George Ovey


Fingers at the Window
Old Man with Telegram (uncredited)
In Chicago, an unemployed actor aims to solve the mystery concerning a string of ax murders, apparently committed by a lunatic.
Женщина года
Little Sports Reporter (uncredited)
В центре истории соперничающие репортеры Сэм и Тесс, которые влюбляются в друг друга и женятся. Однако брак совершенно не успокаивает их накаленные отношения…
Поезда проезжают ночью
Boy (uncredited)
После того, как местный бакалейщик спасает ребенка от сбежавшего льва, владелец цирка предлагает ему участие в выступлении, но меняет свое мнение, узнав, что тот влюблен в его сестру.
A Man Betrayed
Soup Kitchen Server (uncredited)
Bucolic lawyer John Wayne takes on big-city corruption in A Man Betrayed. He sets out to prove that an above-suspicion politician (Edward Ellis) is actually a crook. The price of integrity is sweet in this instance, since Wayne happens to be in love with the politician's daughter (Frances Dee).
Почта от Рейтера
Postman Delivering Pigeons (uncredited)
Фильм о Поле Джулиусе Рейтере, который создал первое агентство новостей «Рейтер».
Эдисон, человек
Биографическая лента, рассказывающая об изобретателе Томасе Эдисоне. В 1869 году, в возрасте 22 лет, устав от бедной жизни и работе на телеграфе, он поехал в Нью-Йорк по совету старого друга. Томас приходит в телеграфную контору «Вестерн Юнион», рассчитывая найти там место. Он пытается убедить финансиста господина Таггарта профинансировать его изобретения. Президент компании Пауэлл соглашается дать Эдисону денег. За свою разработку — усовершенствование системы телеграфирования биржевых бюллетеней о курсе золота и акций — Томас Эдисон получает 40 000 долларов. Это становится началом новой жизни.
Missing Evidence
G-Man Bill Collins swings into action when a crooked sweepstakes racket begins insinuating itself upon the honest citizenry of the US. The crooks have flooded the market with counterfeit lottery tickets, reducing many an unwary speculator to poverty.
Calling Dr. Kildare
Man Telling Hickman to Put His Hat On (uncredited)
Following an argument with his young protege, the curmudgeonly Dr. Gillespie dumps Jimmy Kildare in a street clinic, hoping to teach him a lesson. While working there Kildare meets pretty nurse Mary Lamont, and ends up treating a hoodlum with a gunshot wound. He purposely fails to write a report on it, and soon finds himself in a heap of trouble. Who else would come to his rescue but good old Dr. Gillespie?
You Can't Cheat an Honest Man
Circus Attendant
Fields plays "Larsen E. Whipsnade", the owner of a shady carnival that is constantly on the run from the law. Whipsnade is struggling to keep a step ahead of foreclosure, and clearly not paying his performers, including Bergen and McCarthy, who try to coax money out of him, or in McCarthy's case, steal some outright.
Stand Up and Fight
A southern aristocrat clashes with a driver transporting stolen slaves to freedom.
The Missing Guest
Newspaper man "Scoop" Hanlon is looking for a way out of his assigned women's interest column. The one chance he has is to spend the night in the "blue room" of a haunted mansion where a number of people are gathered for a party. When one of the guests disappears from his room, "Scoop" decides to get to the bottom of things.
Woman Against Woman
Toy Vendor
A newlywed unhappily discovers that her husband's scheming ex-wife still has a controlling influence in his life and home.
Уэллс Фарго
История из времен создания знаменитой банковской компании "Уэллс Фарго" в 1850-х годах: погонщик дилижансов, период от "золотой лихорадки" в Калифорнии до Гражданской войны, разумеется, немного авторских домыслов, и всё в одном флаконе. "Вместе они покорят континент! Его жизнь - в череде увлекательных приключений, которые в результате соединят в одно целое страну, а она готова разделить эти приключения с человеком, которого любит!
True Confession
Juror (uncredited)
A writer takes a job as a secretary because her scrupulous husband isn't bringing in the dough as an attorney. When her new employer is murdered, she can't seem to make up her mind as to whether she "dunnit" or not.
Мадам Икс
Bartender in Montage
Жаклин Флорио, жена дипломата закрутила роман и по этой причине вынуждена оставить мужа и сына. После этого она погружается в пучину разврата, в проституцию, шантаж и, в конечном итоге, становится подозреваемой в убийстве. Её сын Рэймонд, к тому времени уже взрослый мужчина и известный адвокат, призван быть её защитником. Он не знает, что женщина, которую он защищает, — его давно потерянная мать, а Жаклин пытается скрыть своё прошлое от успешного сына.
Behind the Mike
Complications ensue after a radio producer insults a sponsor.
Mountain Justice
Wedding Guest with Cake
Stalwart Appalachian woman finds romance as she struggles to better herself and her people amid prejudice and familial abuse.
Теодора сходит с ума
Clarinetist in Welcoming Band (uncredited)
История противостояния Теодоры Линн, церковной органистки и учительницы воскресной школы, в тайне от всех пишущей любовные романы, и местного литературного кружка, прознавшего о ее увлечении, полного благопристойных матрон, которые, на словах выражая пренебрежение и недовольство трудами Теодоры, также в тайне от всех зачитываются ее беллетристикой.
