Mobster Foots Pulardos, who operates a health gym as a front, plans to flee to Mexico to evade government tax officials. His girl friend, Sugar Pye, suggests that he first arrange for the cremation of a man having his own peculiar identifying characteristic--feet of different sizes--and then apply for a Diners' Club card for use in paying his fare. The request for the credit card comes to the desk of Ernie Klenk, a timid clerk. Nervous about his forthcoming marriage to the boss's secretary, Lucy, Ernie inadvertently okays the application, then, discovering his mistake, rushes to the health gym to recover the club card he has issued.
В этом фильме отдается дань уважения людям, стоявшим за кулисами первых американских полетов в космос. Особое внимание уделяется исторической достоверности, что получило помощь и поддержку со стороны командования Военно-воздушных сил США. Главным героем повествования является некий врач, служащий в ВВС, который проводит множество испытаний и экспериментов, должных дать ответ на вопросы, как человеческое тело будет реагировать на космическое путешествие включая: выброс космической капсулы с высоты 15 000 км., полет со скоростью 1800 км/час и спуск с высоты 30 км. на воздушном шаре. Его жена помогает ему во всех его начинаниях, даже тогда, когда он использует себя в качестве «подопытного кролика».
When selfish and arrogant millionaire Donald Carson fractures his leg during a desert vacation, his wife, Geraldine, leaves with their friend Joseph Duncan to supposedly get help. However, the two of them are really lovers who are leaving Carson to die in the heat. Slowly, Carson realizes he is on his own and vows revenge on the traitorous couple. Having had a privileged life, Carson must now use his wits to stay alive.
During the Korean War Lt. Sam Pryor volunteers his platoon to escort Greek troops to perform a reconnaissance mission behind Communist lines. Due to his Greek heritage Pryor is initially proud to accompany the Greek contingent but his feelings change to scorn and mistrust when what he believes is cowardice shown by the Greek soldiers and their leaders results in the near annihiliation of his own platoon. An uneasy alliance is maintained between the US and Greek troops as the enemy's true objective is learned.