Лидер мексиканских партизан Тепепа вместе со своим отрядом вступает в сражение с шефом полиции Каскорро.
Mexican #3 (uncredited)
История алчного польского наемника и мексиканского крестьянина, чьи судьбы пересеклись в годы революции в Мексике.
El Cojo
Джо Навахо — единственный выживший в кровавой резне, устроенной в поселении бандой Дункана. В числе прочих жителей была и жена Джо. Он клянется отомстить за смерть любимой и вступает в схватку с Дунканом и его людьми.
René, novio de Ninette
Andrés (Fernando Fernán Gómez) is a simple man: he owns a store that sells religious articles and he's never left his hometown of Murcia. After unexpectedly inheriting a sum of money, he decides to take a trip to Paris, where his friend Armando (Alfredo Landa) lives. His friend finds him lodging in a boarding house where Andrés meets Ninette (Rosenda Monteros), an attractive Parisian girl.
Brandon, Lex's platoon
A halfbreed seeks revenge for the death of his sister, who kills herself after being raped by an officer of the Canadian Mounted Police. He gets involved in the historical revolt of halfbreeds and Indians led by Louis Riel in 1885 against the Canadian government.
When Comanches go on the warpath, settlers take refuge in Ft. Eagle Rock commanded by Capt. Jackson. Undercover agent Cliff McPherson arrives at the undermanned fort to lend advice and support. He learns that the Comanches have been stirred up by local rancher Morton who wants to take control of the oil under the Indians' reservation.
In an old fort dedicated to the service of change of chivalry, show up three hired murderers and warn Lohman, the manager, who is about to get a stagecoach traveling in the former judge who unjustly condemned to five years in prison , and of course the husband murderer now promised the judge, Ruth, indicating further that brings a suitcase with many dollars. However, Lohman rejects the suggestion of the bandits. But when the judge and his girlfriend, the fort was attacked by Indians.
Chófer (uncredited)
A young girl decide to escape from home because her stepmother doesn´t like her. She finds a modest family that welcomes her as a family member. She learns how to live in lowliness and fall in love with David.
Frank Latimore is cast as Balboa, the heroic Spanish explorer who discovers the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, he must pacify the wrath of his enemies and battle his way through a forest inhabited by savage natives. This one features some really nice battles, stunning ocean photography, and tolerable reconstruction of historic events.
Sr. Tadeo - the Mayor
A financier decides to take a vacation somewhere where nothing can disturb him. He travels to the south of Spain, to a small village where he lives a primitive life. A chance meeting with a young American sociologist who works to guide women towards a healthier and more comfortable life change the pace of his life.
Three friends in love, are ignored because of their lack of gift to conquer. After learning of the existence of a school of seduction, are enrolled as students.
После долгих странствий царь Голиаф возвращается с победой на родину в Бейрут. Ему и его товарищам пришлось пережить множество приключений. Галера Голиафа подверглась нападению гигантского ящера и утонула, и только несколько человек во главе с Голиафом были выброшены волной на берег в страну Амазонок. Голиаф с товарищами попадает в плен, откуда выбраться ему помогает девушка амазонка Дэйна. Чтобы вернуться на Родину друзьям предстоит пройти пустыню и горы, сразиться с дикими племенами, одержать победу в гладиаторских боях и в схватке со львами. Но не ласково встречает их Родина. Во время его отсутствия страну захватил коварный узурпатор Бокан, который, желая оставить власть в своих руках, убивает всех, кто сочувствует Голиафу. И чтобы покончить с тираном, и вернуть власть в своем царстве, Голиафу предстоит последняя битва с врагами. Он победит, ведь народ на его стороне…
In the middle of a revolution, the son of a president ends up in the hands of a German hunter who welcomes him into his home, not knowing his origin.
Helios, a Praetorian Guard
Based on the Edward Bulwer-Lytton novel. Set in the shadows of Mt. Vesuvius just before its famous eruption, the film begins with Glaucus, a Roman legionnaire, returning to his home from far-off wars. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that his father has been murdered by a gang of black-hooded looting bandits. Glaucus vows revenge against the killers, but just how high up are those involved?