Adam Keker


The possibly devastating impact of the Trump administration crackdown on immigration, for one Bay Area family.
Plastic Man: The Artful Life of Jerry Ross Barrish
Jerry Ross Barrish sees the beauty in—and creates the unexpected out of—discarded materials. The son of hard-working Jewish immigrants with crime-family connections, Barrish worked for 50 years as a bail bondsman, much of it for radical protesters. He stumbled into acclaim as a filmmaker, earning the Museum of Modern Art’s prestigious New Director distinction and winning major European awards along the way. Then one day, inspiration struck as he picked up plastic trash on a beach, leading him to launch a whole new career as a sculptor. Though acclaimed by curators, he long went virtually unnoticed in the commercial-art realm. But at age 75, the unassuming Barrish may finally be on the verge of success, as William Farley’s engaging documentary goes to show. Seeing the playfulness of his pieces, you’ll understand why: with artificial materials, he has managed to capture real life. -Denver Film Society
Beyond Measure
Story Consultant
'Beyond Measure' follows a new vanguard of educators across the country who are pioneering a fresh vision for American schools. Pulling from expert research in education, child development, and cognitive and neuroscience, these leaders are creating a new type of classroom. They're leading schools that redirect our focus away from homework, prizes, top grades and test scores. And they're making room for curiosity, engagement, creativity, collaboration and independent thinking. By putting innovative models into practice, they're finding inspiration in doing things differently - and changing how and what we teach.
Цена секса
Фильм о молодых женщинах из Восточной Европы, которые были втянуты в преступный мир секс-торговли и насилия. Это история, рассказанная жертвами, которые выжили. Фильм дает право голоса женщинам, уставшим от стыда, страха и угнетения. Мими Чакарова, фотожурналист, выросшая в Болгарии, ведет личное расследование в темном мире секс-торговли, путешествуя из стран Восточной Европы в Турцию, Дубай и Грецию. Этот документальный фильм раскрывает причины того, почему женщин по-прежнему продают в проституцию помимо их воли и рассматривает, что можно сделать, чтобы остановить это.