Jack Connolly

Рождение : 1889-07-15, Denver, Colorado, USA


Shaw Talks for Movietone News
Famous author George Bernard Shaw's monologue to an audience on a variety of topics, including his impression of Mussolini's stern facial expressions. TITLE CARDS READ "1927. SHAW TALKS FOR MOVIETONE Several months before 'The Jazz Singer' appeared, sound films of current events and of interview with eminent figures of the day had been issued by the Fox Film Corporation. The voice in the interview given here is recorded with a precision rare in the early talkies. / William Fox Has the Honor to Present / The World's Outstanding Literary Genius / GEORGE BERNARD SHAW / First Appearance in America Recorded by Fox Case Movietone Western Electric System"
Night Life in Hollywood
A picture depicting the engrossing adventures of a small town youth in Hollywood and showing the intimate home life of some of the screen's greatest stars.
Bluebeard, Jr
Tom Beech
Newlyweds Tom and Nan Beech have trouble settling into their tiny new apartment, and once they have, they get into an argument that sends Nan storming out. Almost as soon as she is gone, Tom gets word that his uncle will give him 50 thousand dollars if he can prove he is a happily married, successful businessman.
The Lincoln Highwayman
Marian Calvert becomes infatuated with the infamous Lincoln Highwayman ....
The Sawdust Doll
Jim Davis
Sally Lou, the small daughter of village blacksmith Jim Davis, uses her sawdust doll to take the place of a real mother.
The Old Maid's Baby
Frank Dodge
Christine, known as Tiny, whose mother eloped with a circus clown and became a parachutist, spends most of her time with her lame dog and an elephant.
True Blue
Earl's secretary
True Blue begins with the marriage of black-sheep British nobleman Gilbert Brockhurst to the daughter of a Western rancher. When he learns that he has inherited his father's title and estate, Brockhurst deserts his wife and young son Bob. Upon attaining adulthood, Bob becomes the boss of his grandfather's ranch.
A Jewel in Pawn
Bob Hendricks
Widow Martin struggles to rear her little daughter Nora amid the squalor of the slums yet imbue her with the refinement to which she had been accustomed in her girlhood.
The Gates of Doom
Terence Unger
Indore, an Indian woman married to the English Captain Terence Unger is imprisoned by the prince after she gives birth to a baby daughter named Agatha. On his deathbed, Unger beseeches his friend Francis Duane to care for Agatha which Duane does, returning to England with the infant.
The Silent Battle
James Loring (as J.F. Connolly)
Inheriting his father's alcoholism, Lawyer Tom Gallatin goes into the woods to rehabilitate himself. Once there, he loses his way and then meets Jane Loring, who is also lost. They are attracted to each other, but when Jane offers him a drink from a flask, Tom takes more than just a few sips, and then tries to rape her.
The Insurance Swindlers
Ben Travers
The insurance companies, organized in one mighty trust, have been using the policy holders' money to speculate with. Tom Larnigan has announced that he will investigate and proceed against the trust.
Old King Coal
Ben Travers
Stone assures Weisner, head of the Coal Trust, that Larnigan will never start for Pennsylvania. Weisner is skeptical and informs Stone that if he does go he may be killed, as a strike is in progress. Weisner, a little later in Maxwell's home repeats the statement of it being an easy matter to kill Tom should be come to the coal country. Dorothy Maxwell and Kitty Rockford overhear the conversation. They decide to go to the coal country and lend their aid to Tom.
America Saved from War
Ben Travers
The plan is this: a foreign man of war is interned in the harbor. By blowing up this boat, Carney figures that strained relation existing between this country and warring nations will snap and the United States will be drawn into the conflict. This would mean untold orders and profit for the Steel Trust. Stone and Carney plan to carry out the plot with aid of an eccentric inventor named Bill Bean.
The Railroad Monopoly
Ben Travers
Tom Larnigan, encouraged by his victory over the Textile Trust, turns his attention to the Railroad Monopoly. Tom receives warning from the Graft Trust to cease his activities or suffer the fate of his father and brother.
Grinding Life Down
Ben Travers
The experience of Bruce on the grain steamer has been a great shock to Dorothy. She thinks Stone responsible and breaks her engagement, despite the pleadings of her father. Tom Larnigan is working for the Textile Trust in Lyndham. The low wages have caused a strike. Tom does what he can for the workers.