Kinya Naoi
Рождение : 1922-10-30, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Затойчи приходится платить за все свои добрые дела. После того как он принял роды у умирающей в поле женщины, он выполнил ее последнюю волю: отнес ребенка в Сиобара. Но там не оказалось отца ребенка и он отдал его тетушке Ойа-э. Испытываю симпатию к Ойа-э, он решается помочь ей, когда постоялый двор, на котором она работала, начальник Тецугоро превращает в бордель.
End of the Taisho period. In the city of Kiryu, where the wind is constantly blowing, the heads of the yakuza families of Kanhasshu (eight Kanto provinces) were to raise funds for the construction of the Chuji Kunisada monument. Responsible for the fundraiser was Jokichi from the Asami family, but Matsugoro from the Kuromatsu family, who wanted to become the greatest boss of the Kanhasshu yakuza, is trying to take over the textile market that Jokichi controls and intercept the fundraiser.
1945 год. Терпя поражения по всем фронтам от сил союзников, Япония прибегает к последнему средству – использованию пилотов-камикадзе для атак вражеских кораблей. Но эффективность этих атак не высока, половина пилотов погибает, даже ещё не долетев до своих целей, часть из них сбивают вражеские самолёты, часть силы ПВО противника. Для увеличения эффективности, командование принимает решение создать отряд эскорта, пилоты которого будут прикрывать, и сопровождать пилотов-камикадзе до целей. На должность командира отряда назначают капитана Масато Мунакату, в прошлом он сам участвовал в атаке смертников в заливе Лейте, но остался в живых. Капитан Мунаката отказывается возглавить отряд, так как убеждён, что таким способом не победить в войне. Но переубедить командование невозможно, и осознав, что без эскорта пилоты и дальше будут напрасно гибнуть, не выполнив свой долг, Мунаката вступает в должность.
Story about a gambler who gets involved in a struggle between companies.
Yoji Kitami, a fisherman's son, is a student in Tokyo. His father had died at sea and Taichiro, his brother, is sending him to the university. But the outbreak of violence by radical students and blockade of classrooms make studying impossible and Yoji goes home. Fortunately, he meets Katsuyuki Shinoda, a childhood friend, who works on a whaling vessel. Yoji decides to join him and rediscover a meaning in life. But finding sidework on a whaler is not so easy and Ogaki, a veteran harpooner, curtly turns him down. But finally, deeply touched by Yoji's earnestness, Ogaki reluctantly agrees to take him with them. Rules are very strict, for even one slight slip-up may jeopardize the safety of the entire ship. For a long time, it seems like a living hell, but with patience and courage, he begins to learn the ropes. And the day they sight their first whale, Yoji comes into his own and finds the real meaning of life.
A young female samurai comes upon a dying messenger and agrees to deliver the scroll he was carrying to its destination. However, unbeknownst to her, the scroll is actually a formula for a new kind of gunpowder. An evil clan that is planning to overthrow the Emperor is also after the scroll, and they try to take it from her.
About 1786 the doings of a demented lord results in many masterless samurai, including Iyemon (Kei Sato) who is used to luxury and cannot adjust to the hand-to-mouth conditions & piecework of umbrella making. Having hired ruffians to make him look like a superior swordsman, he arranges for himself the opportunity of a profitable marriage. He hires the half-blind masseur Takuetsu (Sawamura Sounosuke) to seduce or rape his wife (Kyoko Mikage), so that she can be divorced or killed for adultery. But the masseur takes pity & informs Oiwa of her husband's horrid plot. Assisted by the merchant's daughter he intends to marry, Iyemon disfigures his wife attempting to poison her so he can marry higher. There's a lovingly gruesome sequence as she combs blad patches into her hair, kneeling deformed at her mirror, weeping with bitterness. She eventually cuts her own throat, swearing revenge.
Japanese crime film
Прибывая в небольшой городишко, Затойчи останавливается у доктора Джунана и его дочери. Ичи поражает доброта и бескорыстность доктора. Представитель власти в городке — Матсугоро, имеет побочный бизнес — ткацкую фабрику, где он измывается над рабочим. У Матсугоро прячется группа беглых преступников, которую как оказалось возглавляет сын доктора, давно вставший на скользкий путь. Руками бандитов Матсугоро решает подмять под себя шелковый бизнес в округе. Клубок страстей начинает запутываться, распутать который способен только Затойчи.
Isazo is a traveling gambler and living legend in the world of yakuza, known for his swordsmanship and bravery, his impeccable manners, and his brilliant talent in gambling. One late fall at an inn in Kiso Fukushima, Isazo befriends a young boy whose mother turns out to be his old love Yoshino, with whom he was not unable to consummate a marriage due to the class differences between them.
