Director of Photography
Главные герои — уже далеко не молодые супруги Майклс — после очередной ссоры, случившейся сразу после свадьбы их дочери, решают расстаться. С помощью друзей они пытаются начать новую жизнь.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Audie and Dan Duryea are hired by a mysterious woman to take her across Indian country to her husband. On route, she tries to seduce Audie by offering to give him Duryea's share of the money if he will help her achieve her real goal: kill Duryea for having killed her husband. Audie dreams of a getting enough money to buy a ranch of his own, but his loyalty to his friend prevails. In the end, Duryea is killed anyway by the Indians and gets his wish: a funeral carriage pulled by - you guessed it - six black horses.
Director of Photography
After exhaustive training, a police dog joins an arson investigation.
Director of Photography
Billy Wade (James Brown) is an ex-gunslinger who is approached by his outlaw brother Matt (Robert Karnes), not long out of prison, to help him with a big-time robbery. Matt forces Billy's participation with an offer he cannot refuse, unaware that Billy is actually working on the side of the law.
Director of Photography
An ex-con finds unexpected romance with the widow of his former accomplice as he tries to collect his hidden loot.
Director of Photography
While investigating a diamond heist, disgruntled cop Harper falls for Holly, the top suspect's main squeeze. When she convinces him to kill her boyfriend and make off with her and the loot, they start down a treacherous path full of dark surprises.
Director of Photography
A young gangster in 1920's New York quickly rises through the ranks of the mob, then sets up his own murder-for-hire organization. When he starts kidnapping other mobsters for ransom, the New York gangs band together for revenge.
Director of Photography
Assassins take a flight controller's family hostage to force him into revealing the aircraft carrying their quarry.
Director of Photography
A gunman receives a request for help from his brother, but arrives too late to save him from the lawless rancher who wanted him dead.
Director of Photography
An American wheeler-dealer woos a colonel's wife amid danger at a French Foreign Legion fort.
Director of Photography
Jonathan Drake, while attending his brother's funeral, is shocked to find the head of the deceased is missing. When his brother's skull shows up later in a locked cabinet, Drake realizes an ancient curse placed upon his grandfather by a tribe of South American Jivaro Indians is still in effect and that he himself is the probable next victim.
Director of Photography
A Yank comes to Havana in search of an old friend who disappeared during the Cuban Revolution, and discovers a group of Batista sympathizers plotting to overturn Castro.
Director of Photography
A mob assassin holds innocent hostages at an airport in upstate New York.
Director of Photography
Невидимые инопланетяне с Луны вступают в контакт с учёным Пеннером и сообщают о своих намерениях уничтожить человеческую цивилизацию, если она безоговорочно не сдастся в ближайшее время. Заперевшись в лаборатории, Пеннер срочно начинает искать средство для борьбы с пришельцами, а они между тем начинают вселяться в тела людей.
Director of Photography
When the shootings of two juvenile inmates bring public protest, a psychologist is brought in to see if he can do anything to control the problems peacefully.
Director of Photography
When master monster make-up man Pete Dumond is fired by the new bosses of American International studios, he uses his creations to exact revenge.
Director of Photography
A former outlaw must prove himself innocent after he's accused of bank robbery. Western.
Director of Photography
Seeing a certain woman (Ann Harding) makes an airline pilot (Jock Mahoney) think he is a reincarnated World War I pilot.
Director of Photography
A group prison breakout goes from bad to worse when the desperate warden tries to steal the gang's dough.
Director of Photography
Ученые хирургическим путем превращают Тварь в дышащее воздухом существо. Но возможности жить на суше недостаточно для комфортного сосуществования с людьми. Разъяренный монстр обращает свой гнев на любого, кто пытается с ним сблизиться, отчаянно желая вернуться в подводный мир, к которому он действительно принадлежит.
