Nicole Davrieux


Art Direction
Heartbroken, Maite arrives at a coastal town where the few residents live out their lonely lives. The peace soon disappears, when they come across an unconscious sailor on the beach one day, prompting Maite to decide whether to move forward and create a new life or remain stranded on those shores.
Production Design
The death of patriarch Alfredo sends his heirs into a downward spiral. With the pending sale of their beach house, a repository of childhood memories, three siblings’ long-simmering resentments are brought to a full boil. Alternating between moments of laugh-out-loud absurdity and stirring beauty, Alelí is a knowing black comedy about a dysfunctional family that seems willing to set everything on fire.
Art Direction
В то время как сообщения об акулах вызывают панику в небольшом пляжном городке, 14-летняя Розина начинает кружить вокруг своей собственной добычи, поскольку ее интенсивное влечение к молодому человеку, старше ее, растет.
Art Direction
Federico Veiroj’s fourth feature examines the many, often contradictory layers that make up one’s persona, in this case, a single dad and acclaimed artist who must learn to balance family with creativity.
Молчание неба
Costume Design
На Диану в собственном доме напали двое мужчин и изнасиловали. Но она решает не обращаться в полицию и не рассказывать о случившемся мужу, просто прибирается дома и делает вид, как будто ничего не произошло. А её муж Марио немного необычный человек — он обладает целым набором фобий.
Dolphins Go East
Costume Designer
Miguel Ángel García Mazziotti, a Río de la Plata's decadent showbiz gay figure, receives the visit of his daughter Virginia, of whom he has been distanced for years. "The Fat", as everybody calls him in Punta del Este, openly rejects her visit, but when realizes will become a grandfather he can't help getting thrilled and celebrate Virginia's happiness. As a result they share a real familiar weekend that, as many families, to be happy it has to be fake.
Dolphins Go East
Art Direction
Miguel Ángel García Mazziotti, a Río de la Plata's decadent showbiz gay figure, receives the visit of his daughter Virginia, of whom he has been distanced for years. "The Fat", as everybody calls him in Punta del Este, openly rejects her visit, but when realizes will become a grandfather he can't help getting thrilled and celebrate Virginia's happiness. As a result they share a real familiar weekend that, as many families, to be happy it has to be fake.
Дождь навсегда
Art Direction
Что может быть хуже в 15 лет, чем каникулы с отцом? Только каникулы, когда без остановки идет дождь. Спасти от такой напасти может только большое приключение. Чтобы каникулы не прошли зря, Люсия придумывает тайный план встречи с Санти, симпатичным парнем на мопеде, интерес которого она почувствовала. План требует соучастников и абсолютной тайны. Смешной, очень «девичий», а местами меланхоличный фильм, совсем как летний дождь, который льет уже неделю. «Дождь навсегда» рассказывает историю первой любви, взросления, последних каникул с родителями.
Norberto's Deadline
Art Direction
After being fired from his job, Norberto tries his luck as a real estate agent, but he doesn't tell his wife right away. His new boss advises him to take an assertiveness course to overcome his shyness, and Norberto starts taking classes in an acting workshop for beginners. While he works toward the quarterly festival, Norberto fails to get his wife and clients to believe anything he says, but he finds out he is very good at lying to himself.