Frédéric de Ravignan


Le Voyage en pyjama
Sound Mixer
Mon héroïne
Sound Engineer
A young girl from Rouen dreams about directing movies with Julia Roberts. Overprotected by her mother, she hopes to join a prestigeous cinema school in New York City, but nothing happens as expected, and her dreams are cruelly broken. Denying her fate, she leaves France to New York City, with her nutty-aunt's help, dreaming to give her screenplay to Julia Roberts herself.
Come il Bianco
Sound Engineer
Oh Les Filles!
What if French Rock were born with Edith Piaf? From sweet sixties pop to today's gender-indifferent anthems, from feminist rebels of the seventies to fashion icons of the social media age, from Françoise Hardy to Christine & The Queens, via Vanessa Paradis, Catherine Ringer, Charlotte Gainsbourg and many more, Oh Les Filles! tells the untold story of French female rock stars. Narrated by Clémence Poésy, this groundbreaking documentary combines interviews and iconic footage to radically reverse perspectives and give the patriarchy a kick!
Sound Mixer
Уаэль, бывший беспризорник, зарабатывает на жизнь мелким мошенничеством со своей приёмной матерью и соучастницей Моник. Когда этот нетрадиционный дуэт обманывает не того парня, Виктора, старого знакомого Моники, в настоящее время отвечающего за организацию поддержки для проблемных подростков, у него нет другого выбора, кроме как стать его временным секретарём и педагогом, чтобы искупить свою вину. Личная история Уаэля и его изобретательские уловки становятся ключом к завоеванию доверия шести своенравных детей — и вскоре он понимает, что ему тоже дан шанс исправить прошлое и найти своё место в обществе.
Family Business
When their aunt's inheritance is given to their annoying cousin, three brothers and sisters have to work to get it back.
Вместе или никак
Sound Mixer
Необычная судьба Хибат и Ферештех Табиб, родителей Керона, членов иранского сопротивления, выступающего против диктатуры шаха, а в последствии и исламистов. Границы автобиографичного повествования простираются от Ирана до пригорода Парижа. Эта понятная всем история об идиллии совместной жизни, за которую Хибат и Ферештех безвозмездно боролись более 40 лет.
Blood from a Stone
The day his bank refuses to finance him, Georges will do everything he can to save his shipyard and his employees.
Satin Rouge
After the death of her husband, Lilia's life revolves solely around her teenage daughter, Salma. Whilst looking for Salma late one night, Lilia stumbles upon a belly dance cabaret and though initially reserved and taken aback by the culture of the place, Lilia gets consistently drawn back to it. She befriends one of the belly dancers and is encouraged into dancing for the audience. Lilia also starts a romance with one of the cabaret's musicians, who unbeknown to both of them, is also romancing Salma.
Toutes les nuits
La Première éducation sentimentale (the first version of L'Éducation sentimentale), re-adapting the themes of first love, the intoxication of desire, and failed ideological revolution (that culminated in the Revolution of 1848) to the May 68 generation through a chronicle of the parallel lives of a pair of childhood friends, the pragmatic Henri and idealistic Jules as they leave their bucolic, rural hometown to separately pursue their baccalaureate - and real world - educations.
Осенняя сказка
Sound Assistant
Магали сорок пять лет, по профессии она винодел, а по семейному положению вдова. После того, как взрослые дети покинули родной дом, ей немного одиноко, и ее лучшая подруга, Изабель, решает подыскать для нее нового мужа. В тайне от Магали Изабель размещает в местной газете объявление и находит приятную кандидатуру по имени Жеральд. В то же самое время Розин (девушка сына Магали) вознамерилась познакомить потенциальную свекровь со своим бывшим учителем философии (и заодно экс-любовником) Этьеном. В итоге получается так, что на свадьбе дочери Изабель ни о чем не подозревающая Магали знакомится сразу с обоими мужчинами…
Mange ta soupe
A young man returns to the family home to face a childhood trauma: his brother's suicide, but nobody in the family is willing to help him.
La force des choses
Sound Engineer
In a forest of western Ourania, three young warriors are searching for a young girl who was abducted by a bandit.
Still Waters Run Deep
Despite his lifelong efforts, Jean is one of those unfortunate men who can never understand women. This arty, metaphorical French film presents three examples of Jean's difficulties over the course of his long life. Each of the three episodes takes place beside the same river. He is first seen as a small boy playing on the river banks with the teenage girl he secretly loves. She mischievously promises to tell him her darkest secret if only he will perform a certain task for her. The story then takes a more surreal turn as a now-grown Jean, once again beside the river, toys with a beautiful woman at a picnic. She wants a commitment from him, but wily Jean is unwilling to satisfy her. In the final segment, Jean has become an old man and is once again deeply in love.
Летняя сказка
Sound Assistant
Застенчивый математик Гаспар ждет, что к нему на летние каникулы присоединится девушка Лена, а тем временем встречает некую Марго — студентку, изучающую энтомологию и подрабатывающую официанткой. Спустя какое-то время Марго берет Гаспара с собой на вечеринку, где он знакомится с еще одной девушкой, Солин. И когда Гаспар уже полностью запутался в своих чувствах к обеим, к нему наконец приезжает некогда долгожданная Лена…
Sept en attente
Sound Engineer
An all night party in a building on the outskirts of Paris provides the setting of this provocative French meditation on life and waiting. As the title states, the film centers on seven main characters at the party. Each of them is privately waiting for something and all of them engage in conversations about the fundamental concerns of life, including love, sex, truth and responsibility. Among the seven are a pregnant woman waiting for her baby, a playboy, a gay man, and a young woman with poor taste in men. To make the film, director Francoise Etchegaray gave the actors a sense of who they were supposed to be and what they should do, placed them in a room, and let them improvise their dialog.
A Bottle of Wishes
Sound Engineer
4 young people are long time friends. They have a dinner together, which will turn into a mess when they play a game which consists in writing a vow on a little piece of paper to be put into a bottle: they love each other, but they are not able to transcend their loneliness and their selfishness.
Les Yeux au Plafond
A young man who has just experienced a breakup makes a variety of encounters throughout a day.