Abe Vogel
Восстановленная версия незавершенного фильма-долгостроя Орсона Уэллса о режиссере старой закалки Джейке Хэннафорде, который надеется вернуть себе славу благодаря новому провокационному кинохиту. Но его мечте не суждено сбыться: Хэннафорд погибает в автокатастрофе в день своего семидесятилетия. Остается вопрос, было ли это несчастным случаем?
Mr. Schwartz
Молодая женщина-доктор начинает подозревать, что в ее больнице творится что-то неладное. Относительно здоровые пациенты испытывают «осложнения» во время простых операций и впадают в кому. Затем несчастных коматозников отвозят в исследовательский институт, где они находятся под наблюдением. Доктору Сьюзан Уилер предстоит исследовать палаты, морги и другие мрачные места жутковатого медицинского центра Джефферсона и убедить своего скептически настроенного коллегу — доктора Марка, что ее подозрения — не паранойя.
Уилби Дэниэлс, преуспевающий юрист из районной прокуратуры, неожиданно обнаруживает, что он превратился в собаку. Однако он вынужден держать все в секрете до тех пор, пока не выяснит причину происходящего; пока же он скрывается от местных ловцов собак.
Golfer (uncredited)
Dexter Riley is a science student at Medfield College who inadvertently invents a liquid capable of rendering objects and people invisible. Before Dexter and his friends, Debbie and Richard Schuyler, can even enjoy their spectacular discovery, corrupt businessman A.J. Arno plots to get his greedy hands on it. Slapstick hijinks ensue as Dexter and his pals try to thwart the evil Arno before he can use the invisibility spray to rob a bank.
Don Knotts is Hollis Figg, the dumbest bookkeeper in town. When the city fathers buy a second-hand computer to cover up their financial shenanigans, they promote Figg to look after things, knowing he'll never catch on. Their plan backfires when Figg becomes self-important and accidentally discovers their plot.
Information Clerk #1
Man at Bar (uncredited)
Джесс Хэйвуд, выпускник медицинского колледжа в Филадельфии, в 1870 году отправляется на Дикий Запад, где собирается бороться со стоматологическим невежеством населения. Тем временем знаменитой грабительнице Пенелопе по прозвищу Плохая Пенни полиция гарантирует помилование, если она выдаст своих сообщников, других знаменитых грабителей. Пенни примечает простофилю дантиста, женит его на себе, а затем, путем переодевания превращает его в различных легендарных личностей, чье имя гремит на Диком Западе. Дантист меняет профессию и превращается в вольного стрелка.
В середине бурных 1920-х прибывшая в большой город девушка Милли сталкивается со всеми «прелестями» современного общества…
Chicken Feather
Недавно умерший Хирам Стокли узнает, что у него есть 24 часа, чтобы сделать какое-нибудь доброе дело для того, чтобы попасть в рай. С помощью своей давно умершей подруги Сецилии, ныне призрака, он хочет помешать жадному адвокату, Реджинальду Рипперу захватить наследство и защищать права законных наследников: Чака, Лили, двоюродной сестры Миртл и ее племянника, который ничего не подозревая приезжает с друзьями на пляжную вечеринку...
Taxi Driver
Молодая провинциалка Джоан Ховелль мечтает стать актрисой, она снимает маленькую квартирку вместе со своей подругой в Нью-Йорке, берет уроки актерского мастерства и работает горничной по вызову, убирая чужие квартиры. Однажды она знакомится с плейбоем и кутилой Томом Милфордом. Чтобы произвести на него впечатление, она выдает квартиру одного из своих клиентов за свою. Джоан и не предполагала, что хозяин этой квартиры — сам Милфорд…
Sign Painter
A young heiress must choose between six uncles, one of which is up to no good and out to harm the girl's beloved bodyguard who practically raised her.
Poor Jerome Littlefield. He wants to be a doctor – but that's not exactly the perfect career choice when you're hopelessly squeamish. So he settles for the job of orderly at the Whitestone Sanitarium, a career move that's guaranteed to keep the patients – and viewers – in stitches!
Songwriter at Rose's Office (uncredited)
The story of the country and western singer Hank Williams.
Happy Charlie
Story follows the life of Polly Adler, who grew to become one of New York's most successful bordello madams of the 1920s.
Bartender (uncredited)
An aspiring young singer unexpectedly gets her big break by inventing a specialized clothes rack.
A mad scientist introduces himself to us ("Come! I show you around!") and explains his specialty is crossing things ("I cross a pine mit a apple and I get a pineapple!"). His biggest ambition is cross his pet ape with something but doesn't know what. Enter Woody who comes to his door selling magazines. The scientist decides to cross the ape with a woodpecker and create a flying ape. Woody naturally doesn't want the experiment to take place and tries to flee the scientist's house after being captured. In the end, though, it's the ape who gets the last laugh...
