Björn Wahlberg


Fredrik, Nicke's dad
A girl, Selinda, runs into her parents' bedroom in the middle of the night, claiming that a strange man just climbed through her window. The event causes a commotion in the entire residential area where they live. Some immediately assume that the outsider running the convenience store is the perpetrator. Others doubt the girl's story. In the midst of this drama, middle-aged Paul is trying to find his way back to his daughter, who is growing up, and away from him.
Стокгольмская восточная
Трогательная история непреодолимой любви между двумя незнакомцами, связанных между собой одной трагедией, которая сказывается на их жизнях и отношениях. Когда Йохан и Анна встречаются на вокзале, связывающим столицу Стокгольм с идиллическим пригородом, где они и живут, они отправляются в опасное путешествие из страсти и лжи…
Beck 07 - The Money Man
A homosexual police officer's double life is paid by Becks archenemy, Gavling. A man who runs Stockholm's underworld. In return have the homosexual police, been serving Gavling with secret information from the archive of the police authorities. Written
Drama about a family going through a crisis during the Easter weekend.