Guglielmo Mancori


Director of Photography
An action-packed, brought to us by Ignazio Dolce - the guy who directed several other 'Nam action flicks including "The Last Platoon". It's a plot less little exploitation movie, filmed on a shoestring budget in the Philippines.
Top Line
Director of Photography
A down-on-his-luck author makes the find of a lifetime in the remote Columbian jungle, in the form of an alien spacecraft . He sets off to announce his find to the world, but finds that a mishmash of government agents, organized crime members, neo-Nazi extremists and extraterrestrials are all out to prevent him from revealing his discovery.
Let's go crazy
Director of Photography
Jungle Raiders
Director of Photography
An expedition enters an unexplored jungle to search for a legendary ruby.
Carabinieri si nasce
Director of Photography
The Manhunt
Director of Photography
A young man buys two horses at an Arizona race track but fails to get a receipt. Later, when riding across the land of a rancher named Robeson, he's accused of stealing the two horses. Unable to prove ownership, the young man is then sentenced to prison where he's forced to do chain-gang type work. He escapes, is recaptured, and escapes again as he tries to locate the man who sold him the horses.
The Last Warrior
Director of Photography
After a nuclear holocaust, as the rest of society regresses to primitivism, a small, "elite" group that has managed to escape radioactive contamination takes it upon itself to exterminate those it sees as "unfit", including certain members of its own group.
Wild Beasts
Director of Photography
PCP is unexplainably released into the Frankfurt water supply and sends the zoo inhabitants crazy. One evening after a malfunction of zoo security the gonzo critters rampage through the city eating and killing whatever they fancy, wreaking a night of bloody terror. It's up to regular Italian-trash whipping girl Lorraine De Selle and obnoxious Super Mario lookalike zookeeper John Aldrich to sort it out.
Throne of Fire
Director of Photography
A mighty hero battles the son of Satan and his evil witch ally to save a kingdom from being taken over by the duo.
Manhattan Baby
A young girl on vacation in Egypt is given a mysterious charm, causing her archeologist father to be struck blind inside an unexplored pyramid tomb. But when the family returns home to Manhattan, a plague of supernatural evil and sudden violence follows. Can this ancient curse be stopped before it is unleashed on the streets of New York City?
Нью-Йоркский потрошитель
Second Unit Director of Photography
Загадочный серийный убийца терроризирует город Нью-Йорк, оставляя за собой след из изуродованных женских тел. Противостоять ему пытаются лейтенант полиции и врач-психиатр. Загадочные сообщения которые оставляет им убийца голосом утки, еще больше запутывают их. Они пока не догадываются, что убийца рядом с ними...
Pierino the Pest to the Rescue
Director of Photography
Scusi, lei è normale?
Director of Photography
A moralistic judge declares war on pornography. His gay nephew, who lives with a transvestite, tries to save himself and also protect his friend Ana, a porn actress.
Ring of Darkness
Director of Photography
Once a Satanist who surrendered her soul and body to the devil himself, Carlotta Rhodes begins to regret her tryst with Lucifer when her teenage daughter, Daria, starts showing the evil influence of dear old Dad. Convinced that she can stop the devil's power on earth, Carlotta calls upon an exorcist for help.
From Corleone to Brooklyn
Director of Photography
Maurizio Merli takes up a familiar role as Commissioner Berni; a cop who puts his life on the line to transport a witness from Corleone to New York City in order to testify against a mob boss on trial for murder. Along the way, Berni and his prisoner face a series of traps set up by the Mafia.
Сестра Эммануэль
Director of Photography
В монашеский пансионат отправляется Моника, развратная и беспринципная девушка. Сестра Эммануэль, которая нашла в монастыре приют от грехов мира, пытается наставить её на путь истинный, но манипуляции Моники заводят Эммануэль в мир обмана и греха…
Желтая Эммануэль
Director of Photography
Сексуально озабоченного пилота Джорджа Телора ограбили. Кроме этого, его еще жесткого избили, и он оказался в комфортабельной клинике. Возвращение к полноценной жизни возможно и за дело берутся две очаровательные красотки. Одной из них стала доктор Эми Вонг, а другой – секретарь авиакомпании Хелент Миллер.
4 Billion in 4 Minutes
Director of Photography
Obscure, action-packed euro-crime yarn about an imprisoned genius who organizes a bank robbery of 4 billion Lire from behind bars. It's up to superhunk Antonio Sabato to save the day, foil the baddies and bed the chick. There are great car chases and wrecks, and an occasionally enjoyable synth score.
