Francisco Jarque

Francisco Jarque

Рождение : 1933-04-23,


Francisco Jarque


L'est de la brúixola
Cambrer 3
The concern of a group of people to avoid the sale of the Barcelona pension where they live is altered by the appearance of Dabashree, an Indian woman, and her 8-year-old son. The mysterious mission that Dabashree takes to Barcelona will awaken the curiosity of the inhabitants of the inn until an unexpected event will cause the woman to reveal her secret.
Marry Me, Maribel
Maribel (Natalia Dicenta) is a prostitute working in Madrid in the late fifties. One night he meets Marcelino (Carlos Hipolito), shy and quiet man who falls for her. For Maribel is in principle a client more, but gradually begins to feel attracted to the shy provincial, owner of a chocolate factory in Soria. Pili (Nathalie Seseña), Rufi (Mireia Ros) and Nini (Malena Alterio), the companions of Maribel, truculent by nature suspicious of this relationship and begin to suspect that the provincial could be a murderer. When Maribel Marcelino asks her to marry him, they intervene and away from Marcelino and his "strange family". Adapted from the play "Maribel and the Strange Family" by Miguel Mihura.
Mal de amores
Sevilla Connection
Dr. Panadell
El largo invierno
In 1939, Ramón was a young man, caught up in his Barcelona family's involvement on the Republic side in the brutal Spanish Civil War. He and his family fled into exile ahead of Franco's troops. Now it is many years later, and he has come back to see how his old homestead fared in the intervening years. The only person he can find who is able to remember those years clearly is his family's old butler Claudio.
Ho sap el ministre?
Cambrer Hotel
Les aparences enganyen
Pablo César
La teranyina
Garum (Fantastic Contradictions)
Enric Germa, restless painter of paintings, travels to Garum to visit Norbre Estru, an art collector, married to Lebia, a beautiful and provocative woman, with whom he falls in love and with whom he maintains a passionate relationship with his back to her husband . Maia, Naga, Lasia and Rala, a group of splendid and magical women, dispute Enric's love. During your stay in Garum, you will experience fantastic situations and meet strange beings who will introduce you to unimaginable dimensions, which will lead you to a surprising and unexpected ending.
Scent of a Crime
Spain, 1950s. The corpse of an unknown person appears in the town square of Bocentellas, within the mythical territory of Región. The inhabitants will ask for help to Captain Medina, young officer in command of a nearby military fort, until the arrival of the judge.
Barrios altos
Veronica, divorced with a son, begins to organize her life and adapt to the new situation. Her problems are relegated to a second term when Carlos, her masseur, is murdered. Knowing himself in danger, Carlos left a message on Veronica's answering machine: she had to pick up a package hidden in the toilets of a railway station. From that moment, Veronica will not know the calm.
La senyora
Romanza final (Gayarre)
Biography of Julian Gayarre (1844-1890), one of the best tenors of all times. At 19, a professor at the Conservatory of Music in Madrid heard him singing for the first time and offered him a scholarship to continue his studies. His artistic life runs between continued success, becoming the world's greatest tenor. But in 1890, while singing at the Teatro Real in Madrid, a failure in his voice is like a cruel reminder of what would happen a few days later: his death at a young age. The doctors gave a diagnosis, but his friends know that Julian Gayarre died because he could not sing anymore.
Los nuevos curanderos
Star Knight
A medieval alchemist (Klaus Kinski), knight (Harvey Keitel) and priest (Fernando Rey) mistake a flying-saucer alien for a dragon.
El caso del cadáver descuartizado
Casero de Pablo
May 1, 1929. A decomposing headless body is found inside an abandoned wooden box in Madrid's Atocha train station. The victim is later identified as a Barcelona businessman that vanished six months before.
Фанни Пелопаха
История странных отношений любви-ненависти преступницы-рецидивистки и полицейского. Фанни потеряла мужа. Его убил Андрес Гальего, которому Фанни и поклялась отомстить. Садисту Гальего тоже есть что терять. И тут начинается охота, исходом которой может стать только смерть.
Victòria! 3: El seny i la rauxa
Yo amo la danza
Conductor de autobús
Victòria! 2: La disbauxa del 17
Victòria! La gran aventura d'un poble
In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.
El fascista, doña Pura y el follón de la escultura
The consortium of the people approve a proposal from the Mayor; instruct Ramon, a ruined sculptor, an equestrian statue of Franco. Luis, one of the councilors, visit Ramon and proposes the commission, Ramon rejects for ideological grounds, but after thinking it accepts as there are no marble equestrian statues. When Ramon finally finished the statue, the whole consortium believes it is past time to inaugurate a statue of Franco. To satisfy Ramon approve the making of a new statue. This is dedicated to democracy.
Los embarazados
Marido de Gumersinda
La leyenda del tambor
La cripta
A patient is released from a mental hospital to help the police find a student who disappeared a few days ago.
