Marie Astaire

Рождение : 1907-11-30,

Смерть : 1991-10-26


Women in the Wind
Woman (uncredited)
A famous aviator helps an amateur enter a cross-country air race for women.
Dr. Socrates
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
Gerard's Moll (uncredited)
Джеймс Дэвис по прозвищу «Кирпич» рос фактически на улице и наверняка оказался бы в команде гангстера МакКэя. Однажды Эд Бьюкенен, старый приятель «Кирпича», предлагает Джеймсу поступить на работу в ФБР, в только что организованный отряд «джи-менов». Джеймс гневно отвергает предложение друга, но вскоре узнает о гибели Эда, убитого при исполнении служебных обязанностей. И тогда «Кирпич» идет в ФБР, чтобы, во-первых, завязать со своим прошлым, и во-вторых, иметь возможность отомстить за смерть друга…
Bobby (uncredited)
After a tumultuous first marriage, Millie Blake learns to love her newfound independence and drags her feet on the possibility of remarriage. The years pass, and now Millie's daughter garners the attentions of men-- Men who once devoted their time to her mother.
A Soldier's Plaything
A pair of hapless half-wits get into continuous mischief during the occupation of Germany after WW I.
Ворота в Ад
Kitty, Fortune Teller (uncredited)
Луи Рикарно - редкой смышлености малый. Однажды он организовывает между всеми крупными бандами Чикаго союз, дабы они друг друга не истребили окончательно, благодаря чему, будучи лидером этого преступного альянса, быстро идет в гору, женится и переезжает во Флориду, где начинает написание автобиографии, играет в гольф и входит в высший свет. Увы, в его отсутствие между группировками вновь начинает разгораться вражда, так что вскоре из преступной столицы Луи начинают поступать тревожные вести, на которые он, впрочем, не особо реагирует, упиваясь своей новой шикарной жизнью. Однако он несет ответственность за все происходящее, и вскоре ему об этом не очень деликатно напомнят северные друзья...
The Grand Parade
No one suffered more magnificently in the early-talkie era than the inimitable Helen Twelvetrees. In Grand Parade, the actress is cast as Molly, the sweetheart of minstrel-show performer Jack Kelly. Rising to the top of his profession, Kelly plummets to the bottom thanks to his fondness for intoxicating beverages. Molly nurses and coddles Kelly back to health, giving nary a thought for her own comfort or happiness.
Night Parade
Florence - Party Guest
Bobby Martin, a young middleweight champion boxer, is an honest and decent fighter. However, a dishonest but beautiful woman uses every trick to ensnare him.
A Trip to Chinatown
Rose Blood
A young hypochondriac who believes that he has only a week to live. His name, by the way, is Welland Strong. He decides to visit his uncle in the short amount of time he has left in the world. Eventually Strong winds up in Chinatown.
The Mad Whirl
Julia Carling
A teenager with permissive parents gets too caught up in wild parties and the fast life.
Boobs in the Wood
La ragazza - Hazel Wood
Chester Winfield tries to make it as a lumberjack, but he's foiled by his lack of strength and the jealous foreman, Big Bill Reardon, after Chester catches the eye of Hazel Wood, Big Bill's favorite and the camp's waitress. Bill tries to eliminate Chester, so he and Hazel head down the mountain for other work. She waits tables and gets him a job as a dishwasher. He spills kerosene in the soup and then must serve it to an angry customer. Hazel tells a couple of tall tales about Chester, and soon all the customers, the owner, and the cook, think he's a desperado. They make him the saloon bouncer. Some trick shooting seals his reputation. Then Big Bill arrives for a showdown.
The Last Man on Earth
Paula Prodwell
An epidemic has killed off all of the fertile men on earth, except for Elmer Smith, a hillbilly who lives out in a cabin in the Ozarks, when he is discovered, every woman on the planet begins fighting over him.
Nerve Tonic
Eddie's Fiancee
Jimmie Adams comedy produced by Al Christie.
Lights Out
Notorious crooks "Hairpin" Annie and Sea Bass steal a suitcase on the train and discover that it is filled with scenarios. Its owner, Egbert Winslow, agrees to write a screenplay about the underworld with Sea Bass's help. Sea Bass, seeing a chance to expose a pal who has double-crossed him, describes "High-Shine" Joe and some of his underworld activities. Joe sees the film in a South American theater and recognizes himself. He goes to the motion picture studio determined to kill Egbert Winslow, but bank president Peyton, who has been robbed by Joe, appears simultaneously with the police and saves Winslow.