Director of Photography
Орегон, начало ХХ века. Землевладелец Монтгомери держит в своей власти всю деревню. Он выпустил закон, носящий его имя: по этому закону любая женщина будет до смерти принадлежать тому мужчине, кто первый овладеет ею; таким образом, мужчина делает ее своей собственностью. После того как его собственную жену насилуют, Монтгомери линчует подозреваемого, хотя на самом деле этот человек не виновен в этом преступлении. Брат погибшего приезжает в деревню, вознамерившись отомстить и убить Монтгомери. Три друга, из которых один - подлинный преступник, убивают друг друга за право воспользоваться "законом Монтгомери" в случае, если мститель добьется своей цели. Но Монтгомери убивают индейцы, и его вдова достается мстителю.
Director of Photography
Большая часть фильма показывает Австрию времен Второй мировой войны, рассказывая историю о том, как доктор Паркер, известный хирург, встретил свою будущую жену, но одна ошибка изменит очень многое...
Director of Photography
A scrappy fighter from Jersey City named Tommy Shea -- "born in a dump, educated in an alley" -- catches the eye of wealthy businessman, Robert Mallinson, who allows him to train at his Long Island estate. Shea soon falls for Mallinson's daughter, Dorothy, but fears he doesn't have the money to support her in proper style. To get this money, Shea decides to work with crooked fight-promoter Harry Cram, even though this means dropping his honest manager, Dave Bernstein. As the big fight approaches, however, Shea begins to have second thoughts.
Director of Photography
In 1899 Alaska, miners have to protect themselves from a phony legal team trying to steal their gold claims.
Director of Photography
Этот фильм построен на реальных событиях - истории боевой карьеры актера Оди Мерфи. Он вырос в тяжелые годы Великой Депрессии, и, потеряв мать, должен был заботиться о братьях и сестрах. Чтобы прокормить их, в 18 лет записался в армию. Началась война, и вместе с американскими войсками он прошел Сицилию, Италию, Францию, дошел до Германии. Был награжден более чем тридцатью высочайшими наградами США и Франции, более, чем любой другой американский солдат. Во время событий, показанных в этом фильме, ему было не больше 19 лет.
Director of Photography
The "one desire" of ex-gambler Clint Saunders and bar woman Tacey Cromwell is to escape their shady former lives and settle down to respectability. With Clint's younger brother and an orphaned girl in tow, the couple moves to a Colorado mining town where their love is tested by Judith Watrous, daughter of the town banker, who has her sights on Clint.
Director of Photography
Three sailors on leave head for Paris with one thing on their minds.
Director of Photography
Year 1856, British India. Capt. Jeffrey Claybourne is severely punished after disobeying an order. Feeling unworthy of his fiancée Vivian Morrow, the daughter of his superior officer, Claybourne leaves the army until he could regain his reputation. When the Rajah Karam launches an attack on the British forces in India, Claybourne finds a chance at redemption.
Director of Photography
A federal agent arrives in Laramie to try to find out who is behind the efforts to stop the construction of a new railroad track.
Director of Photography
Дон Ньюэлл, сценарист рейтингового реалити-хита «Преступление недели» имеет хитроумные отношения с актрисой Полой. Когда ее находят мертвой, он подозревается в убийстве. Вовлеченный в смертельные игры, Дон хочет написать сценарий для нового фильма. Его коллега Хинг удивлен такой деталью.
Director of Photography
A family tragedy causes a college football quarterback to re-think his goals in life.
Director of Photography
В пустыне недалеко от Басры в результате нападения на караван убивают отца Харуна. Поиск виновников приводит его в Багдад, где случайно становится обладателем клинка из дамасской стали, отделанного золотом, надписи на котором гласят, что его обладателя ждёт или корона или гробница в камне. С мечом в руках Харун вступается за девушку, но помня об исполнении обета, не желает завязывать с ней отношений. Однако мистическим образом путь вновь сводит его с ней, и им предстоит бороться с коварством за свою жизнь, любовь и свою страну...
Director of Photography
During the Civil War, in Wyoming, horse dealers Joan Britton and Stephen Cook are competing to supply the Union Army with horses. A Cherokee is in the area to stir up the Sioux against the Union just as Cook decides to steal a herd of Sioux horses. Ex-army doctor Jonathan Westgate opposes Cook’s unscrupulous methods as well as being Cook’s rival for the affections of Joan. It seems Westgate is the only one able to prevent a new Indian war.