Нью-Йоркский гангстер Красавчик Дэйв - парень с предрассудками. Он считает, что с ним ничего не может случиться, если каждый день он будет покупать яблоко у Яблочной Энни, вечно поддатенькой торговки фруктами. Хотя его помощник Джой Бой и шофер Джуниор считают это полной ерундой, его подружка всегда поддерживает все, чтобы не произнес ее дорогой Дэйв. В один прекрасный день Яблочной Энни не оказывается на ее обычном месте на углу улицы, и Дэйв отправляется ее искать. Он застает ее в глубокой депрессии, так как ее дочь Луиза, уверенная, что ее матушка уважаемая богатая матрона, приезжает в гости. С помощью Дэйва Яблочная Энни смогла чудесным образом преобразиться и выдать себя за «Миссис И. Уортингтон Мэнвилл», которой услуживают даже такие шишки, как мэр, губернатор и целая свора светской публики.
Mr. Wabenlotnee
Paramutual Pictures wants to know where all the money is going so they hire Morty to be their spy. Morty works for Mr. Sneak and gets a job in the mail room so that he can have access to the lot. But all that Morty ever finds is that he can cause havoc no matter what he does.
Bert Klaster
An opportunistic young Hollywood singer, loyal only to himself, steps on everyone he meets in order to achieve success and fame.
Pete (uncredited)
Лэрри Маккей, профессор колумбийского университета, становится ведущим театральным критиком Нью-Йорка и постепенно приобретает репутацию беспристрастного и порой безжалостного рецензента. Его жена Кейт мечтает о переезде в загородный дом, более подходящий для них и их четырёх сыновей, чем тесная нью-йоркская квартира. После переезда в деревню Кейт начинает принимать активное участие в постановке спектакля местными энтузиастами и совершенно довольна загородной жизнью. Лэрри же всё больше и больше погружается в театральную среду Нью-Йорка и вынужден разрываться между работой и семьёй.
Abe Diamond
Вдовец Тони живёт со своим сыном в собственном отеле, который вот-вот будет у него отобран за долги. Уже в который раз Тони строит грандиозные планы, разоряется, и, кажется, снова ему придётся занимать деньги у старшего брата.
Jewelry Store Manager
Jewel thieves Chico and Harpo Marx disguised as Groucho plan the perfect crime. Groucho appears as himself at the end in a police line up.
Mr. Field (uncredited)
Чикаго, 1930-е. Работающий на мафию адвокат и танцовщица из ночного клуба, оба в равной степени тщеславные и потрепанные жизнью, делают всё, чтобы завоевать симпатию друг друга.
Bernie (uncredited)
The Bowery Boys: In order to be able to get the names of winning horses at the track, Sach agrees to sell his soul to the devil.
Chris Matthews (uncredited)
Спортивный обозреватель женится на модельерше. Уже скоро они обнаруживают, что их общие интересы немногочисленны, хотя у каждого есть интригующие секреты, которые они тщательно скрывают…
Prof. A.K. Rimple
An eccentric scientist tricks the stooges into joining himself and his daughter on an expedition to Venus. On Venus, the boys go exploring and encounter some cannibalistic amazons who plan to devour them. The stooges escape and take off in the spaceship which goes wildly out of control. As the ship is about to crash, the scene changes to the annual meeting of the Liars Club, where the stooges win the prize as the biggest liars in the world.
The Waiter (uncredited)
In this musical-comedy, Dean Martin plays an American hotel mogul who becomes smitten with a young Italian woman (Anna Maria Alberghetti) when buying a hotel in Rome. To marry this gal, he has to get her three older sisters married off.
Mr. Dinklespiel
Joe dreams that the stooge's sister Birdie has died and been reincarnated as a horse. The stooges take Birdie home but must conceal her from the snoopy landlord. They succeed, but more complications ensue when Birdie gives birth to a colt. Joe wakes up to suffer some abuse from the real Birdie (Moe in drag), when he tells her he dreamed she was a horse.
Fight Promoter (uncredited)
Отец юного Рокки Барабелла был известным боксером-любителем, поэтому мальчик с детства хорошо усвоил, что с помощью кулаков можно быстрее достичь желаемого. Оказавшись в тюрьме, Рокки продолжает выяснять отношения кулаками. Его замечает менеджер Ирвинг Коэн. Выйдя на свободу, Рокки, взяв фамилию Грациано, под руководством Коэна начинает выигрывать бои. Но серьезный успех приходит к нему только после того, как он встречает Норму, которая становится его женой.
