Julius Ponten


Элитный отряд
Заступивший на службу в армию Йохан попадает в Индонезию, где основная задача солдат — подавление местного восстания. Вскоре его принимают в особый элитный отряд, под руководством крайне жестокого капитана Реймонда Вестерлинга, действия и приказы которого заставляют парня задуматься о долге, человечности и цене войны.
Citizen K
TV adaptation of the stage performance of the same name. In 254 entries Sadettin Kirmiziyüz navigates his life as a Turkish Dutchman in Zutphen.
Nasrdin Dchar: Adem
Moroccan-Dutch actor and stage performer Nasrdin Dchar attempts to make sense of the chaos that was the year 2020.
Since she’s started a passionate new relationship with the handsome and mysterious Joakim, life is smiling back at Lara again. Her marriage to detective Toni is but a distant memory. But when he accuses Joakim of having committed a series of unsolved murders in Luxembourg City’s Peitruss Valley, Lara’s world is thrown upside down. While trying to prove his innocence, she starts to wonder how well she really knows the one she loves.
Eyes on the Road
On a drive back home in a dirty car, three young women talk about other people. Their conversation flows naturally, and takes them into uncharted territory.
Executive Producer
Накануне съёмок дебютного фильма измученный молодой режиссёр изо всех сил пытается найти баланс между вымыслом и реальностью, лихорадочно гоняясь за ускользающим вдохновением.
Pro soccer player Jermaine Slagter is entering his last days at his club. Outside of the field his life is falling apart.
Жарким летом в бельгийско-голландской пограничной деревне восемь подростков играют в игры на раскрепощение. Довольно скоро их любопытство начинает стирать грани между правильным и неправильным.
Blessed Benefit
Imprisoned on an unfair charge of fraud, a mild-mannered Jordanian contractor discovers that prison has its own rhythms, rules, and economies — and he soon begins to carve out a position for himself in this place where fraud isn’t a crime so much as a way of life.
When Ralf traverses the city at night, he gets involved with the escort girls he drives around as little as possible. But when the blonde Kelly gets in his cab, he is caught unawares by her provocative and unpredictable attitude, also because she has a disarming quality. He has to do his very best to keep his distance. Their whole conversation takes place inside the cab, with many close-ups of their faces, while the street lights flash across the windscreen and the city glides by almost invisibly.
Pelle is a shy 12-year-old dreamer. During a family holiday he comes to realize he can’t stay a wallflower forever and is determined to change his ways, although the circumstances are far from ideal.
Home Suite Home
Ludwig is an aging hotel inspector who’s become bored with his luxury lifestyle. When he meets a young woman in Paris, it might just be the wake-up call he needed.
Маджид является талантливым кикбоксером. Его боевая доблесть приносит ему известность как на ринге, так и вне его. Но постепенно граница между кикбоксингом и преступной деятельностью начинает размываться, и Маджид перестает понимать, чего же он хочет на самом деле…
Three friends drive from Holland to Morocco to deliver a taxi to a family friend, but the trip turns out more complicated than expected.
Three friends drive from Holland to Morocco to deliver a taxi to a family friend, but the trip turns out more complicated than expected.
A small boy and his retarded brother are completely dominated by their old, grumpy, angry mother. She swears, beats and doesn't seem to know how to prepare a proper meal anymore. Her embittered attitude is the result of the great emptiness she feels since her only successful son left to join the army. From that day on the two other sons have to cope with this enraged mother. Every evening dinner consist of the same boring, sticky spaghetti. Luckily the youngest son made up an ingenious plan to change all this for ever.