her life to another.
Девушка в золотых трусиках
Луис Форест, в прошлом известный писатель и политик, после падения режима Франко уединился в своем имении для работы над мемуарами. Неожиданно в тихом уголке появляется его взбалмошная племянница Мариана, под предлогом интервью для журнала навестившая дядюшку. Ее визит вызывает в Луисе массу воспоминаний, ведь когда-то он был влюблен в мать девушки, хотя вынужден был жениться на ее сестре. Тем временем, независимая и свободная во взглядах Мариана начинает поглядывать на своего дядю с интересом, выходящим за рамки профессиональных и, тем более, родственных чувств.
Las alegres chicas de 'El Molino'
Doña Fernanda
Barcelona in the seventies. Piper, comedian at the theater El Molino has specialized in effeminate roles, but in reality is a conqueror. His wife, Nita, sets a trap for him.
Sexy... amor y fantasía
Los casados y la menor
The Little Triangle
Lázaro and Sabino, employees of a large furniture store, fall in love with Laura, a new young and naive employee, who accepts their love. The trio lives a happy engagement. In the big store is planned a sensational advertising campaign with the bed "Eternal happiness," to be launched on New Year's Day. Lázaro and Sabino have to give the last touches on New Year's Eve. When they leave, they enter the exhibition truck and lie down on the bed. When they wake up in the morning, they are surrounded by a crowd and a scandal is organized.
White Skin Market
A young police officer fresh out of the academy, sees casually as a man is beaten and forcibly put into a car in the car park at Barajas airport. The rookie cop tracks them down and discovers a band dedicated to trafficking in women in Spain.
De picos pardos a la ciudad
La boda era a las doce
Elisa, a seller of a fashion house, sends a model to the wrong address. For fear of being fired she decides to recover it on her own. She encounters Alberto, a guy whose wedding is at noon, going to the same place it. From the moment they meet, they begin to suffer all kinds of mishaps.
Piso de soltero
Doña Rosa
Young Sánchez
La madre de Paco
Portrait of the life of an amateur boxer, who falls into the hands of a cruel manager while turning into professional.
El mujeriego
Doña Emilia
Un rincón para querernos
Sra. Vicenta (uncredited)
Las travesuras de Morucha
Madre de Juan José
At eleven, Juan Jose and Morucha are determined to turn his small band into an orchestra and raise funds. The reason is to help a classmate who is seriously ill.
Trigo limpio
Madre de Lucía
Verd madur
¿Dónde vas, triste de ti?
Asistente al baile real
After the death of Queen Mercedes, Alfonso XII's first wife, the problem of the succession is raised. The monarchy needs a heir and the King choses María Cristina from Habsburd to be the futur spanish queen. But Mercedes memories will be against the marriage and the long-awaited son will born when Alfonso is already dead.
Soft Skin on Black Silk
casera de Teresa
Everything you need to know is telegraphed by the title of this Spanish-language drama. The story takes place in a hothouse Mediterranean setting and combines lust, intrigue and murder in the overheated sexploitation style that was popular during the late 1950s and early '60s.
Silvia Pinal stars as Beatriz, a woman whose troubles are brought on by the fact that she has two wildly different suitors.
La Tirana
Actriz cómica
Rosario, Tirana, actress of the late eighteenth century, enjoys the protection of the Duke of Fornells, Chief Justice of the Kingdom, which paves for the actress the way to fame on stage at the Prince theater. The secret love of Rosario, the Earl of San Esteban dies in a duel with Fornells and its position is occupied by the bullfighter Costillares.
The Last Couplet
Gloria Palacios
A musical drama featuring a tragic love story. Relates a singer's rise to fame and her subsequent downfall because of the death of her lover. She manages to return to the stage only to die after her first public performance.
Veraneo en España
Heredero en apuros
Paco, a Sevillian living in Paris who works as a music hall singer, receives news of the death of his uncle named him heir to his fortune. The only condition imposed is to pass a test that is to fight in one of the main squares in Spain. If the attempt fails, the estate would pass to her sister full. From here, Paco will have to wake up if he want to show their courage and take part in a bullfight.
El cerco
madre de Teresa
Lo que nunca muere
madre de Carlos
Reeds and mud
Tonet lives an intense love story with Neleta, whom he has known since childhood, but the young man will be forced to leave the Albufera of Valencia and serve in the war in Cuba. During his absence, Neleta marries the rich innkeeper Canyamel. Upon the return of the war, Tonet and Neleta cannot avoid their adulterous relationship, provoking the talk of the people of the village.
Magic concert
Fuego en la sangre
María Morena
María Pastora
María Morena is a 1951 Spanish drama film directed by José María Forqué and Pedro Lazaga. It was entered into the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.
Niebla y sol
Doña Remedios
Venice Film Festival 1951
El hijo de la noche
El hombre de mundo
Noche sin cielo
Aquel viejo molino
El hombre que las enamora
La vida empieza a medianoche
Silvia Heredia, since her arrival to Madrid is staying at her best friends' house, Mary. Her aim is to work as a secretary of a famous novelist. But at night the house is full of people and they confuse her with the owner of the floor. A series of misunderstandings makes her meet Ricardo Ariaga, the musician whose opera "Life begins at midnight" is about to debut. Ricardo convinces Sylvia to act as his wife. With a "rented" child they try to be the perfect family of a lonely old man.
Tuvo la culpa Adán
Elena / Falsa Condesa de Bergen
Nora leaves the convent where she has been raised to marry a relative. Just arrived she has an accident resulting in total amnesia. Her identity mistaken a new life begins for her, where she will encounter love, adventure and even crime.
Don Quintin the Bitter
Margot (as Consuelo Nieva)
A chronicle about the misadventures of Don Quintin, a character with a miserable life and a lot of bad humor.
Es mi hombre
(as Consuelo Nieva)
A 1934 film.