Justin Taurand

Justin Taurand


Justin Taurand


В будущем человечество нашло способ, как избавиться от ненужных эмоций. Решившись на очистку ДНК, Габриэль начинает путешествие по своим прошлым жизням, в каждой из которых встречает Луи. Она ощущает мгновенное взаимное притяжение, но её преследует предчувствие, что произойдет нечто страшное...
Spirit of Ecstasy
Jeanne lives on a military base with an abrasive father, forced to care for their younger siblings while dreaming of breaking out of the family’s milieu by becoming a high-powered financial analyst.
Из-за пандемии коронавируса 18-летняя девушка сидит в своей комнате, ограничив общение социальными сетями. В какой-то момент она подписывается на блогершу по имени Патриша Кома, которая рекламирует своё изобретение, «разоблачитель».
1956. Algeria is a French colony. Fernand and Helene are madly in love. Fernand is an activist, fighting for independence alongside the Algerians. Helene is fighting for Fernand’s life. History will irrevocably change the course of their destiny.
Двойной обман Мадлен Коллинз
Executive Producer
Она живет на две страны, у нее два имени, два любовника, два сына во Франции и дочь в Швейцарии. Из-за роковой случайности часть тайного становится явным. Запутавшись в паутине лжи, она рискует не только своей жизнью.
Terror, Sisters!
Today is a day like any other for Kalthoum and her girlfriends. They sip cocktails, look for sex on the Internet, impatiently wait for love and once again, endure the transphobic insults of strangers. But today it’s not going to be like that: the four transgender friends will imagine their revenge.
Just Don't Think I'll Scream
January 2016. The love story that brought me to this village in Alsace where I live ended six months ago. At 45, I am now alone, without a car, a job or any real prospects, surrounded by luxuriant nature, the proximity of which is not enough to calm the deep distress into which I am plunged. I am lost and I watch four to five films a day. I decide to record this stagnation, not by picking up a camera but by editing shots from the stream of films I watch.
Alban lives in a ski resort with his mother. Each night, the teenager slips away to meet up with Julien – this boy who curiously has the same name as the hero of the novel Alban is devouring.
The Marvelous Misadventures of the Stone Lady
Tired of being a banal architectural ornamental, a sculpture runs from the Louvre to confront real life on the streets of Paris.
Всемирно известный футболист Диамантино теряет квалификацию и с позором заканчивает свою спортивную карьеру. В поисках новых жизненных целей бывшая звезда отправляется в безумную одиссею, в ходе которой ему придётся противостоять неофашизму, миграционному кризису, генным модификациям и искать источник гениальности.
Under the influence of a hallucinogenic cactus, a couple of French comes to introduce, like a virus, into a Mexican landscape whose practices, codes and uses they do not know.
Tree House
All summer long, four teenagers gather illegally in a military zone to build a hut. But school will soon begin again and the golden days of cabin-building are coming to an end.
A Brief History of Princess X
A look back at the history of Brancusi's futuristic golden bronze phallus "Princess X" that is in fact a bust of Napoleon's incredible great-niece, Marie Bonaparte.
The Hunchback
A delirious sci-fi riff on the Arabian Nights' 'Tale of the Hunchback', that submerges us in a technological dystopia reigned by Dalaya.com, a mega-corporation that forces its employees to 'relax' at company-run medieval reenactments.
15-year-old Chérif feels like a million bucks behind the wheel of a stolen car. Placed under the guardianship of his Aunt and Uncle, he has to return to his apprenticeship as a mason. It's his last chance. But every night graffiti artists descend upon the city's walls. And with this, a whole new world opens up before him...
The Sinkholes
Five gigantic sinkholes have recently been discovered on a remote plateau on the other side of the world. A team of experts has made the trip to descend into the depths. Among them is professor Georges Lebrun, who has come with his wife.
Дом терпимости
Начало ХХ века. Парижский публичный дом, доживающий последние дни. Длинный шрам на лице одной из проституток — словно трагическая улыбка. В этом отгороженном стенами закрытом мире, невидимом со стороны, происходит целая жизнь: мужчины влюбляются или ненавидят, а женщины делят радости, печали, страхи и секреты…
The Sword and the Rose
Manuel bids farewell to his routine and boards a 15th century vessel under pirate law. Treason on board triggers a series of terrible events our protagonist overcomes while keeping his moral principles intact.
Premier anniversaire
One year after the death of his father, a young boy makes the journey to province to meet his grandparents who he does not know, to try to convince them to give him his father's ashes. With his father's friend, he looks for the right place to release his father by scattering his ashes.
Before Words
Where the Boys Are
A few girls in an apartment. Across the street men are building a mosque.
Avant que tu reviennes
"Avant que tu reviennes" is the fragmented, deliberately cubist story of a group of friends who get together in a nightclub a few days after one their tribe, who had ties with all of them, abruptly killed himself, leaving no note of explanation.
The last few minutes before two teenagers switch from childhood to adulthood, having sex for the first time. Outdoors, in the snow and under the January sun.
Second Skin
It’s summer. Peter is seventeen years old. He slips away from the family home to get together with his friends. Beside a river, the teenagers play at scaring each other. It is the day of the accident.
Car Wash
During the time it takes for their vehicle to go through the car wash, a couple stands outside, exchanging some apparently harmless dialogue. Once the car is through the wash, we see them get back into the car, where their daughter had remained, and leave. We then understand that they will seperate.
Quand nous étions punk
The day begins. Louis, 25, takes a cab to Roissy airport to welcome Lacey, who's arriving from New York.