Austin Wai Tin-Chi

Austin Wai Tin-Chi

Рождение : 1957-08-13, Weihai, Shandong Province, China


Austin Wai Tin-Chi


Кунг-фу Вин Чунь
Lau Kam
Великий Шаолинь пал, монахи уничтожены и только пятерым удаётся спастись, но по их следу идут правительственные агенты. Монахиня Умэй находит убежище в Ляншане, где начинает обучать молодую девушки Вин Чунь. В жестоких поединках против недругов рождается новый стиль боевого кунг фу.
Mr. Tai
В богатом и опасном районе Гонконга дружно и мирно уживались пять групп триады. Каждая из них занималась своим бизнесом на своей территории. А иногда их боссы собирались поговорить о делах, выпить вина и поиграть в маджонг. На беду всех один из пятерки Джимми женился на красивой и хитрой женщине. И равенства внутри пятерки как не бывало. В Джимми кто-то стреляет. С этого момента в компании друзей все пошло наперекосяк. Кто заказал Джимми?
Who's Next
Горячая точка
Four Eyes
Детектив-сержант ОБОП Джан Ма, при очередных внутренних проверках, получает нагоняи за частое применение грубой силы при задержание преступников, но из-за успешной работы на это стараются прикрывать глаза. Основное действие разворачивается, после того, как его напарник Уилсон, внедрённый в банду вьетнамских отморозков, чуть не погиб при очередном преступлении вьетнамцев. В результате в руках полиции оказывается идейный предводитель банды Арчи Син. Банда собирается вызволить своего босса, уничтожив всех свидетелей, включая выжившего Уилсона, но в их планы вмешивается детектив Ма…
S.P.L. Звезды судьбы
Cheung Chun Fei
Sha, Po, Lang — звезды, чье положительное или отрицательное влияние восточные астрологи определяют, исходя из их взаимного расположения… Как встанут эти светила сейчас? Детектив Чан заботится о дочери убитого свидетеля, мечтая отомстить убийце, «королю» мафии По. Чан так сильно жаждет мести, что в его душе стирается грань между добром и злом. В роковое противостояние оказывается невольно вовлечен и Ма, начальник ОБОП. Теперь все трое — участники смертельного поединка…
One Nite in Mongkok
Milo's superior
A gangster's son is accidentally killed during a drunken dispute with a rival gang, and Officer Milo's task force is assigned to the case. He soon learns that a hitman has been hired to take out the rival gang leader. While Milo and his crew desperately try to find and stop the hired gun, fearing all-out war in the streets, Lai Fu, a smart but inexperienced killer from a small town in the mainland, arrives in Hong Kong to do his job.
The King of Debt Collecting Agent
Лунный экспресс
Officer Ko (as Tin Chi Wai)
Японка Хитоми уже готовилась к свадьбе с японским китайцем Тацуей, но все ее планы перечеркнула автомобильная авария – Тацуя погиб, а сама Хитоми чудом выкарабкалась с того света. Прошло какое-то время и Хитоми решает съездить в Гонконг, где Тацуя работал управляющим отеля. Представьте себе ее удивление, когда в лобби этого отеля она встречает человека, как две капли воды похожего на Тацую.
Siu Ling's father
На глазах мальчика жестоко убивают его собственного отца. Ребенка усыновляет друг отца. Тот оказывается мастером боя на мечах, мечтающим сделать из мальчика непобедимого война. Повзрослев и обучившись мастерству боя на мечах, он намеревается отомстить убийцам своего отца.
The True Hero
Brother Four
An ex-con has spent the last ten years of his life in prison for defending the lives of his best friend and his best friend's sister. While in jail he learns to become a teacher's aide. In school he comes across these troubled teens who start hanging around a sleazy low-level triad that runs a video arcade, luring kids by exchanging games for drug running. He eventually befriends the kids pissing off the triad who gets him fired by digging up dirt on his past. But he doesn't care, he proposes to his girlfriend and she says yes but a student is still held under the grasp of the triad. So he goes back into action to try and free the kid and ridding the neighborhood of the sleazy scumbag. Can he reach the kid and change the kid's ways? Will the ex-con and his girl live happily ever after?