Black Emanuelle 2
Emanuelle is now confined to a Manhattan psychiatric clinic with an acute case of extreme amnesia and depraved fantasies. Can her doctor unravel a Freudian nightmare of incestuous hungers, lesbian longings, rampant nymphomania, and inexplicable body painting to solve the shocking mystery of her bizarre sexual trauma?
Blackmail Chase
Director of Photography
A couple of friends aspiring to join film land get mixed up in a robbery, ordered by a mafia boss who wants to seize the evidence he needs to blackmail an American politician.
Живи как полицейский, умри как мужчина
Director of Photography
Работники спецотряда полиции Альфредо и Антонио — самая настоящая гроза преступного мира: они не используют наручники, они не зачитывают права. Когда они получают задание задержать преступников, они просто приканчивают их и ждут нового задания… После убийства их коллеги, который был близок к поимке гангстера Роберто Паскуини по кличке «Биби», они объявляют войну банде злоумышленников…
Povero Cristo
A provincial young man with aspirations of becoming a private investigator is approached by a stranger that promises 100 million lire if he provides evidence of the existence of Jesus Christ.
Manhunt in the City
Director of Photography
A man's daughter is killed by thieves during a bank robbery. Due to the incompetence of the corrupt authorities, he decides to take to law into his own hands and track down the killers.
The Exorcist: Italian Style
Director of Photography
A satire on the American film "The Exorcist," but with an Italian twist.
Il trafficone
Director of Photography
Neapolitan Vincenzo LoRusso lives of expedients in Rome, as he tries to sell at an intersection a faux suede jacket, accidentally meets Laura, a beautiful woman who invites him to her house.
A forza di sberle
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A man who has tried to kill his unfaithful wife goes to prison, escapes, ends up in a convent, teaches the nuns to make cookies, captured again and before going back to prison tries to take his long awaited revenge again. Does he eventually succeed in killing his wife?
Прогуливаясь по пляжу, Кристиан и его подруга находят загадочную женщину. На следующий день Кристиан снова встречает ее во время вечеринки на яхте и внезапно оказывается втянутым в сеть опасных интриг.
Меня зовут Шанхайский Джо
Director of Photography
Шанхайский эмигрант Чин Хау прибывает в техасский городок, населенный ковбоями, и быстро становится известным, благодаря своим бойцовским способностям. Получив работу на самом крупном ранчо, он узнаёт, что хозяин контрабандист. Друзья становятся врагами...
Все сыновья святейшей мамочки
Director of Photography
В двадцатые годы, в Чикаго, бушует война между сицилийскими и ирландскими гангстерами. Но один умный и смелый новичок, сделает все, чтобы это изменить и стать лидером преступного мира.
Fuzzy the Hero
Director of Photography
Shosena, a clever bank robber, is associated with "Jaguar" to take a big hit. They think the town where the bank owned dock Koven, a man who has against all the farmers of the place. His only son, George, is in love with the daughter of Rush, his most angry enemy. And ... coincidentally, Shosena and "Jaguar" to justify their stay in the village, get to work for him.
Roman Scandals '73
Director of Photography
The young Chiarina di Vallefiorita is forced by her father to marry an old, fat, rich man. With the help ot the monk of a nearby convent, she will escape her fate.
Novelle galeotte d'amore
The Crimes of the Black Cat
Director of Photography
A blind pianist tries to figure out who is responsible for a string of murders using a black cat with its claws dipped in curare.
Murder Mansion
Director of Photography
A group of travelers, stranded at an isolated, fog-bound mansion, are beset upon by the living dead from the adjoining cemetery.
Hector the Mighty
Director of Photography
A pimp named Horny Hector operates a brothel on property coveted by Cardinal Giove. The Cardinal comes up with a plan to force Hector into selling him the land by kidnapping Helen, triggering a small gang war.
First Surrender
Director of Photography
Giallo about a man plotting to kill his wife for her money.
Web of the Spider
Director of Photography
Alan Foster, a professional American journalist, travels to London to meet with Edgar Allen Poe for an interview. While in London, Alan soon finds himself in the company of Lord Blackwood, and Alan accepts a bet to spend a night in his castle
Stanza 17-17 palazzo delle tasse, ufficio imposte
Vendetta at Dawn
George Benton returns from school to his brother Jonathan's farm as a doctor and marries his fiancé Lory, but happiness doesn't last long. The Fargas brothers provide a bloodbath at the ranch and are able to divert suspicion from themselves onto a gang of passing outlaws, but one of the family has survived the massacre and knows who the actual killers are.