Roulette Croupier
Азартный ковбой Чак Рэдвелл обнаруживает, что ему сказочно везет в рулетку, если он держит за руку очаровательную танцовщицу Мари. Просто удивительно, как Чаку удалось это выяснить, ведь Мари не любит держаться за руку с юношей и вообще не желает этого делать. По крайней мере она уверена в этом поначалу. Чаку приходится прилагать немалые усилия, чтобы добиться расположения девушки, ведь от этого зависит его удача и будущий выигрыш.
The Eel
The stooges go to criminology school and graduate with the lowest possible honors. The boys join the police force and are assigned to track down a crook called the "Eel", who disguises himself as a woman. The stooges track the Eel to a hotel, but he slips through their hands after a wild chase. The stooges are booted off the force and wind up as ditch diggers. This was Shemp's last completed film.
Western lawman Bat Masterson sets out to prove a man standing trial for murder is innocent.
Arnold Dodge
Billy the Kid is forced to kill for the woman he loves, and is ultimately brought to justice by his old friend Pat Garrett.
Sylvester (uncredited)
Сценарист Марк Кристофер находится в творческом кризисе. Ему надоело сочинять сценарии для дурацких комедий, а ничего серьезного написать не получается. Однажды в канун Рождества он получает неожиданный и не очень приятный подарок: друзья из полиции нравов приводят к нему в дом семнадцатилетнюю преступницу Сьюзен. Она арестована за бродяжничество и драку с моряком. Марка уговаривают на время праздника приютить девушку, чтобы бедняжка не встречала Рождество в тюрьме, и предлагают написать с ее помощью сценарий о малолетних преступниках. Марк, тронутый судьбой Сьюзен, с неохотой соглашается и попадает в серьезные неприятности. Узнав, что "Сьюзен спала здесь", подруга Марка закатывает сцену ревности, но главная проблема заключается совсем не в этом...
Director Joseph Pevney's 1954 swashbuckling adventure saga stars Jeff Chandler as an adventurer trying to rescue a damsel kidnapped by pirates. The cast also includes Rhonda Fleming, Mamie Van Doren, Rex Reason, Lee J. Cobb, Hal March, Arthur Space, Benny Rubin, Harry Lauter and, as a promotional gimmick, Miss Universe 1953 (Christiane Martel of France) and a slew of other pageant contestants (Miss USA, Miss Japan, Miss Panama, Miss Norway, Miss Uruguay, Miss South Africa and Miss Australia).
Mr. Cash
Tax cheats Moe, Larry and Shemp decide they're so good at cheating the government, that they start a business as crooked tax advisors. They become rich, but an undercover agent from the IRS gets the goods on them, and its off to jail for the stooges.
Egyptian Driver
A small group of men and a tank stave off a German attack in a Bedouin desert during World War II.
Tramp Comic
Дон Ньюэлл, сценарист рейтингового реалити-хита «Преступление недели» имеет хитроумные отношения с актрисой Полой. Когда ее находят мертвой, он подозревается в убийстве. Вовлеченный в смертельные игры, Дон хочет написать сценарий для нового фильма. Его коллега Хинг удивлен такой деталью.
Charles Maylor
Одинокая звезда, комедийная актриса, встречается со слепым аккомпаниатором, ветераном войны. Она притворяется, что тоже ничего не видит, чтобы быть вместе с ним...
Escaped Convict
The stooges are auto mechanics who need money so they can marry their girls. When some escaped convicts pull into their garage, the boys manage to capture them and use the reward money to marry their sweethearts. It appears to be an early attempt at 3D with the closeups and effects used.
Antonio Zucchini Salami Gorgonzola dePizza
The stooges are policemen on the trail of a murderer. They unsuccessfully interrogate an Italian organ grinder, among other suspects, and then catch the bad guy after a gun fight that nearly destroys the police station.
Steve Gordon, an American agent posing as a black market operator, is in Tangier on a mission to stop the plans of three atomic-scientists who are there to pool their secrets and sell them in a package to the Communists.
Cabbie (uncredited)
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
Chinaman (uncredited)
Two window washers who are mistaken by Nick Craig, a bookie, as the messengers he sent for to pick up $50,000. Now the person he sent them to sent two of his men to get the money back but they found out about it. So they try to mail to Craig but a mix up has the money sent somewhere else and the woman who got it spent it. Now Craig needs the money to pay off one of his clients.