Onna no Toba, is the first film in long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin. The series gets cited on lists of action yakuza films or woman avenger films, but once the films are actually viewed, it is quickly obvious they are not generally about action except in the nominal sense of acts of gambling. And while Ogin is in fact sometimes motivated by revenge, she is not as a rule a martial artist or a killer, & this series tends to place its female hero as far away from the "action babe" method as she can get. Ogin is an honest dealer in the criminal underworld of yakuza-run gambling. She is samurai-like in that she sets out to become Japan's number one dealer, much as a samurai might go on his "warrior's pilgrimage" to become Japan's number one swordsman.
Наёмного убийцу Тецу преследуют друзья его последней жертвы. На помощь киллеру приходит его младший брат — Кенджи. В надежде скрыться оба беглеца уезжают в Манчжурию, где устраиваются работать на стройку. Тем не менее, якудза снова находит их и братьям приходится дать преследователям жесткий отпор.
[Period covered: 1637-1651] This is one of the most complicated plots of any of the Shinobi no Mono films! This film tells the story of Saizo’s son, Kirigakure Saisuke, who after seeing his father die at the Battle Of Shimabara, grows up to be an expert ninja. Before he dies, “Mist” Saizo tells his children Saisuke, and Yuri that they are not really brother and sister. She, in fact, is the daughter of the late lord Sanada Yukimura, and must be saved from the shogun’s forces. In the chess match of spy versus spy, can Saisuke defeat the shogun’s chief strategist, Matsudaira Izunokami at his own game? Showing many exciting ninja tactics, it is not to be missed.
This is one of the many films based on the legend of Chuji Kunisada, a wandering gambler and a defender of the weak in the Edo period. In other words, he was the Japanese Robin Hood. In this film Kunisada (Chiezo Kataoka) arrives to a small town terrorized by an evil gang. He insists that he is not Kunisada, as the word is Kunisada has been executed, but of course the audience know better. Sonny Chiba plays an unusual supporting role as a helpless young man unable to defend himself from the gangsters. He does, however, get to play taiko drums and dance with Junko Fuji (who makes her film debut here). Chiba's father, an old judge who helps Kunisada, is played by Takashi Shimura. The film hardly anything exceptional, but it's a pretty decent jidai geki / yakuza drama.
After eloping with a prostitute named Otoyo, Hishakaku takes refuge in the Kogane family’s turf. Indebted to Boss Kogane for his kindness, Hishakaku swears to dedicate himself to protect the Koganes in time of crisis. Hishakaku’s humble life comes to a sudden halt when the Kogane family becomes involved in a fatal feud with their rival, and Hishakaku’s services are called upon.
As Japan’s Tokugawa shogunate nears the end of its rule, Edo North Magistrate Toyama no Kinsan is called upon to judge the most difficult case of his career. In a masterfully woven tale, he has to face the truth about his estranged father’s possible involvement in a nefarious plot to take over rule of the Hizen Shimabara clan by assassinating the rightful lord, his son, and install one of Shogun Ienari’s offspring as daimyo.
A lord explores the lives of common people.
Friendship between good samurais and aborigines in Hokkaido.
Hibari Misora plays Yoshiko, the popular daughter of a fish market owner. After discovering that she was adopted, she sets out to help her biological father who has fallen victim to an evil plot orchestrated by those who would take over his successful business.
Tange Sazen interferes with an evil plot against the Iga Yagyu family.
A Western-inspired film where a pair of traveling beekeepers odyssey by covered wagon from Kyushu, the southernmost of the Japanese archipelago's major islands, to Hokkaido, it's northernmost.
Sheriff Goro goes undercover to investigate drug smugglers.
1958 Newspaper Association Sweepstakes Winning Broadcast Drama Movie. A heartwarming and moving story that bloomed behind the competition between two newspaper reporters, one young and the other old, who followed the whereabouts of the distressed aircraft. It is an adaptation of the prize-winning broadcast drama recruited by the Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Week in 1958. The original author was Tsuneyuki Mori.
Yoshikawa and Kaji are alumni - Yoshikawa leads a life loyal to his company Toho Corporation, whilst Kaji works in the underground world for Aoyama, a fixer trying to buy Toho out. One day, Yoshikawa is ordered to take a look into the information leakage which had resulted in a serious fall of the company stock price. Following his order, Yoshikawa reunites with Kaji but their relationship gets complicated through the presence of Akiko, the daughter of Kubo, chairman of Toho Corporation. There is an obvious financial conspiracy and several men are killed - Who is the true mastermind behind all the plots?
A movie that depicts the tragic fate of many Yokaren flight-academy pilots.