The Deadly Island
A group of triad arms smugglers led by Chung get more than they bargained for when they do business on Man-eating Island.
Мастер дзен Бодхидхарма
Это история о человеке по имени Дхарма (Бодхидхарма) и его духовном путешествии в Китай. Он был третьим принцем в Королевстве Хионг чи в Индии. Преемник на трон, Дхарма посвятил себя буддизму, а не наследованию трона семьи. Позже Дхарма отправился в Китай, чтобы распространять учение, он прибыл в Шаолинь, где он передал свое искусство ученикам Шаолиня.
Happy Partner
Action Director
Yin lives with his uncle, a compulsive gambler who's piling up debts. Both love May. Yin chauffeurs for the shady Mr. Tanakawa who's selling a stolen missile guidance system. Two young thieves seem to know all Tanakawa's moves. Who's tipping them off? Meanwhile, a ghost whom Tanakawa raped and murdered 40 years before wants revenge and enlists the help of an apprentice Taoist priest. Yin, the ghost, the young thieves, and the apprentice must rescue the kidnaped May and face the forces of guns and magic that Tanakawa musters.
All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard
Flying Tiger [cameo]
Based on parts of the classic Chinese novel The Water Margin (aka Outlaws of the Marsh).
Woman in Lust
Anna love her boyfriend Steven, when at the expense of the dancers, and the earned money is given to Steven to do business, hope one day to live a normal life, but Stephen is a liar .....
The Unpublicizable File
Hoping to run a restaurant, a father and daughter must contend with the restaurant's chef, who owes many debts.
Pom Pom And Hot Hot
Wu Yuen-Shen
Shin (Jacky Cheung) and Chiang (Stephen Tung Wai) are happy-go-lucky partners investigating a particularly notorious crime syndicate. Unfortunately, Shin's Mainland relatives -- Cha Chiang (Alfred Cheung Kin-ting) and his beautiful sibling Cha Shi (Loletta Lee Lai-chun) -- decide to drop by. While Chiang insists on accompanying his cousin on the job, Shin starts to make eyes with Shi. Meanwhile, Chiang runs into his ex-girlfriend Nancy (Bonnie Fu Yuk-ching). When Nancy witnesses a gangland hit, she and everyone around her are threatened by the mob.
Once a Black Sheep
Chan Tung
Dee (Carol Cheng) is a disheveled, hot-headed HK cop; Apple Yu (May Lo) is an urbane, designer-dressed inspector from the ICAC. Now, they're partners trying to bring down (still another) triad crime ring. To intimidate Apple, Dee dresses like a model, but finds that her partner has taken on a street-punk guise to intimidate her. They locate a priest who's a triad defector; and while Dee takes a nun's guise, her partner tries to pull off being a junkie in withdrawal.
Вечеринка многочисленной семьи
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
Back to the Beyond
Код удачи
Little Tortoise
Set in China during the Japanese occupation. A young man breaks out of a POW camp to marry his sweetheart, but finds she is now a spy for the resistance, code-named "Number 3". With the help of "Number 2" he returns to the camp to find "Fortune", an agent who possesses the pass-code to a Swiss bank account with $500 billion intended for the Chinese army.
Firefox's Killer
A Taiwanese gang tries to get the inheritance of their big boss under any circumstances. This situation will lead to numerous killings and the subsequent revenge.
Горящие амбиции
Action Director
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
Горящие амбиции
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
Ghostly Love
Scholar Tsin Fai
"Chinese Ghost Story" clone, with "Erotic Ghost Story" treatment. Scholar Tsin Fai arrives in a strange village where the beautiful Siu Chui mysteriously arrives in his room and into his bed. Next day, in the street, she treats him as a stranger...
The Final Test
Sum Ying Mo
Austin Wai plays Sum, a secret agent posing as the security chief of a remote mining colony where several employees have disappeared without a trace. At first Sum is impressed by the almost superhuman efficiency of the mine's workers, but soon becomes suspicious of the zombie-like manner in which the miners perform their duty. His worst fears are finally confirmed by the colony's resident physician (Deborah Sims), who has been forced to mix a powerful drug into the miners' meals that increases their strength while making them mental slaves of the company. Sum and the doctor prepare to expose the deadly secret, but with every other member of the colony out to get them, they may not live long enough to tell it.