His Name Was King
Director of Photography
The Benson brothers, who are smuggling guns across the Mexican border, kill King's brother and rape his wife. King must stop their illegal activities, find who is behind them and gain revenge for his family.
The Fourth Victim
Director of Photography
A man's wife is found suspiciously drowned in their swimming pool and because his two previous wives also died strange deaths he is charged with murder and only gets off because his motherly housekeeper lies to clear his name. When a pretty blonde woman shows up and starts flirting with him it's clear from the start that she may not be who she seems to be.
The Weekend Murders
An aristocratic English family gather for the reading of their father's will. The family are dismayed to find that everything has been left to Barbara, the deceased's favourite daughter. The butler is soon found stabbed to death and Sergeant Thorpe, the local bobby, telephones Scotland Yard for assistance. Inspector Grey arrives and he and Barbara narrowly escape being shot. Cousin Ted and his wife Pauline are both killed. Sergeant Thorpe recalls some photos which Ted asked to have developed...
Director of Photography
Главная героиня фильма — Хелен, зарабатывает на жизнь автогонками. Однажды она попадает в крупную аварию, после которой врачи настоятельно советуют ей отказаться от всех вредных привычек, бросить гонки и вести спокойный образ жизни, без потрясений и стрессов. В день выхода из больницы она получает письмо от своего бывшего мужа, Мориса, который приглашает ее приехать к нему на виллу в Испанию. Недолго поколебавшись, она срывается из родного города и едет в Испанию, на виллу к Морису. Приехав, она обнаруживает, что Морис снова женат на богатой и уже не молодой женщине, Констанс, и с удивлением узнает, что это приглашение написал вовсе не Морис, а его новая жена…
So Sweet... So Perverse
Director of Photography
Industrialist Jean is living a jet set life in late sixties Paris. He comes to the aid of a frightened young woman (Nicole) who is under the domineering control of her abusive boyfriend, Klaus. Although married, Jean develops a romantic relationship with Nicole. However, he may have gotten himself involved in more than he bargained for.
Tarzan in the Golden Grotto
Director of Photography
Tarzan helps the Amazons defeat two gangsters who wished to take over a sacred gold treasure from the women's tribe. There are extensive views of the Central America jungle, and several tough battles between the young Amazons and the evil pirates.
Director of Photography
Following the death of her wealthy husband, American widow Kathryn West migrates to Italy and takes up a reclusive existence in a luxurious villa. After quickly succumbing to the charms of a local man, she lets him move into the villa and the two are later joined by his sister, which soon leads to complications.
A Man Called Amen
Director of Photography
A men is hired to find a stolen cache of $1,000,000 in gold coins while all the while he seems protected by a ghost.
Беги, человек, беги
Director of Photography
Бежав из тюрьмы, Кучилло и Рамирез направляются в город, в котором бандит Риза ищет спрятанное золото. За ними по пятам идут два французских агента, тоже имеющих виды на сокровище.
All on the Red
Director of Photography
With the help of two accomplices an underhanded gambler prepares a rigged roulette wheel with which they quickly accumulate money hand over fist. But then greed forges a wall between the three and the intrusion of ruthless competitors result in a massacre.
Stasera mi butto
Director of Photography
Summer Late sixties, Want to sing, Of Sun. Of golden skin from tanning. Of endless beaches. And relaxing baths. For everyone: young and old. Singles and couples. In the endless consumption of flirtation and new knowledge, the musical background goes crazy with the famous screamer. Famous personalities like Lola Falana emerge from famous people. They get confused. They are inserted between these alleged stars. But above all, they have fun like crazy ...
The Tall, The Short, The Cat
Director of Photography
Two dim-witted servants to an elderly, wealthy woman learn that they are to inherent the late woman's money, on the condition that they have to care for her rambuncous pet cat, which is not an easy thing to do so.
Аризона Кольт
Director of Photography
Банда головорезов освобождает группу заключённых, заставляя их присоединиться к банде, либо умереть. Лишь Аризона Кольт отказывается, обещая подумать об этом, и ему это сходит с рук, так как он невероятно ловкий парень, привыкший думать своею головой…
Johnny Colt
Director of Photography
Starblack is a hero who dresses in black and his face is covered by a black scarf and he carries in his shirt a black star, which he always leaves at the scene of his enterprises, as a symbol of justice. Soucre: SWDB
Gunman Called Nebraska
Director of Photography
A drifter helps a ranch couple fend off the approaches of a ruthless landowner.