First Bird Lover with Eyeglasses (uncredited)
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
Pitch Man
Lum Edwards is annoyed with his partner in Pine Ridge's Jot-'em-Down general store, Abner Peabody, because Abner has swapped their delivery car for a racehorse. Lum is also too timid to propose to Geraldine, so he involves Abner in a "rescue" effort which nearly gets both of them killed. They try again, and this time Geraldine is impressed. Lum writes a proposal note, but Abner, by mistake, delivers it to the Widder Abernathy, who has been ready to remarry for years. This puts Lum in a peck of trouble until the sheriff appears with the Widder's long-gone and hiding husband.
Second Waiter
The gang is sent to the Wilton Reform School after they are unjustly convicted of stealing a truck. Bill Collins, brother of co-leader Danny, becomes involved in a killing and, while also innocent, is convicted and sentenced to death. Through a series of events, Muggs, Glimpy, Danny and the rest of the gang, learn that Knobby, a henchman of Luke Manning, knows something about the murder.
"Hey, kids, let's get together and put on a show!" That's the idea behind this raucous spoof about a vaudeville performer who's sent to college to spy on his bratty son.
Cafe cook
Harry Langdon and Charley Rogers star in this 1941 Monogram comedy, about two bumbling brothers who take jobs at a New York food cannery and accidentally lose a valuable diamond inside a can of pork-and-beans.
Боксер Джо Пендлтон по пути на следующий бой попадает в авиакатастрофу. Виной тому оказывается ангел-новичок, который поторопился изъять из тела Джо его душу. Прежде, чем ангел успевает исправить свою оплошность, тело Джо кремируют. Тогда повелитель небес мистер Джордан дает душе Джо контроль над телом только убитого своей женой Джулией миллионера Брюса Фарнсворта…
Smather (uncredited)
Фильм об истории репортера, которому поручено выяснить подробности биографии недавно умершего газетного магната Кейна.
Music Publisher
An elderly schoolmarm makes a hit in New York after a bandleader jazzes up her corny song.
Perky young Nanette attempts to save the marriage of her uncle and aunt by untangling Uncle Jimmy from several innocent but ensnaring flirtations. Attempting one such unentanglement, Nanette enlists the help of theatrical producer Bill Trainor, who promptly falls in love with her. The same thing happens when artist Tom Gillespie is called on for help. But soon Uncle Jimmy's flirtations become too numerous, and Nanette's romances with Tom and Bill run into trouble. Will Uncle Jimmy's marriage survive, and will Nanette find happiness with Tom, Bill, or somebody else?
Ann Fenwick is a witness to a bank robbery in the U.S. and the bandits, led by Trigger (Warner Richmond) and Leon (Ted Adams) capture her and when she disappears, a warrant is issued for her arrest as a material witness. The bank robbers flee across the border into Canda where they steal a trailer in which they lock Ann and the loot. The hitch breaks and the trailer plunges into a lake. Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill) and Constable Kelly (Dave O'Brien), of the Canadian Mounties,rescue Ann and she tells them she is a hitch-hiking tourist and gives a false name. Renfrew sends Kelly for aid, Ann escapes and Kelly returns with the news that she is wanted. The leader of the gang, Cardigan (Milburn Stone), sends the gang back for Ann and the loot, which Ann has hidden in a trappers cabin, just before Trigger recaptures her. Renfrew goes to her rescue, but is also captured. But reliable Constable Kelly is somewhere in the woods.
Prince Chris Manusha
For some unexplained reason, sales of waffle irons have plummeted. Evelyn Foster, president of the Magic Circle Waffle Iron Company, and Richard Wright, president of the Four Square Waffle Iron Company, decide to merge their companies and get married as well. When Richard insists that the new company make square waffle irons rather than round ones, Evelyn calls off the marriage and the company merger. Richard meets a Hindu yogi, who helps him win Evelyn back.
Swingopater Trombonist
At the Dimsdale Hall Finishing School, Assistant Dean Emily Godsall declares that any student who associates herself with swing music will be severely punished. Complications develop when she finds out that her boyfriend, a chemistry professor at the school, is also a well-known swing bandleader.
Marvin Piermont
Reporter Jane Arden goes undercover to try to expose a gang of jewel thieves and smugglers. Her mission becomes more dangerous when her identity is discovered early on by one of the gang leaders.
Dr. McLevy
In this domestic comedy, a social climbing wife inadvertently creates trouble when she insists that her husband invite a renowned financier, who is new in town, to their house for dinner. Her husband doesn't know the man, and is too intimidated to ask him; instead, he hires an actor to play him.
