Andrés Couturier


Осторожно: Грамп!
Мальчик Терри считал, что маги, драконы-полицейские, королевство воздушных шариков и другие удивительные явления можно втсретить только на страницах книг его бабушки. Однако она не предупредила внука, что все это основано на реальных событиях. Терри вместе с его помощниками предстоит спасти волшебную страну от злобного колдуна Грампа!
Банда Котиков
Крутой кот собирает отряд, чтобы навести порядок на улицах Манхэттена, где все пляшут под дудку таинственного и очень опасного мистера Кроко. Однако банду кота он не пугает. Когда ты наглый, находчивый и очаровательный, а мягкая лапка скрывает острые коготки — перед тобой (почти) нет препятствий.
Оз: Нашествие летающих обезьян
Вы помните, как все начиналось? Давным-давно в страну Оз прилетела юная героиня, ее звали Дороти, она смогла победить Коварную Ведьму Запада и добрая волшебница Глинда помогла ей вернуться домой. А друзья Дороти — Страшила, Железный Дровосек и Смелый Лев — стали правителями страны Оз. И все в волшебной стране было хорошо, пока Глинда по своей доброте не решила дать Коварной Ведьме Запада еще один шанс. Чары Злодейки поместили в метлу, а метлу передали Правителям. Но злая ведьма — есть злая ведьма, даже без своих чар… Знакомая с детства история, продолжение которой рассказывает маленькая летающая обезьянка, которая на самом деле не умеет летать и не хочет служить Коварной Ведьме Запада.
Legend Quest: The Legend of the Guanajuato Mummies
Don Andrés (voice)
Leo San Juan returns to face the mummys
El Santos vs la Tetona Mendoza
Additional Voices (voice)
Santos, a fighter finished pacheco overweight and suffers from his recent divorce with Busty Mendoza, a voluptuous and wild woman fighter. To get out of your depression, Santos begins a campaign to help Sahuayo Zombies (gray and harmless characters with which fully identifies). However, his philanthropic campaign soon becomes a very profitable business that leverages Santos for their benefit. The population becomes a zombie plague and Busty Santos threatens to dispose of them. However, the Peyote Murderer (rivals Santos) who gets rid of the zombies. But the world without zombies turns out to be worse than anyone could have imagined and the only chance to save the nation is that the Saints and the Peyote work together to return to repopulate the world Sahuayo zombies.
El Santos vs la Tetona Mendoza
Animation Director
Santos, a fighter finished pacheco overweight and suffers from his recent divorce with Busty Mendoza, a voluptuous and wild woman fighter. To get out of your depression, Santos begins a campaign to help Sahuayo Zombies (gray and harmless characters with which fully identifies). However, his philanthropic campaign soon becomes a very profitable business that leverages Santos for their benefit. The population becomes a zombie plague and Busty Santos threatens to dispose of them. However, the Peyote Murderer (rivals Santos) who gets rid of the zombies. But the world without zombies turns out to be worse than anyone could have imagined and the only chance to save the nation is that the Saints and the Peyote work together to return to repopulate the world Sahuayo zombies.
The Legend of La Llorona
Andres (voice)
Based on a famous Mexican legend, a group of kids must stop the ghost of a woman whose guilt over the drowning of her own children leads her to abduct youngsters who wander the woods at night.
Kung Fu Magoo
The world’s most notorious bad guys are invited to the island fortress of super-villain Tan-Gu to compete in an Olympic-style tournament of evil, called the Evilympics. Mr. Magoo and his 12 year-old nephew Justin fight giant robot spiders, ninjas on jet skis, and Tan-Gu’s mutant “Beasteens”, as representatives of the anti-evil task force.
Agent Macaw: Shaken & Stirred
Tambo Macaw, an overweight macaw who works as a janitor at the Central Intelligentus Animalus (CIA), dreams of becoming a secret agent. His opportunity arises when he is assigned by mistake the most important mission in the agency's history: stop the wicked plans of Mama Bear and her evil organization. Tambo is helped by Jack Tortoise, an old turtle that's in charge of the advanced technology lab in the agency and is one of Tambo's few friends.
Agent Macaw: Shaken & Stirred
Tambo Macaw, an overweight macaw who works as a janitor at the Central Intelligentus Animalus (CIA), dreams of becoming a secret agent. His opportunity arises when he is assigned by mistake the most important mission in the agency's history: stop the wicked plans of Mama Bear and her evil organization. Tambo is helped by Jack Tortoise, an old turtle that's in charge of the advanced technology lab in the agency and is one of Tambo's few friends.
Agent Macaw: Shaken & Stirred
Tambo Macaw, an overweight macaw who works as a janitor at the Central Intelligentus Animalus (CIA), dreams of becoming a secret agent. His opportunity arises when he is assigned by mistake the most important mission in the agency's history: stop the wicked plans of Mama Bear and her evil organization. Tambo is helped by Jack Tortoise, an old turtle that's in charge of the advanced technology lab in the agency and is one of Tambo's few friends.
Agent Macaw: Shaken & Stirred
Tambo Macaw, an overweight macaw who works as a janitor at the Central Intelligentus Animalus (CIA), dreams of becoming a secret agent. His opportunity arises when he is assigned by mistake the most important mission in the agency's history: stop the wicked plans of Mama Bear and her evil organization. Tambo is helped by Jack Tortoise, an old turtle that's in charge of the advanced technology lab in the agency and is one of Tambo's few friends.
Yxxxxx, an intergalactic parasite with delusions of grandeur and highly dangerous, who is confined in a mental space, has decided to force three other inmates, who are not exactly an example of prudence, to escape the mental asylum with him to involve them in their evil plans.
Wizards and Giants
Magos y Gigantes tells the story of Gigante, a vertically challenged giant, Ada, a fairy who's wings have yet to blossom and Trafalgar, a curious looking little wizard and their adventures while attending the biggest magic tournament in the land of Reino Magico, and the ensuing mayhem when Titan Caradura, an evil wizard, is disqualified from the tournament and seeks revenge by hatching up an elaborate plan to steal the magic powers from all the inhabitants of Reino Magico.
Like a Bride
Moshon Mataraso
Two Mexican Jewish girls of come of age in Mexico City during the 1960s