Peter Voß

Peter Voß

Рождение : 1891-06-29,

Смерть : 1979-01-09


Peter Voß


Dr. Göbel
After a frank confession by his wife, a doctor is called to see a dying patient. The cause of the night brings him to meet an old friend, a pianist, who tells him of a mysterious ball where he is due to perform. Based on the book "Traumnovelle" ("Rhapsody: A Dream Novel") by Arthur Schnitzler.
Wenn die Alpenrosen blüh'n
Trenck, der Pandur
Film about the fictitious adventures of Franz Freiherr von Trenck, who lived during the times of empress Maria Theresia of Austria garnished with espionage and twisted love affairs.
Ein Mann auf Abwegen
Percivals Freund Sully
Вода для Канитоги
Gilbert Trafford
Весной 1905 года проект водопровода в канадском городе Канитога планируется завершить. В течение многих лет завершение омрачалось саботажем. Инженер Оливер Монтстюарт командует последней взрывной операцией. Но опять же, заряд взрывчатого вещества слишком велик, и, таким образом, дальнейшее строительство снова приостанавливается. Когда Монтстюарт противостоит бригадиру Вестбруку, бригадир угрожает ему ножом. В целях самообороны Монтстюарт стреляет в него. Теперь он должен бежать.
Sergeant Berry
Oberst Turner
Ab Mitternacht
Alarm in Peking
Captain Cunningham
Set against the backdrop of the 1900 Boxer Rebellion...
Собака Баскервилей
Lord Henry Baskerville
Баскервилли прокляты. Согласно легенде, каждому наследнику этой старой семьи обещана страшная смерть, которых пожирает чудовищная и призрачная собака. Сэр Чарльз Баскервиль жил в страхе. Он умер в страхе. Следы гигантских лап, обнаружены рядом с его трупом, и вызывают тревогу у его друга, доктора Мортимера, и толкают его, чтобы он обратился к известному детективу на Бейкер-стрит, 221б, в Лондоне.
Der Abenteurer von Paris
Ferryman Maria
A beautiful young drifter comes to a small village and battles Death itself to save the man she loves.
Die Reiter von Deutsch-Ostafrika
Englischer Farmer Robert Cresswell
German colonial soldiers fight against the British during World War I.
Mother and Child
Consul Petersen and his wife are desperate, because they lost their only child and can’t have another. At the same time, the maid Anna is expecting a child, whose father, Jurgen, works in a sawmill. When both of them lose their jobs, they fear they won’t be able to feed the newborn. Thus, they strike a deal with the Petersens, which works for both couples: Anna and Jurgen will receive a farm from the Petersens, free and clear; and the two will allow the Petersens to adopt the child. Anna and Jurgen marry and are quite happy; but when the child is finally born, Anna doesn’t wish to surrender him and flees with the child into the Wattenmeer.
The Growing Youth
Dr. Kerner, Studienassessor
A psychological study of three girls who enter a boys' school to prepare for their final examination.
Schüsse an der Grenze
Nr. 34
Le Sergent X
A military wife remarries after she thinks her Russian husband has died in battle, and when he returns alive he enlists in the Foreign Legion rather than disrupt her new happiness.
The Night of the Decision
German language version of The Virtuous Sin (1930).
Love's Carnival
Harold Hofmann - Oberleutnant
Katharina Knie
Rothhacker, Gutsbesitzer
Katharina Knie is a 1929 German silent drama film directed by Karl Grune and starring Eugen Klöpfer, Carmen Boni and Adele Sandrock. It is based on the 1928 play of the same title by Carl Zuckmayer.
The Fight for the Matterhorn
Edward Whymper
Struggle for the Matterhorn (German: Der Kampf ums Matterhorn) is a 1928 German-Swiss silent drama film co-directed by Mario Bonnard and Nunzio Malasomma and starring Luis Trenker, Marcella Albani, and Alexandra Schmitt. The film is part of the popular cycle of mountain films of the 1920s and 1930s. Art direction was by Heinrich Richter. Based on a novel by Carl Haensel, the film depicts the battle between British and Italian climbers to be the first to climb the Matterhorn. Trenker later remade the film as The Challenge in 1938.