Regen Wilson

Regen Wilson

Рождение : , Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Regen Wilson is an actor, originally from Atlanta, Georgia, the son of an airline pilot and naval aviator and his wife, a former flight attendant. Wilson started acting in the theatre at an early age and otherwise spent his extracurricular youth as a competitive swimmer, equestrian and occasional pianist. Following in the footsteps of his father, Wilson opted for military service after graduating from high school in Danville, Kentucky, and chose to attend the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. While there, he devoted any spare time he had to building up the neglected cadet theatre company, eventually expanding it to include filmmaking. Graduating from the Academy in 1998, Wilson went on to serve eight years in a variety of assignments in different locales. During this time he continued acting, primarily in theatre and independent film. Leaving the Air Force in 2006, Wilson dedicated himself to growing as an actor in film, television, commercials, voiceovers and theatre. When not acting, he can be found indulging his passion for history or, better yet, lost in the woods somewhere hiking. He lives in Los Angeles.


Regen Wilson


Broken Ceiling
Ken Wolfe
When Angela Walker is passed over for yet another promotion, she decides she's going to have to break through the invisible corporate barriers once and for all.
Her Tango
The story of Her Tango follows Dino, a successful restaurateur. For years, Dino has given everything of himself to make his restaurant a success and to move on from the death of his wife Caroline. After a chance encounter, Dino is drawn to Elena, an elusive tango dancer. While Elena teaches him to dance, Dino discovers that the philosophy of tango is very close to how he dreams of living his life. Filled with the seductive sounds and sights of dance, Her Tango is a film about redemption, seduction and the power of tango.
Dinner with the Alchemist
Inspector McMurphy
In the early 1900s, a wealthy alchemist, Jacques St. Germaine travels to New Orleans to seek help from the legendary voodoo priestess, Marie Laveau. When multiple murders are uncovered, Jacques and the quarreling locals butt heads as they try to discover the identity of the killer. Featuring a cast of characters pulled from actual police reports, Dinner With the Alchemist weaves historical fact and imaginative storytelling into a mysterious supernatural drama.
Любовь по рецепту и без
Дуглас — владелец аптеки. Он скромен и прост, а жена ни во что его не ставит. Все ее друзья — местные богачи. Но вот однажды в его аптеку, за виагрой для немолодого мужа, заходит роковая красотка Элизабет, с которой у Дугласа начинается стремительный роман. Элизабет знакомит его с различными препаратами, благодаря которым можно получать от секса больше удовольствия, а Дуглас, как талантливый фармацевт, оказывается прекрасным учеником, смешивая всевозможную химию для достижения максимального экстаза. И вот, в размышлениях между соитиями, Элизабет в голову приходит гениальная идея — а не отравить ли им ее мужа и зажить припеваючи на его деньги? Какой выбор сделает Дуглас?
Убийство Линкольна
Peter Taltavul
Вечером 14 апреля 1865 года, спустя всего несколько дней после капитуляции генерала Ли у Аппоматтокса, фанатичный сторонник Конфедерации Джон Уилкс Бут привел в исполнение план заговорщиков. Они собирались не только убить президента Авраама Линкольна, но и свергнуть правительство Соединенных Штатов в надежде на то, что Конфедерация возродится из пепла.
Hearing Doctor
A musician with hyper-sensitive hearing goes in search of an ominous sound that plagues him, but is inaudible to everyone else.
Writer Paul Diener is working on a book about a recently captured serial killer. In hopes of overcoming his week's of writer's block, he decides to stay in the now vacant serial killers apartment. What he learns in apartment 502 will chill him to his soul.