Hutton Cobb


Слишком много плоти
В маленьком городке в штате Иллинойс нравы очень строги. Но лицемерие и пуританство местечка будет подвергнуто тяжелым испытаниям, когда у 35-летнего женатого Лайла начнется бурный роман с приезжей француженкой Жюльетт. Их отношения столь свободны и шокирующи, что это не может не привести к конфликту.
Until September
American tour guide Mo Alexander misses her tour group, and then her flight out of Paris. Stuck in the city of romance, Mo runs into the very suave -- and very married -- Xavier, who attempts to seduce Mo while his family is out of town. His charms prove hard to resist, and Mo succumbs, though her conscience weighs heavy. Soon their bickering romance of convenience takes a serious turn, and, in spite of himself, Xavier finds he's falling in love.
Down in the Valley
Brack Weaver
Short opera. A boy falls in love with a girl after an Appalachian prayer meeting, but her father wants her to go to the dance with a local shyster who the father thinks will bail him out of his money troubles instead.