April Hartman

April Hartman


April Hartman


The Woman Under the Stage
The Bell
A young woman discovers just how far she will go to achieve immortality while receiving the role of a lifetime in a mysterious stage play said to be cursed.
Dr. Kim Hunter and the Apparition
The film is about a celebrity medium that gets pulled back into her past and her home town when someone she knows seeks her help with an "apparition" plaguing their family home. She as a Trans woman, moved away many years ago and hasn't returned, when she does she begins to realize that some of her memories are "missing" and that becomes very apparent once the case gets deeper. The story revolves around her finding the truth about the apparition and herself.
Incubus: New Beginnings
Malory Clarkson
Six college friends in their late thirties reunite to support one of them going through a divorce. All of them are at crossroads in their lives and looking for a fresh start. An Incubus demon enlists the aid of two ghosts to help terrorize them as he seeks to impregnate the women and take their babies back to hell.
Sheer Pandemic
Two unemployed friends become entangled with a gangster once the money starts rolling in after selling black-market toilet paper during a pandemic.
The Devil's Ring
After a Traumatic past, a once promising young Boxing prospect , Anthony Santiago ( Alexander Luna) returns home from Prison to seek redemption, only to catch the attention of a big Boxing Promoter, Mr. Deville ( Damian Chapa) with a Sinister reputation. After a Deal gone wrong, the young boxer must now seek help from a retired Champion, Roy DeSilva ( Al Dias) in a literal fight for his Soul from the Devil himself. From Award Winning Director Juan Salas , "The Devil's Ring".
Игра на выживание
Владелец техасского автосалона решает разыграть внедорожник среди двадцатки избранных. Безобидное шоу с живой музыкой и бесплатной выпивкой оборачивается нешуточным испытанием для его участников. Среди претендентов – молодой отец семейства Кайл, стремящийся всеми силами упрочить свои жизненные позиции. Он должен продержаться до конца, несмотря на нечеловеческую усталость и козни соперников…
Female Officer
An undocumented immigrant, Roberto, seeks a way to become lawful, but all efforts are put on hold when he becomes a new father at the onset of the US government's 'Zero Tolerance' child separation policy at the US / Mexico border.
Ничего кроме крови
Сюжет разворачиваются вокруг журналистки из маленького провинциального городка, которая пытается придать огласке открытие новой скандальной церки. В тот момент, как религиозная организация внедряется в город, жизнь многих жителей города начинает приобретать крайне неожиданный и жестокий оборот, который потрясет ее до самой сердцевины.
Перепутье Хантера Уайлда
Хантер Уайлд - лидер христианской коммуны постапокалиптического мира. В окружающем мире царит хаос, и жителей общины ежедневно подвергаются риску. Помимо этого, демоны начали охоту за душой Хантера. Если им удастся осуществить свои планы, всей коммуне настанет конец.
No Ordinary Love
Elizabeth Jeffries
Lines between romantic ideals and control become blurred when Tanya's husband can no longer handle the stress of his career as a police officer. His warm kisses turn cold, and she is left fighting for her life. At the same time, Elizabeth's idyllic life is marred when her charming husband manipulates her into believing that she is going insane. As Elizabeth counsels Tanya, she realizes the signs of abuse in her own marriage. When both women decide to leave, they realize it isn't going to go as smoothly as they'd planned. The escape they seek, turns deadly.
Karen Hardy
Стрелок с дикого Запада, погибший много лет назад, восстаёт из мёртвых, чтобы остановить банду мотоциклистов-оборотней, которые терроризируют жителей маленького городка.
Amanda Harms
Это история Джека и Аманды Хармс, которые после смерти своей маленькой дочери отправились в уединенное место, чтобы начать свою жизнь заново. Вскоре после их прибытия все идет наперекосяк, когда грехи их прошлого возвращаются, чтобы преследовать их.
The Conway Curve
Donna Conway
When Natalie Conway's father passes away, she believes she will forever be on her own. So when her long lost brother, Luke, returns after a twenty-year hiatus she's elated. He's a missing piece to a familial puzzle that she believed lost. There's only one problem - Luke is a notorious scam-artist, and Natalie is the sole heir to their family's small fortune. Her feelings and his motives collide as brother and sister vie to get what they desire.
Saving the Tin Man
Emily Kilgore
Saving the Tin Man is a story about survival told from the perspective of four people, all doing their best to find light in a darkened world. Four stories. Four struggles. Four people colliding together in a last minute effort to help save the Tin Man - proving that even when the odds are stacked against them, the power of faith prevails.
Blood Reunion
Fifteen years ago Winona became a vampire. She was imprisoned in her grave by Father Rivers, and Winona's young daughter, Janeth, was sent to live with relatives in another state. Now Janeth is grown, and back in town to try to come to terms with the memory of losing her mother. Unknowingly she releases her mother from her grave, and now Winona is out for revenge on Father Rivers, his family, and all those responsible for her being imprisoned in the grave for all those years. Her lust for blood and vengeance must be satisfied!
Blissful Lies
Blaire Christianson
Blissful Lies examines the close ties and bonds between a group of 5 college-aged people who find that the limits of their relationships are tested when secrets and lies begin to rise to the surface.
Sarah Davis
A small town sheriff discovers the bodies of missing teens, and with no leads to follow, he faces both personal and professional tribulations.