Yoram Toledano

Yoram Toledano


Yoram Toledano
Yoram Toledano


The Boy
Avinoam and Barak, father and son from a Kibbutz bordering the Gaza strip, are forced to deal with another round of rockets and combat, each in their own way. One night, Barak reaches a boiling point and Avinoam is forced to absorb the heat.
Ариэль, старый холостяк, узнаёт, что его бывшая подруга 20 лет назад родила от него сына...
Orange People
Grandma Zohara occupies a special role within the Moroccan community within Israel. By cradling an object brought to her by her clients, Grandma Zohara gains access to the family's past through her dreams. This allows her to advise families on future decisions. Lately, however, Grandma Zohara is tiring and begins searching for someone to take over this role. She discovers that the only other person endowed with the power of dreaming is her daughter, Simone, who has different plans for her future. With support of Simone's sister, Fanny, who arrives unexpectedly from Paris, Simon gathers the strength to resist her mother's pressure and to pursue her own desire. Together the sisters wage battle for Simone's independence and creativity.
Воскрешенный Адам
В центре истории судьба еврея Адама Штейна, бывшего клоуна, который, очутившись в концлагере, только потому не попал в газовую камеру, что по приказу нацистов развлекал перед смертью тысячи других евреев. После войны Адам, помещенный в психиатрическую больницу для жертв холокоста, пытается выжить, противостоя окружающему его безумию…
Exodus 91
Asher Naim
Israeli diplomat Asher Naim travels to Ethiopia to act as negotiator for the release of 15,000 Ethiopian Jews, hoping to save them from a country plagued by famine and civil war. This seemingly altruistic mission, however, is thrown into doubt and skepticism when Naim begins to suspect the rescue mission might be a publicity stunt for his home country, and the Ethiopians wonder whether they have been little more than pawns. At the same time that the escalating situation on the ground becomes combustible, Naim’s crisis of faith grows.