Director of Photography
Zachary Hallock and his son Joshua are farmers who live in a frontier town that suffers the assaults of a band of outlaws. After the murder of a Pinkerton's detective, the farmers decide to unite against the bandits, but Hallock rejects the proposal. To the astonishment of his son and his fiancée, Hallock decides to join the outlaws.
Director of Photography
A plumber's secretary poses as the daughter of a prominent society couple.
Director of Photography
Фильм рассказывает о малоизвестной деятельности транспортного корпуса армии США во время Второй мировой войны. Так получилось, что многие из самых отважных водителей Корпуса были чернокожими, которые были лишены возможности нести боевую службу. Сидни Пуатье играет капрала Эндрю Робинсона, который возмущается своим статусом гражданина второго сорта и раздражается на приказы, отданные его белым командиром лейтенантом Чиком Кэмпбеллом (Джефф Чендлер). Между тем, у Кэмпбелла есть свой крест в виде безжалостно враждебного сержанта Эрнеста Калека (Алекс Николь). Все конфликты забываются в кульминационном финале, итогом которого является обеспечение боеприпасами танков генерала Паттона во время наступления союзников на Париж в 1944 году.
Director of Photography
A lounge singer sees his career skyrocket after he signs a contract for a mobster nightclub owner.
Director of Photography
Ex-police/army dog King inherits a fortune from an eccentric millionaire. But someone poisons him for his fortune. He gets to go back to earth as a human detective to bring his killer to justice and protect the girl who used to look after him.
Director of Photography
The spoilt young son of a wealthy railroad owner manages to get himself lost in the middle of nowhere. He is found by a cowboy on a cattle drive and the lad must start learning the hard lessons of working in a team if he wants to make it to San Diego.
Director of Photography
An adventurer about to lose his sloop and diving equipment agrees to dive for illegal gold.
Director of Photography
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
Director of Photography
Architect Hal Norton and wife Meg invite his widowed mother Louisa to move in with them, only to discover the sweet elderly lady is romantically involved with what seems to be every old coot in town.
Director of Photography
Silver has been found on comanche territory and the government accomplished a peaceful agreement with the indians. When James 'Jim' Bowie comes into the scene he finds the white settlers living near by planning to attack the indians although they know about that agreement and the beautiful Katie seems to play a leading role in this intrigue.
Director of Photography
After stealing a gangster's money and his girlfriend, a doctor heads for a small village in Mexico to hide out.
Director of Photography
A federal agent infiltrates a crime syndicate.
Director of Photography
Brooklyn youth Frank Cusack, good son and brother by day, is a gang member by night. The Dukes, seemingly likable dead-end-kids, are dangerously involved with racketeer Gaggsy Steens. Despite the efforts of Franks's parents, he and pal Benny get involved in a serious crime. Can Stan Albert, head of the community center, prevent them from becoming full-time crooks?
Director of Photography
The Kettles and their fifteen children are about to be evicted from their rundown rustic home when Pa wins the grand prize by coming up with a new tobacco slogan. Birdie Hicks is jealous of the family's new wealth, which includes a completely automated modern home, and accuses Pa of stealing the slogan. Reporter Kim Parker proves Birdie wrong and marries Tom Kettle.
Director of Photography
A post World War 2, US Army agent is assigned to join the Foreign Legion in search of high ranking Nazi war criminal who may have also enlisted.
Director of Photography
Вдовец Дэвид Харви живет на ферме в Огайо с маленьким сыном Дэйви. Дэвид пытается вырастить сына так, как хотелось бы его покойной жене: с надлежащим обучением, чтением Библии и хорошими манерами. Дэвид покупает отданную в рабство служанку Рэйчел, а затем делает её своей женой, чтобы у Дэйви была мать. Этот брак заключен по расчёту, так что Дэвид не проявляет никаких чувств. Но всё меняется когда в гости приезжает его друг Джим и начинает ухаживать за Рэйчел.
Director of Photography
After the war, Matt Gordon returns to Singapore to retrieve a fortune in smuggled pearls. Arrived, he reminisces in flashback about his prewar fiancée, alluring Linda, and her disappearance during the Japanese attack. But now Linda resurfaces...with amnesia and married to rich planter Van Leyden. Meanwhile, sinister fence Mauribus schemes to get Matt's pearls.