Южнее Барселоны
Cliente del club
Одержимая поисками своего бывшего парня, 25-летняя Гумер выходит из тюрьмы в Барселоне, одном из самых популярных портовых городов Европы за незаконный оборот наркотиков и проституцию. Чаро, ее лучший друг, пытается ей помочь, хотя она не свободна, так как зависит от своего сутенера «Тони». Но Гумер уговорит Чаро бросить Тони и вместе с другими друзьями сформировать группу, чтобы начать собственное дело.
Inter Rail
Eva is 18 years old and decides to go inter railing through Europe after she has finished school. She has decided to meet up with Klaus in Amsterdam but things get more complicated when she meets Bosse on the way.
La quinta del porro
Padre de Antonio
The Latest Scams of 'El Torete'
Don Hilario
While the Torete rob banks, the Heifer, another delinquent who has not noticed it, enters the same place to rob him. After failing the coup, both decide to associate.
La campanada
Empleado garage (as Jarque Zurbano)
Los bingueros
Hombre velatorio 1
Fernando Esteso, Andres Pajares and Antonio Ozores... funny, sexy and great movie!!!
Companys, procés a Catalunya
1939: The remains of the Spanish Republican Army crossed the French border. Among the exiles are Lluís Companys, President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and also Aguirre, President of the Basque Government. After the invasion of France by Nazi troops, Companys will be arrested by the Gestapo and handed over to the Francoist authorities. Led by the Count of Mayalde, he is transferred to Madrid and later to Barcelona. After a summary trial, Companys is condemned to death and shot.
...And Give Us Our Daily Sex
Dependiente casa de empeños
A pair of sexy bisexual nurses live in an apartment building, one floor up from a middle-aged couple and their son Albert, who is busy putting his new science project—a periscope—to good use by spying on the lingerie-wearing lovelies. Meanwhile, Albert’s mother is being even naughtier than her precious boy, sneaking off for some extra-marital action while her hair-obsessed husband is at the salon, having his follicles tended to.
¿Podrías con 5 chicas a la vez?
Óscar, Kina y el láser
Let's Go, Barbara
Conductor Autobús
Ana is Catalan, daughter of a bourgeois family and works in a studio in advertising. She is 38 years old and has only lived with her husband, with whom she has a relationship cold but accepted by both. Although his family is opposed, decides to leave her husband and takes a vacation with her daughter Barbara, of 12 years, in order to leave behind all the past and start a freer life, with fewer ties, less conventional.
A Man Called Autumn Flower
Lluis de Serracant leads a double life. By day he's a young lawyer, scion of a Catalan bourgeois family. At night he's a transvestite performer known to his fans as "Flower of Autumn".
Бабочка на плече
Homme qui accueille Roland dans le port (uncredited)
Во время отдыха на море Ролан обнаружил в соседнем номере труп. Неожиданно его самого обвиняют в убийстве, помещают в загадочную клинику, где постоянно допрашивают. Ему предъявляют маленький чемодан, который он раньше никогда не видел, в качестве улики, а он безуспешно пытается понять, где находится и почему в убийстве обвиняют именно его…
Professor de matemàtiques
In this docudrama, life in a Catalan village in the early years of the Franco era (1939-1975) is chronicled.
Es pecado... pero me gusta
Dueño del hotel
Una familia decente
Detective 3
Las marginadas
La dudosa virilidad de Cristóbal
Inspector de adopción (as Jarque Zurbano)
Pubertad, adolescencia, la edad difícil
A group of adolescents from the same school, although of different social classes, intervene between them. Oscar falls in love with Sandra until Diego seduces her and makes her pregnant...
Libertad provisional
A small-time delinquent young man and a book saleswoman at home delivery, who occasionally engage in prostitution as a derivative of her work, try a way of coexistence on the basis of mutual freedom schemes.
Долгие каникулы 36-го
Лето 1936-го года несколько семей из Барселоны привычно собирались провести в своих загородных домах. Но началась гражданская война, и отпуск для большинства из них затянулся на три года. Несмотря на то, что симпатии невольных дачников разделились между разными сторонами конфликта, все они прекрасно понимали, что выжить в начавшемся противостоянии могут только вместе, какие бы власти не сменялись на их многострадальной земле…
Los inmorales
Spanish Fury
Hincha 1
Season 1973-1974. After fourteen years of drought, the FC Barcelona of Johan Cruyff is making a spectacular campaign. Sebastián, a great fan of soccer, decides then to join a Barça's supporters club. There he will meet the daughter of his friend Amadeo, an attractive young woman who will not stop until Sebastián agrees to marry her. The couple will celebrate their wedding on the same day that Barça and Madrid compete for the League.
Цена Клары
Клара Вальвереде снимается в сомнительных кинолентах, скрывая свою работу от супруга-архитектора. Однажды её муж получает шанс заключить договор на большой проект. Знаменитый колумбийский миллионер приезжает в Испанию. Выясняется, что почтенный господин одержим прихотливыми сексуальными фантазиями: он собирает эротические предметы. А пара мошенников решает нажиться, используя плёнку с Кларой...
Fight to the Death
The parallel stories of a police commissioner and a bank robber whose lives eventually come together.