Мои счастливые звезды 2
(cameo at the end)
Особый отдел полиции Гонконга ведет расследование деятельности мафиозного клана. Агенту отдела удается внедрить в мафию своего осведомителя. Но в Бангкоке мафия расправляется со «стукачом». Полицейский из Бангкока и специальный агент начинают совместную операцию по ликвидации мафиозного клана.
The Supreme Swordsman
Xue Xian-Nan
A rampaging swordsman slices and dices his way across China on a bloody mission to cut down every warrior in his way, and claim the blade of the legendary Supreme Swordsman in this Shaw Brothers classic starring Derek Yee and Jason Pai Piao, and directed by Keith Li Baak Ling. But when the son of a slain sword maker emerges as an unexpected challenger, the ruthless killer realizes that he may have finally met his match.
Бесстрашная гиена 2
Два злых мастера кун-фу рассорили двух лучших друзей. У каждого из друзей уже было по маленькому сыну. Многолетняя борьба двух кланов, и пути бойцов расходятся. Каждый воспитывает своего сына по своему. Один с детства учит своего сына всем секретам кун-фу, которые знает сам. Другой пускает всё на самотёк, и его сын становится мечтателем, валяется в кровати почти всё время и изобретает — создаёт различные необычные конструкции. Но старые неприятели ничего не забыли, они помнят кого они упустили. Проходит время и война двух кланов разгорается с новой силой.
Gang Master
Fu Zhong Yuan (Fu Chung-Yuan)
It has to do with a young clan member, Zhong Yuan, who is promoted to chief of the Dragon Gang after his adoptive father dies, only to be expelled when a letter arrives revealing him to be of Mongol birth, an awkward bit of news at a time when the Dragon Gang is actively fighting Mongol occupiers. In fact, Zhong soon learns that the Mongol general leading the anti-rebel campaign is actually his real father. Still, he persists in trying to get back into the good graces of the clan, eventually helping to ferret out a traitor in their midst.
Ambitious Kung Fu Girl
Liu Feng Gu
Spoiled Yuen Si Si, the naive daughter of an affluent merchant, lives her cosseted life dreaming of meeting her idol, the heroic Qin Ge. When her father decides to marry her off, she runs away in search of Qin Ge, with her fiancee in pursuit. What she doesn't realise though is that her kung-fu skills are not what she thinks they are and that the outside world is far less chivalrous that she expected.
Герои не плачут
Sun Tong / Head of guards
Ученик великого мастера, Као, получает от учителя легендарный Меч Слез и по его указанию направляется в город, где вот-вот случится небывалая смута – местный мастер меча Сима вместе со своим стратегом Чжоу хочет извести своего давнего соперника, великого воина Чжуменга. Однако лучше всех управляются с оружием не эти трое, а некий загадочный странник с непонятного предназначения коробкой за спиной. Что ему нужно, до определенного времени останется загадкой.
The Convict Killer
Xiao Tong
Teng Piao went to jail for fifteen years on a frame up for drug smuggling. Now that he's out, along with his iron chain, Teng Piao is hungry for revenge. The man he wants to beat with his chain is Black Leopard Lam Fei. The problem for Teng Piao is that he doesn't know who he is, only that he has a picture of a black leopard tattooed on his chest.
The Deadly Breaking Sword
Sword Spirits Duo (Red)
Leaving behind an inch of sword in the spent corpses of his opponents, Tuan Changqing is known as the Deadly Breaking Sword. After barely surviving a duel, one of his foes is treated by the diabolical Dr. Kuo, who uses his powers of mind control to transform the man into a somnambulistic killer. After Tuan Changqing teams up with Rabelaisian gambler Xiao Dao, the story proceeds as a comical kung fu buddy flick.
Five Superfighters
Ah Fu
Three young martial arts students and their teacher are beaten up badly by a wandering man who proclaims himself "a corrector of bad kung-fu." Determined to avenge their teacher and regain their honor, the three students all go their seperate ways to find kung-fu masters who will take them as students.