Director of Photography
The son of a wealthy Maine family shocks his relatives by announcing he wants to pursue a career in music.
Camera Operator
Желая начать новую жизнь после возвращения с войны, городской пижон Боб покупает фермерское угодье с большими планами на развитие-взращивание кур и последующей продажей яиц. Правда, своими планами он не поделился со своей новоиспеченной супругой, городской штучкой Бэтти. У молодых разные взгляды на ферму, которая на самом деле требует больших усилий, чтобы превратиться в место, пригодное для жилья и ведения бизнеса. Боб и Бэтти знакомятся со своими соседями, среди которых Бэтти ждет настоящее испытание для терпения: гламурная соседка Харриет Путнэм определенно имеет виды на Боба.
Director of Photography
A facially disfigured and mentally unhinged man wreaks his revenge on those he blames for his condition.
Director of Photography
Government agents Ted Everett and Tumbleweed are sent to Spearville, Texas, where the law agencies have failed to stop a series of bank robberies. Arriving incognito, they become involved with the gang, and end up being accused of murdering banker Bartlet Mellon. They escape a lynch mob and return with evidence that Mellon has faked his death, hoping to gain the insurance, and is also leading the gang under another name.
Director of Photography
Сидящий в Дартмурской тюрьме вор скрывает местоположение украденных и спрятанных в музыкальных шкатулках печатных пластин Государственного банка Англии. Когда начинаются убийства невинных покупателей шкатулок, Холмс и Ватсон приступают к расследованию.
Director of Photography
Лондон в шоке от серии убийств, жертвы обнаружены в местном парке с разорваным горлом. Ходят слухи о появлении обортня. По соседству с парком расположен особняк, в котором проживает молодая и красивая женщина Филлис Алленби. Она веря в легенду о так называемом «Проклятье Алленби» начинает подозревать, что именно она и является «женщиной-волком».
Director of Photography
An unsuccessful sculptor saves a madman named "The Creeper" from drowning. Seeing an opportunity for revenge, he tricks the psycho into murdering his critics.
Director of Photography
Soon after a young woman breaks off her engagement to a doctor, the doctor is found murdered. Suspicion falls on his ex-fiancé and a pilot with a checkered past.
Director of Photography
Холмс нанят Роландом Карстэрсом, чтобы предотвратить воровство «Звезды Родезии», огромного алмаза, принадлежащего матери Карстэрса, Леди Маргарет. Догадываясь, что алмаз будет украден в поезде по пути от Лондона до Эдинбурга, Холмс ловко подменяет алмаз Леди Маргарет, в то время как заходил в ее купе. Вскоре после этого, Роланд был убит, а поддельный алмаз украден...
Director of Photography
A scientist who is working on a cure for influenza is victimized by his unscrupulous boss, who releases the vaccine before it's ready, resulting in the death of the scientist's son.
Director of Photography
American, Chinese and Australian agents join forces to stop the Nazis from obtaining the formula for synthetic fuel.
Director of Photography
Once again Paula the ape woman is brought back to life, this time by a mad doctor and his disfigured assistant, who also kidnaps a nurse in order to have a female blood donor.
Director of Photography
Before the outbreak of WWII, Nazi sympathizers plot to undermine America.
Director of Photography
A young girl journeys to Africa to find her father, an explorer who vanished in the jungle.
Director of Photography
Tom Benner controls the town and the water supply. When his stooge Mayor rebels, he has him killed and replaced with Bullseye Johnson who immediately brings in Matt Canway as the town Marshal. Conway doesn't carry a gun but he is soon on to Benner and out to prove that Benner has altered the survey lines to obtain the water rights.
Camera Operator
Complications ensue after a radio producer insults a sponsor.
Assistant Camera
A young boy, Pip, encounters an escaped prisoner, Magwitch, and steals food for him. After the convict is captured, Pip meets the reclusive Miss Havisham and her niece, Estella, eventually becoming friends with the girl. Wealth comes to Pip via a mysterious benefactor and he goes off to London for an education. As adults, Pip and Estella become romantic, and Pip learns the identity of his patron.