Z7 Operation Rembrandt
Director of Photography
A German scientist takes refuge in an unnamed South American country, and finishes the development of a weapon of mass destruction. Lesky, is assistant, is paid by a Chinese spy ring to abduct the scientist, and appropriate the weapon. Super agent Z7's mission is to find them and prevent that, which he does - at a cost of a number of lives.
Le sedicenni
Director of Photography
Adventurer of Tortuga
Director of Photography
In the New World, a rugged pirate leader and a corrupt governor vie for the affections of a beautiful Indian heiress.
Kidnapped to Mystery Island
Three year old Ada, daughter of the British captain McPherson, is captured by the Indian Tukh sect to represent the incarnation of Kali. Ever hidden in a vast underground system of caverns, she watches over human sacrifices, doubting her vocation. 15 years have passed when her father finally finds her and attempts a rescue, together with a snake-hunter who has fallen in love with her.
Gunmen Of The Rio Grande
Director of Photography
Wyatt Earp comes to a small town, Rio Bravo, to help the woman saloon owner against the town villain and to save a mine owner from robbery.
The Revenge of the Gladiators
Director of Photography
La vendetta di Spartacus (US title: Revenge of the Gladiators) is a 1965 Italian film directed by Michele Lupo. It was shot back to back with Seven Slaves Against the World.
Seven Slaves Against the World
Director of Photography
Tribune Marcus Aulus, out of favor in Rome because of his alleged sympathy for Christians, arrives to take charge of an aqueduct project on the hot, arid fringes of the Empire. Centurion Gaius, cruel and corrupt, resents being replaced by Marcus. He instigates a revolt by his slave-workers, then blames the situation on Marcus. During the revolt, five muscular slaves escape. They meet up with fellow escapee Balisten, a farmer unjustly condemned to the aqueduct project. Balisten, impressed by Marcus's enlightened attitudes, has rescued the Tribune from the revolt. The six slaves, with Marcus's advice, plan to gain their freedom using their prowess as gladiators. Marcus plans to clear his name and to re-unite with his fiancée, Claudia, recently arrived from Rome. Gaius plans to kill Marcus and thus hide the truth about the slave revolt. Brawls and fights both inside and outside the arena come thick and fast.
Goliath and the Sins of Babylon
Director of Photography
Goliath battles for the freedom of the Babylonian people.
Thor and the Amazon Women
Director of Photography
A race of Amazon warriors is enslaving the men of a country, and the mighty Thor is called upon to help them regain their freedom.
СССР глазами итальянцев
Director of Photography
Документальный фильм. Два итальянца — Сандро и Лоренцо — путешествуют по Советскому Союзу. Лоренцо уже был в России раньше и теперь, сопровождая друга, даёт ему необходимые пояснения. Этот своеобразный приём позволяет увидеть СССР глазами прогрессивно мыслящего итальянца, ознакомить через западные страны с грандиозными преобразованиями, которые происходили в то время в советской стране, с самыми существенными чертами социалистической действительности, с жизнью людей, с достижениями науки, техники, культуры и искусства.
The Masseuses
Director of Photography
Two industry managers from Milan are in Rome to get the contract to build a YMCA hostel. They get in touch with a masseuses ring and one of the masseuses is introduced to the president of the catholic association as the wife of one of the managers. During a vice squad roundup, the president is about to be discovered with one of the girls when he dies of a stroke. How will the others try to hide his death?
Colossus of the Arena
Director of Photography
A powerful man posing as a gladiator in Rome's fourth century discovers a plan to put the beautiful Queen in prison, which he thwarts by exposing a sinister duke as a traitor.
The Orderly
Director of Photography
Colonels, majors, lieutenants: all of them live in the same building. Some of them have a wife or children or none, but everyone has his orderly. Major Penna is harassed by Osvaldo's mother. Lt. Martucci gets involved in the love affair between Antonio, his orderly, and Lauretta.
Totò, Peppino and... the Sweet Life
Camera Operator
Antonio goes to Rome to represent his fellow peasants, to request a highway that will be built in their region. But the guy is mastered by 'la dolce vita' and wastes the money entrusted to him for his mission. When Peppino is sent to to find out what happened, he lets himself be trapped by the gentle grip of 'la dolce vita'
Letto a tre piazze
Camera Operator
Antonio married Amalia and went to fight in Russia during World War II. Since he didn't return Amalia thought he was dead, so she married another man. Many year after the war end, Antonio returned. Amalia has to choose between two husbands.
