Paco España


Gay Club
Paco España
A group of homosexual friends tries to set up a gay club in a town in Andalusia, meeting the opposition of the chief who will use all his resources to try to prevent it.
A Man Called Autumn Flower
La Mondonguera
Lluis de Serracant leads a double life. By day he's a young lawyer, scion of a Catalan bourgeois family. At night he's a transvestite performer known to his fans as "Flower of Autumn".
Тайные удовольствия
Красавец мужчина 40-летний президент банка Эдуардо на улице случайно встречает молодого парня Мигеля, в которого влюбляется с первого взгляда. Чтобы завоевать этого парня он выслеживает где тот живет и посылает ему приглашение устроиться к нему в банк на работу. Приглашение было принято. Более того, вскоре Мигель становится личным секретарем банкира, допечатывая на машинке его незавершенный роман. «Крепость» с каждым днем все больше попадает в осаду. Что не осталось без внимания со стороны друзей и сослуживцев Эдуардо. В конце концов мужчина решает в открытую признаться парню в своих чувствах...
The Transsexual
Sympathetic look at the tragic life of cabaret singer Lorna, who was born a man but really just wants to be a woman. She meets a man who loves her but she can't tell him the truth and decides instead to get an operation so she'll be all woman.
La Carmen
A young ex-seminarian named José is doing his military service in Córdoba. There he meets Carmen, a beautiful flamenco dancer who falls madly in love, to the point that he steals to get money for her, so he will be imprisoned. José does not support the separation and, when he is driven by the Civil Guard on a train, he runs off by jumping out the window. He then left for Madrid in search of Carmen, who now lives in the company of his uncle, the lame, master of dancers. The woman welcomes José coldly, although they engage in a strange and tense relationship behind the back of El Morao, her former pimp, who lives with her again (jsanchez, IMDb).
Make Crazy... Not War
Lola Reyes is a singer who is succeeding and, therefore, is besieged by everyone. A group of homosexuals are the only ones authorized by his possessive mother to be her friends. Lola falls for a painter, and he falls for her, so her gay gang make him pose as one of them for the mother to authorize the friendship.