Stephanie Mechura Challberg


The Movement and The
The MOVEMENT and the “MADMAN” shows how two antiwar protests in the fall of 1969 — the largest the country had ever seen — caused President Nixon to cancel what he called his “madman” plans for a massive escalation of the U.S. war in Vietnam, including his threats to use nuclear weapons. At the time, protestors had no idea what they had prevented and how many lives they had saved. Told as a political thriller, the film is a David-and-Goliath tale that will engage viewers in a you-are-there experience with insider accounts from movement leaders and Nixon officials, commentary by historians, and illustrated with dynamic archival footage.
Переломный момент
Джеймс Уилкс, элитный тренер спецназа и абсолютный победитель The Ultimate Fighter, путешествует по миру в поисках оптимальной диеты.
To Kill a Sparrow
Today, there are over 800 young Afghan women imprisoned for so-called 'moral crimes.' These crimes include running away from unlawful forced marriages and domestic violence, or simply falling in love and marrying against a father's wishes. This is the story of one of these women. When Soheila was only five, she was given away in marriage to an old man in compensation for her older brother's crime: stealing his young third wife. When she ran away from the abusive marriage, her father had her arrested and imprisoned. Soheila is finally freed by an amnesty decreed by President Karzai. We meet her again in a safe house in Kabul where she is protected from the father and brother who threaten to kill her if she attempts to rejoin the father of her child. The father also demands that she kill her three year-old son to restore the family's honor.
Цена секса
Фильм о молодых женщинах из Восточной Европы, которые были втянуты в преступный мир секс-торговли и насилия. Это история, рассказанная жертвами, которые выжили. Фильм дает право голоса женщинам, уставшим от стыда, страха и угнетения. Мими Чакарова, фотожурналист, выросшая в Болгарии, ведет личное расследование в темном мире секс-торговли, путешествуя из стран Восточной Европы в Турцию, Дубай и Грецию. Этот документальный фильм раскрывает причины того, почему женщин по-прежнему продают в проституцию помимо их воли и рассматривает, что можно сделать, чтобы остановить это.