

The Misanthrope
The Misanthrope is the film debut from Darkthrone's Nocturno Culto and provides a unique insight into the heart of the Norwegian Black Metal scene.
Путешествие Металлиста
Документальный фильм, снятый Сэмом Данном, который с 12 лет был фанатом хэви-метала.
Mayhem: Mediolanum Capta Est
This live album was recorded at a performance at the Rainbow Club in Milan, Italy in November 1998. The line-up features original Mayhem vocalist Maniac, plus Hellhammer on drums, Necrobutcher on bass & Blasphemer on guitar. The show also features a guest appearance by now-current Mayhem vocalist Attila Csihar on the track ‘From the Dark Past’. With a crystal clear sound & the noticeably stunning drum work of Hellhammer, the band themselves considered this worthy of being labelled an official release, as Mayhem storm through a strong set full of classics from old releases ‘Deathcrush’ & ‘De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas’, to the post-Euronymous compositions as featured on ‘Wolf’s Lair Abyss’. Expect nothing but dark & chaotic black metal carnage.