Hernán Littin


Dawson Isla 10
Delegated Producer
After the 1973 coup that deposed Allende and brought Pinochet to power in Chile, the former members of his cabinet are imprisoned on Dawson Island, the world's southernmost concentration camp. Here these men are determined to survive and provide history with their testimony.
El duelo
Two men at cause of confusion and superstitions become involved in a duel that ends unexpectedly.
Los náufragos
Associate Producer
After 20 years of exile, Aron returns to Chile to find out who he is. He asks questions, not only of those who stayed behind but also of himself, examining his relationship with his past and his own memory. The people who stayed lived through 20 years of dictatorship. They were either victims or executioners. Amidst this wreckage, Aron wonders what name his brother is using now, where his father is... Can he, in Isol's arms and through her love, find his way again ? What future awaits him? Like Mola the torturer, he has returned from an impossible journey, and Aron knows that each man is his own executioner. Shipwreck and resurrection are the two facets of a complex truth.
Terre sacrée
Assistant Director
A Chilean returning to Santiago to find out what has happened to his native country while he has been away, discovers much about himself.
The Lawless Land
Production Manager
Action-adventure set in a world of the near-future, where young love is forbidden among the lower classes. Nevertheless, one couple defies their police-state world to fight and hold on to whatever love they can find.
Альсино и Кондор
Альсино, мальчик, живший со своей бабушкой в отдаленном районе Никарагуа. Он был захвачен войной между повстанцами и правительственными войсками, когда Америка решила открыть плацдарм на землях семьи мальчика. Он продолжает стараться жить обычной жизнью: гулять, лазить по деревьям, играть с девочками, но война все равно входит в его жизнь. Конфликт втягивает его, и теперь он уже часть этой войны.
Вдова Монтьель
Видный политический деятель господин Монтель скоропостижно умирает в разгар революционных волнений в своей стране. Вдова сталкивается с тем миром, в котором ее супруг обитал в то время, пока Аделаида проживала в своих иллюзиях. Оказалось, что ее муж — вовсе не такой уж и любимый народом деятель. Аделаида просит приехать на похороны своих детей, которые живут в Париже, но они отвечают, что не хотят возвращаться в страну, где каждый день убивают людей. Вдова узнает горькую правду — на похороны господина Монтеля почти никто не пришел..
The Promised Land
Executive Producer
During the socialist government of Marmaduke Grove in 1932, a group of villagers decide to take some land in the area of ​​Palmilla. Almost like a mythical journey, problems arise when seated and in a position to bring the socialist ideal in the population. Everything becomes more complicated with rumors that the reactionary forces have overthrown the socialist government. A movie that because of the coup was not released in Chile and was only terminated by Littin in exile in Mexico.