I piaceri dello scapolo
Camera Operator
Two middle-aged bachelors use the same apartment for their romantic meetings.
Genitori in blue-jeans
Camera Operator
Some middle-aged Italian men try to have affairs with much-younger girls.
La cambiale
Camera Operator
The Posalaquaglia cousins are two small scammers and make a living of expedients: Dante receives as recognition for Tommaso a bill of one hundred thousand lire from the famous financier Bruscatelli, who ends up in prison immediately afterwards.
The Moralist
Camera Operator
The newly appointed head of a censorship board uses his uncompromising stance against everything "immoral" – from nudity in movies to nightclubs – to hide a rather unseemly double life.
Men and Noblemen
Camera Operator
Nicola Peccoli has always nurtured his niece Giovanna, an orphan since the age of two and now of age, but he does not look favorably on her beloved Mario because he is just a simple employee and a lower class of society.
Тото в Мадриде
Camera Operator
Едва выйдя из тюрьмы, Рауль Ла Спада замышляет новую аферу. Римский художник Тото Скорчелетти должен написать копию с картины Гойя, а мошенник Рауль собирается выдать подделку за оригинал и продать полотно некой американке, коллекционирующей произведения искусства… Для пущей правдоподобности Ла Спада, с помощью своей подружки Евы, устраивает дело так, что «неизвестный шедевр» обнаруживает в тайнике дома великого художника, не кто иной, как профессор Франсиско Монтиэль - эксперт по испанской живописи.
The Beautiful Legs of Sabrina
Camera Operator
Sabrina is a beautiful thief, one who happens to have seven moles on her thigh, forming the constellation Ursa Minor; this is the only clue German police have to solve a recent robbery. Teo is a photographer looking for a pair of beautiful legs to participate in a photo contest. When he secretly takes a photo of Sabrina's legs, including the telltale moles, Sabrina has to get it back at any cost, something which brings her into dangerous proximity with the smitten Teo. Romance and assorted hijinx ensue.
Тото в Париже
Camera Operator
Ничто не может заставить Тото покинуть Италию кроме злого рока в лице маркиза Гастона, похожего как две капли воды на Тото. Вот только причина, по которой маркиз замыслил путешествие Тото в Париж, благородной назвать никак нельзя, и ставкой в этой игре будет чья-то жизнь. Но что возьмёт верх, простодушная беспечность Тото или гениальные происки воротил криминального мира?
È arrivata la parigina
Camera Operator
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
Domenica è sempre domenica
Camera Operator
A television broadcast launches a proclamation for amateurs: "If you know how to speak, you will know how to sing". The award mirage lured many person, with ambitions or financial problems, to enroll in the competition.
Totò, Vittorio and the Doctor
Camera Operator
The fake private detective Mike Spillone is hired by two old ladies to find out if Brigitte, the wife of their nephew Otello Bellomo, has a lover. Brigitte is a physician but the two aunts are unaware of the fact. While investigating, Mike and his assistant Johnny discover Brigitte with a prospective patient, the marquis De Vitti who was shot by the husband of the woman he tried to seduce. Afterwards Spillone finds her with her husband who he believes to be her lover.
Il cocco di mamma
Camera Operator
Aldo, Vasco and "Smilzo" (Slim) are friends. They live with their parents and are training for boxing. But their real interest is in women. When casually Aldo meets Laura and falls for her. Will he succeed in winning her love?
Camera Operator
This is an Italian Romance starring Terence Hill
Giovanni dalle bande nere
Camera Operator
The legendary John of the Black Bands begins a romantic relationship with a beautiful girl without revealing his identity. The girl unconsciously discovers the truth and retires to a convent. She thinks that John is guilty of the death of her family, and cannot continue to love him. He remains wounded in battle.
Figaro, il barbiere di Siviglia
Camera Operator
Cinematic version of Rossini's opera in which Count Almaviva wins the heart of beautiful Rosina with the help of Figaro, the barber of Seville.
Bertoldo, Bertoldino and Cacasenno
Camera Operator
A poor farmer is invited to the King's court and tries to prevent the princess' marriage to a villanious knight.
La muta di Portici
Camera Operator
Domani è un altro giorno
Assistant Camera
A doctor saves a woman who was planning to commit suicide and takes her with him during his night shift.