Rosalie Fortier

Rosalie Fortier


Rosalie Fortier


A Shore Away
Newly employed in an emergency shelter for people experiencing homelessness, Geneviève is shaken to meet a young woman there whom she believed to have succeeded in reintegrating when she was her social worker.
The Music Lesson
Seb, mariachi musician by night and guitar teacher by day, is by all accounts, a failed artist. Like a ghost wandering through his own life, Seb follows outside expectations and comically drifts further away from his dream of becoming a songwriter.
Art Direction
We all have our ways of living a breakup. Is there really a limit on what we can do to find peace again ?
A supernatural force takes over a trio's vacation.
Cowboy of Mount Laurier
Amélie meets a chivalrous stranger at the laundromat; he happens to be a cowboy.
Steve's Girlfriend
Яркая и взбалмошная вдова Диана забирает из интерната сына-подростка и полна решимости начать новую жизнь. Со Стивом они бы жили душа в душу, но вспышки гнева импульсивного сына то и дело подрывают шаткое равновесие в семье. На подмогу приходит скромная заикающаяся соседка Кайла, и в доме на время воцаряется идиллия, но как долго это продлится?
At a funeral, the dark truth reveals itself as the mourning family takes a moment to reflect.
Кафе де Флор
История любви между мужчиной и женщиной, между матерью и сыном.