El precio del aborto
Sr. Collins (uncredited)
The Killer with a Thousand Eyes
A special detective is sent to Lisbon in order to investigate a series of murders. After looking into the murders, our hero realises that they are somehow linked to an illegal drug smuggling operation and so sets about looking into that in order to solve the murders and stop the smuggling from taking place.
История о фасоли, кулаках и карате
Barkeeper (uncredited)
Банкир Морган нанимает старого авантюриста и когда-то быстрейшего стрелка Запада, полковника Рэндольфа Квинта спасти свою похищенную дочурку бандитом Эспартеро. За которую он с его бандой требует неподъемный для банкира выкуп. Полковник, прихватив с собой для пущей уверенности случайно встреченную парочку разбитных шалопаев, начинает рискованное предприятие. По дороге дополнив свою шайку ещё кучкой разношерстных персонажей, герои с хитрым планом по освобождению заложницы отправляются в логово бандитов...
Busco tonta para fin de semana
Fat Brothers of Trinity
Pasajero de carro
The bizarre adventures of the three gunmen Western grosser, next to a delicate young.
Fabulous Trinity
In a Wild West town, Miss Nora, a beautiful smuggler, meets Scott, a bounty hunter that goes to Mexico with her for work issues. While they are in Mexico, three smugglers arrested by the military are released by the girl, who used all her seduction skills to get what she wants. But the guerrilla leader realizes the trap and the three smugglers are considered fugitives pursued by the Mexican revolutionaries and by Scott, as the law has put a price on their heads.
They Believed He Was No Saint
A bunch of outlaws awaits the release from prison of an old goldminer, believed to have hidden 28 sacks of gold 20 years before... They all want the old man to speak, but only one of them will fulfill his dream.
My Horse... My Gun... Your Widow
Barber (uncredited)
Doc Saxon and his gang rob the Crown City bank but are double-crossed by Carrasco, a Mexican bandit, who steals the gold and leaves Doc and Donovan with nothing.
Меченая пуля
Долгое время Аризона отсутствовал в своем родном краю, занимаясь охотой беглых и разыскиваемых преступников за вознаграждение, но вот пришел момент, когда он решил вернуться. Однако дома он находит, что их семейное ранчо захватили какие-то неизвестные ему чужаки, которые понимают лишь силу кулака и выстрел револьвера. Для стрелка Аризоны этот язык вполне известен и он собирается применить его против захватчиков без всякого стеснения...
The Little Triangle
Lázaro and Sabino, employees of a large furniture store, fall in love with Laura, a new young and naive employee, who accepts their love. The trio lives a happy engagement. In the big store is planned a sensational advertising campaign with the bed "Eternal happiness," to be launched on New Year's Day. Lázaro and Sabino have to give the last touches on New Year's Eve. When they leave, they enter the exhibition truck and lie down on the bed. When they wake up in the morning, they are surrounded by a crowd and a scandal is organized.
Dig Your Grave Friend... Sabata's Coming
Steve McGowan has proposed to avenge the death of his father, murdered by one of the followers of Chief Miller. This engages the services of a famous gunslinger called Sabata and instructs him to kill Steve. The fate joins Steve and the Mexican bandit Leon Pompero, and together they decide to defeat the murderous gunman.
Señora necesitada busca joven bien dotado
Long Live the Bride and Groom
Señor Fuentes
Leo Pozas, native from Burgos and high bank clerk, arrives to a town on the Costa Brava, with his mother to marry Loli. Unexpectedly, Leo's mother died. This may mean the suspension of the wedding, a year of mourning and, perhaps, another relief, so that Leo and Loli hide the corpse of the old betrothal until after the wedding...
La banda de los tres crisantemos
Policía (as Jarque Zurbano)
Las piernas de la serpiente
Владелец респектабельного издательства Карлос получает странную посылку, в которой находится отрубленная женская рука, сделанная из воска. Сделав среди своих подчиненных вид, что стал жертвой глупого розыгрыша, он в панике бросился домой, где обнаружил еще одну посылку. На этот раз в ящике были женское платье, фотография и записка, в которой неизвестный предлагал подождать новых почтовых отправлений. Узнав о происходящем, жена Карлоса решает самостоятельно выяснить причину странного «розыгрыша». Ей удается выйти на таинственную женщину и даже вступить с ней в контакт. Незнакомка поведала печальную историю любви между двумя женщинами, которую безжалостно разрушил один мужчина, за что и должен теперь понести наказание…
Chico, chica, ¡boom!
Andres and Luis are two young taxi drivers eager to succeed. The first one sings and the other composes songs, and together they intend to record an album to finally jump to fame. They have it all planned. Taking advantage of a visit to the city of the famous singer Silvia, Luis tries to gain the confidence of her manager and, in this way, be directly launched to fame.
De picos pardos a la ciudad
Dueño del chalet (uncredited)
La respuesta
Fierce portrait of a leftist student who betrays his girlfriend in order to kill a rich man with high political influence.
Amor y medias
En Baldiri de la costa
Motorista (uncredited)
Tomorrow Is Another Day
Man in the street (uncredited)
Paco and Lisa flee to Barcelona in a stolen car with the intention of building a future in show business. After unsuccessfully looking for work, the two youngsters will be immersed in crime and prostitution.