Moonlight on the Prairie
Short Saloon Cowboy
A singing medicine-show cowboy and his magician partner catch a killer.
The Roaring West
Cowhand Shorty
A 15-episode serial involving the land rush, gold mines, stolen maps, etc.
Pop Goes the Easel
Bald Man
The stooges are down and out. With a cop chasing them, they flee into an artists studio where they are mistaken for students. The cop continues to hunt for them and they use a variety of disguises and tactics to elude him. A wild clay throwing fight ends the film.
Party Guest (Uncredited)
Alison Drake, the tough-minded executive of an automobile factory, succeeds in the man's world of business until she meets an independent design engineer.
Gold Dust Gertie
Man with Wet Paint Sign (uncredited)
Early 30s pre-code comedy about a woman attempting to get her two ex-husbands to pay back alimony.
Ночная поездка
Just after newsman Rooker and Ruth Kearns are married he covers a double murder during a bank robbery. Cigarettes at the scene implicate gangster Tony Garotta. Garotta kidnaps Rooker and another reporter, intending to kill them.
Hit the Deck
A sailor finds himself the object of a cafe owner's affections.
No Children
Parents pretend they are in show business and their kids are ventriloquist dummies.
A Trick of Hearts
Whiteface Comic
In this comedy-western, based on the life of Henry Irving Dodge, our cowboy hero keeps his tongue firmly planted in his cheek as he goes up against a town run by such women as newly elected sheriff, Carrie Patience. Hoping to restore some masculinity to the sheriff's office, Gibson stages a series of fake hold-ups but is soon upstaged by a real crook
My Friend from India
Valet to Hindu Prince
Wealthy young man about town, Tommy Valentine (Franklin Pangborn) comes to the aid of Barbara Smith (Elinor Fair). But before he can learn anything about Barbara, her social climbing Aunt Bedelia (Ethel Wales), whisks her away. On a mission to "find the girl," Tommy looks for her everywhere. He unknowingly befriends her brother Charlie, who invites him to spend the evening in Smith's palatial home. The next morn Aunt Bedelia finds Tommy with his head wrapped in a towel and assumes him to be the Hindu prince that Charlie promised to bring to her society party. Introduced to all as a Prince from Calcutta, Tommy is forced to see the charade through. But the local con-man Charlie had previously arranged to appear at the party as the Prince shows up as well. At least Tommy is able to reconnect with Barbara, that is until the police show up with orders to arrest all fake fakirs.
The Yankee Clipper
A race between a British clipper ship and an American ship of a new design will determine the right to transport Chinese tea.
The Strings of Steel
Willie Gray
The Strings of Steel is a silent Action serial.
Transcontinental Limited
War veteran returns home to find his sweetheart totally upset. Her father will lose his sight unless she can get funds for an expensive procedure. He and some army mates hatch a plot. For the railway safe to be utilized. A rival though robs the safe and the money is taken by the pals. A train journey later involving high speed the money is needed before the rival can send the hero to prison.
Arizona Sweepstakes
Stuffy McGee
Arizona cowboy Coot Cadigan travels to San Francisco and runs into Stuffy McGee, a small-time crook who stages phony "fights" to amuse the tourists. During one of those frights a man is killed and Coot gets blamed for it. Stuffy hides him out, but when he gets arrested Coot hightails it back to Arizona. with Stuffy's three children. To earn some money, he enters the Arizona Sweepstakes, a horse race with a large purse and one on which Col. Savery--the father of the girl Coot loves--depends on to save his ranch.
Henessey of the Mounted
George Ovey in a Mountie parody comedy.
Holding His Own
Jerry, a hobo, is chased by a pair of policemen after accidentally interrupting their dice game and later woos a farm girl to get breakfast.
Fireman, Save My Gal!
After George bests a rival suitor for the fire chief's daughter, the rival tries revenge by attempting to burning down their house. Meanwhile, the fire department has been taken over by a gang of bathing beauty chorines.
Holding His Own
One of the "Jerry" series from Folly Comedies. "Jerry, whose uncle left him a fortune, but forgot where he left it."
Jerry and the Outlaws
Jerry from the top of a tree is making love to his girl at the window opposite. A policeman interferes and is put to sleep when Jerry falls on him. Jerry appropriates his clothes and enters his girl's home, arrests her father, who has been peppering him with a gun, and has him sent to the police station. Jerry gets his autoped and starts with the daughter for a ride. In the country they are discovered by Bad Bill and his outlaws. They take Jerry and the girl to a cabin where a fight ensues as to who shall have possession of the girl. It is finally decided that the bandits shall draw cards. Jerry objects and is locked in the attic. He escapes by climbing down the wall. Entering the cabin, he crawls along the floor, frisks the bandits' guns from their holsters and makes the bandits back against the door. Meanwhile the policeman has recovered consciousness and with his brother officers starts on Jerry's trail. They arrive at the cabin as Jerry is about to flee.
Jerry In Mexico
A formerly lost film from the silent era, part of the Cub Comedy series starring George Ovey as comedic hero "Jerry", who appeared in short "Jerry" comedies from 1915-1917.
Опрометчивый шаг Фатти
Card Player (uncredited)
Фатти решил поиграть в карты, и это не привело ни к чему хорошему.
Jerry's Perfect Day
A Cub Comedy starring George Ovey as Jerry. Jerry dreams about being married and having a family.