Two men running a carnival airplane ride are hired to fly to retrieve what they think are photos for a reporter. Actually, they are retrieving diamonds stolen from a noted gem dealer. As it turns out, their plane crashes on the very estate of the dealer. Thinking the duo are police officers, the dealer offers his home for their convalescence from the accident. Meanwhile, the diamonds have been snatched by a kleptomaniac dog and buried on the estate. When the smugglers track down the pair, they try to convince the dealer that they are officials from an institution from which the two have escaped. Before long, the carnival fellows, the crooks, the gem dealer and his family, along with a platoon of cops, are tearing up the grounds to find where the dog has buried the diamonds.
This wacky vaudeville-style romp casts the irreverent comedy team as feuding co-owners of a drug company, William “Willy” Hobbs (Wheeler) and Claude Augustus Horton (Woolsey), who agree to wrestle each other for the sole ownership of the business. The winner will take the company and the loser must become the other’s valet for a year. But when Hobbs loses, he sends his wife to Florida and schemes to trick Horton. What follows are hilarious hijinks as only Wheeler and Woolsey can pull off!
A newborn seal pup has to learn how to fish on his own, without help from any of his family or friends.
Determined to break into Hollywood and become movie stars, three young men crash a movie set and proceed to disrupt a temperamental director's big production.
An actor and two songwriters become rural con men.
As co-owners of a hotel, three young men decide upon a gimmick to drum up business--they do impressions of movie stars.
Husband-and-wife vaudeville stars separate when success goes to his head.
A toothpaste magnate's mischievous daughter, tired of her father's traditional ways of conducting business, joins forces with her father's rival and a crazy inventor. Together they create "Cocktail Toothpaste". The new concoction tastes like whiskey in the morning, a martini at suppertime, and champagne at night.
Jimmy Durante asks popular song writing team Mack Gordon and Harry Revel to demonstrate some of their songs. There is interplay with impersonator Florence Desmond, Ben Turpin, Rudy Vallee and many others.
Benny Rubin promotes a wrestling show but ends up wrestling Constantine "Strangler" Romanoff himself.
Detective Benny Rubin
Two incompetent private detectives pose as swamis in order to infiltrate a gang of bank robbers.
Running Hollywood is a comedy short.
Benny Rubin is a New York City vaudeville performer who inherits a hotel in California, and takes all of his ham-actor friends there, as chefs, bellhops, maids and waiters, to help him run it. BUsiness is bad so Benny plants a story that his late uncle hid his fortune in the hotel. The place is soon filled with guests who tear down the hotel looking for the non-existent fortune.
Julius and Sizzer
After the success of "Little Caesar," "Public Enemy" and "Scarface," here is the inevitable parody, in which Liddle Sizzer engages in a vicious Chicago gang war. He's aided by his innocent twin brother, Julius, a greenhorn from the Old Country. Both are played by Benny Rubin.
Benny Rubin is a Messenger Boy who gets into trouble with everyone.
Stout Hearts and Willing Hands is a 1931 short comedy film directed by Bryan Foy. It was nominated for an Academy Award in 1932 for Best Short Subject (Comedy), but was disqualified.
Benny Rubin takes a tour of the Lame Brain Sanitarium and meets some of its strange patients.
When a shipping clerk is recruited by his employer to help his golf game, his boss insists he conceal his humble identity at the country club.
Benny Goldberg
The star pitcher on the Pittsburgh ball team gets into trouble with a gold-digging groupie and his catcher helps him get back into the game.
Benny Rubin performs vaudeville routines between singing and dancing acts.
Benny Krantz
Story of a football hero whose temper and drinking threaten his spot on the team, and his romantic life. His naive comical roommate remains his steadfast supporter.
Andy Little
A successful songwriter, dazzled by high society, falls for a society girl who is just playing around.
The Doctor
A wild-partying flapper marries a cowboy and tries to adjust to life on a western ranch.
A talented songwriter gets his inspiration for songs from others and not from within himself. He is oblivious that he may harm other people when he uses their stories or their love for himself.
Jack and Jerry are doing okay between profession baseball and Vaudeville. That is, until love and gold-diggers get in the way.
Benny Friedman
Casey and Babe are sisters who work in a department store and each year the store puts on a show. As expected, things are going wrong with every act until Casey comes out to help Babe with her song. They are a hit, but in the final act, Casey again comes out and this time the president sees her act and fires both her and Babe on the spot. Benny is able to book Casey, Babe and Dean into Vaudeville and their act is popular. But before they have their shot at stardom, Dean and Babe leave Casey and the act.
At the conclusion of World War I, a French girl is romanced by an American doughboy even though she is promised to a French soldier who was sent to the front.
Benny Cohen
A cloak room girl (Alice White) falls for a rich boy who may not actually be rich.