Kung Fu vs. Yoga
Two mischievous kung fu students enter a kung fu tournament not realizing how much trouble winning the competition will bring them. When one emerges victorious, he must accomplish three robberies to prove his worth and claim his prize! Featuring yoga master Dunpar Singh from planet 90.
The Magnificent Wonderman
Casanova Wong stars as a young fighter who does battle with a formidable gang of Mongolian fighters using his Yang Sun Style to defeat their deadly Wind Blade Palm
The Lama Avenger
When two acrobats are fired for fighting with punks in the audience, they go to live with an aunt who's being pressured to sell her house for a real estate development. The developer's nasty son, Lee Fu, decides to muscle the sale, and soon he's at war with the acrobats, plus their unlikely ally, an American named John who used to be Lee Fu's friend. The acrobats open a kung fu school, the scene of several battles with Lee Fu's thugs. A fight to the death, jail time, auntie's surprise decision, a budding acting career, a possessive girlfriend, a debilitating injury, a friendship that needs recalibrating, and Lee Fu's avenger are all in the mix before the end.
Невероятный мастер кунг-фу
Tung Wei (18 Fatal Strikes Enter The Dragon) is a lad who wants to learn kung fu. He trains in two different styles: Hung Gar and Wing Chun. Everything is fine until a jealous master creates a rift between Tung's two teachers, and he has to choose sides. But a bigger problem looms ahead. The Tiger Master, played by Philip Ko (Dragon On Fire, Fearless Dragons), wants to fight both men to the death. They're no match for him, so Tung goes to the one man who can train him properly: Sammo Hung
Full Moon Scimitar
Swordsman in White in Prologue
A talented young swordsman has beaten many veterans before his inherited martial arts manual gets stolen. After encountering his first defeat in life, in despair, he comes across a gorgeous girl, daughter of the head of a mysterious sect.
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre II
The thrills continue in this second part of this cherished adventure, created by the renowned director Chu Yuan and ingenious novelist Chin Yung. Only the union of the title weapons can save the six remaining martial arts sects who are vying for mastery. So just sit back and enjoy the movie event which spawned a legacy that continues even today with a long-running, internationally loved television series, a role-playing game, and even collectible replicas of the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre themselves!
The Avenging Eagle
Owl Eagle Cao Gao Shing
Eagle Chief Yoh Xi-hung raises orphans to be his personal killers. One such is Chik Ming-sing who now wants to put his killer life behind him. When the Eagle Clan come after him, a stranger called Cheuk comes to his assistance It turns out that Cheuk is the son of a family who were robbed and murdered by the Eagles. Now they will team up to destroy the evil clan.
Монах с железным кулаком
После того, как на глазах у Хаскера манчжуры убивают его босса, тот отправляется в храм Шаолинь изучать боевые искусства в надежде отомстить за свои унижения. Проходит некоторое время, и наш герой, решив, что теперь он достаточно силен, чтобы дать отпор обидчикам, покидает монастырь. По пути он забредает в город, который терроризирует банда манчжуров, и с помощью старшего монаха и обычного горожанина, начинает организовывать анти-правительственные действия…
The Fatal Flying Guillotines
Those rascally Shaolin monks are at it again, and this time they're tracking down some vitriolic villains who have heisted a sacred book. Throw in an evil prince, a flying guillotine, and manic martial hijinks, and you've got a potent mix for action.
Сюрпризам нет конца
В фильме содержатся три несвязанные истории. Первая рассказывает о китайской игре маджонг, и об увлечении им гонконгских жителей. В ней также содержатся две другие истории. Из которых одна повествует о трудностях игры в маджонг во время японской оккупации, а вторая рассказывает о том, как были изобретены карты-фишки маджонга. Во второй истории, представляющей собой мистическую драму, развертывающуюся в формате обратного кадра, у Джеки Чана есть небольшая роль убийцы женщин.
The Thunderbolt Fist
Tie Wa as a Boy
A small village is taken over by the nasty Japanese, who kill the town's top kung fu fighter in order to scare the populace into submission. Escaping the wrath of the Japanese, the son of the master flees into the hills, where he trains with a group of rebels led by Gam Kei-Chu. Fast-forward ten years, and Chuen returns to the village armed with his father's secret technique of the Thunderbolt Fist with the hopes of killing the leader of the Japanese.