Following her breakout success in a killer clown horror flick, Bowie finds herself held hostage by an unhinged fan determined to recreate the film's fatal plot.
Наёмный убийца по прозвищу "Человек из Торонто" прибыл в Нью-Йорк для выполнения сложного задания. Герой бронирует жилье на сайте Airbnb, и его соседом оказывается хронический неудачник. Бедняге ожидаемо не повезло: близкое соседство с "Человеком из Торонто" привело к тому, что его враги перепутали элитного киллера и ничего не подозревающего нью-йоркца, втянув того в смертельную передрягу.
A heartwarming tale about young Izzy who is not happy about having to move from the big city to the country when her family takes over an old farm. Things change for Izzy when she finds a small white pony named Snowflake and becomes convinced that the horse is a real unicorn.
Эта романтическая комедия с неожиданным поворотом рассказывает о двух студентах колледжа, которые объединяют усилия, чтобы воссоединиться со своими близкими, и отправляются в увлекательное путешествие, которое сбивает их с пути.
Richard Carlson
Kristine and her husband Dr. Richard Carlson had an amazing life with their two daughters. But when Richard tragically passes away, Kristine is knocked off balance. Comfortable with living in Richard’s shadow, she is now forced to navigate the unchartered territory of becoming a single mom while dealing with pressure to become the new face and voice of the “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” brand. Looking deep inside herself, Kristine comes to understand the true essence of emotional authenticity and not sweating the small stuff, which leads to the resilience and confidence needed to carry on the legacy of the beloved brand.
A teenage boy tears up his small-town roots and heads for the big city to make his mark while honoring his mother's legacy by entering a drag pageant.
Pastor Youngblood
Four student filmmakers set out to explore an abandoned building famous for its connection with the occult, but as their journey becomes littered with strange behavior and unexplained phenomena, it becomes clear the horror they are attempting to document may already be lurking among them.
Everything always seems to work out perfectly for Peggy, but her social graces are put to the test when she throws a birthday party for her eight-year-old son.
Everything always seems to work out perfectly for Peggy, but her social graces are put to the test when she throws a birthday party for her eight-year-old son.
Nathan Brenner
An FBI agent and a ruthless hitman share a twisted secret, which they must protect at all costs — no matter what, or who gets in the way.
Guy 2
Образцово-показательная во всех отношениях семья Джонсов поселяется в маленьком городке, и сразу становится кумирами и любимчиками всех его жителей. Вот на кого хотят быть похожими все от мала до велика! Но на самом деле Джонсы — не супруги, и их дети — не настоящие. Нет, они не шпионы и не инопланетяне.
Дженнифер и Винс погрязли в долгах. Она потратила все свои сбережения на первый взнос для покупки дома, он сильно проигрался в азартные игры. Познакомившись на свадьбе друзей, должники были поражены щедростью гостей и роскошью подарков молодожёнам. Эйфория от возможности лёгкого обогащения заставила Дженнифер и Винса объявить о своей скорой свадьбе. Знали бы они, сколько будет стоить устройство фиктивного торжества и во что могут вылиться их взаимные антипатии…
Alex is the film student forced by his college professor to stop making Jackie Chan "homage" films and make "something from the heart" in order to graduate. Lars is the painting student and Alex's roommate who is looking for a way to become a tortured artist... as long as he can keep his BMW and American Express Gold Card. Together, they meet Blue, who has recently moved into their apartment building. After discovering that she's a "hit woman," Alex appeals to her senses as a film fan and persuades her to let him film a documentary on her last "hit." As Alex becomes increasingly blinded by his obsession with capturing his documentary he risks everything and everyone, by convincing Blue to travel to New Orleans to find her foster father. Will they get back to LA in one piece... or will they become... Road Kill?