Christophe Paou

Christophe Paou

Рождение : 1969-02-25, Blois, Loir et Cher - France


Christophe Paou


The Sitting Duck
Arnaud Montebourg
La syndicaliste is the true story of Maureen Kearney, the head union representative of a French multinational nuclear powerhouse. She became a whistleblower, denouncing top-secret deals that shook the French nuclear sector. Alone against the world, she fought government ministers and industry leaders, tooth and nail to bring the scandal to light and to defend more than 50,000 jobs.. Her life was turned upside down when she was violently assaulted in her own home... The investigation is carried out under pressure: the subject is sensitive. Suddenly, new elements create doubt in the minds of the investigators. At first a victim, Maureen becomes a suspect.
Вы желаете только меня
Отношения между французской писательницей Маргаритой Дюрас и ее последним партнером Яном Андреа, который был на 38 лет моложе ее.
Кровавые апельсины
Stéphane Lemarchand, le ministre
В одно и то же время во Франции происходят следующие истории: пара обремененных долгами пенсионеров пытается победить в танцевальном конкурсе, министра подозревают в уклонении от уплаты налогов, девочка-подросток встречает сексуального маньяка. Наступает долгая ночь. Собаки спущены с цепи.
La Dame de chez Maxim
Doctor Petypon, a respectable doctor, partied until early morning at Maxim's. His best friend discovers him asleep at noon under an overturned sofa. From the bedroom comes the Môme Crevette, a dancer from the Moulin Rouge. She is forced to pretend to be his wife. It stings at the game and causes a cascade of misunderstandings, imbroglios and drama at a frantic pace.
I Wish Someone Were Waiting for Me Somewhere
In the beautiful family home, at the end of the summer, Monique celebrates her 70th birthday, surrounded by her 4 children, all of whom have come for the occasion. There is Jean-Pierre, the elder, who took on the role of head of the family after the death of his father; Juliette, pregnant with her first child at 40 and who still dreams of becoming a writer; Margaux, the family’s radical artist, and Mathieu, 30, anxious to seduce pretty Sarah. Later, one day, one of them will make a life-changing decision ...
Израильтянин Йоав прилетает в зимний Париж в надежде, что Франция станет его новым домом, а французский язык — новым средством общения с миром. За один день герой успевает вселиться в чужую брошенную квартиру, потерять все свои вещи, чуть не умереть от переохлаждения и завести новых друзей. Богемные спасители дарят ему пачку евро, айфон, великолепное горчичное пальто Kenzo и обманчивую уверенность в том, что со временем он сможет стать настоящим французом.
Cornélius, le meunier hurlant
An isolated village welcomes a new miller with open arms. Problem is, the man howls at the moon every night. His integration is starting well… French comedy at its best.
The Benefit of the Doubt
David has a woman he loves, two lovely young children, a band of friends with whom they go on holiday. But on his return from a stay in the Vosges, he is interrogated by the police in connection with an investigation into a murder. Quickly, it is established that David, under irreproachable looks, does not have a life as smooth as what he claims. Despite the support of his best friend, Noël, and his lawyer, Marco, the doubt spreads.
Seances, co-created with the National Film Board of Canada, presents a wholly new way of experiencing film narrative. By dynamically generating a series of film sequences in unique configurations, potentially hundreds of thousands of new stories are conjured by code. Each will exist only in the moment—no pausing, scrubbing, or sharing—offering the audience one chance to see the generated film. This project, co-created by the ever imaginative Guy Maddin, is a visual discourse on the impact of loss within film. All the sequences pay homage to lost silent films from the early day of cinema. Seances is nostalgic but it is also frequently hilarious. Part of the joy and sadness of Seances is that many possible narratives are created but they can be only viewed once before they disappear forever.
She Walks
An illegal Chinese immigrant and her teenage daughter are held captive in their home after a stranger breaks in.
Запретная комната
Ukrainian Prisoner
Таинственный дровосек появляется на борту подводной лодки, которая несколько месяцев находится под водой в ловушке из-за нестабильного груза. Это событие заставляет команду обреченного судна встретиться с своими самыми потаенными страхами.
Искренне ваш
Le troisième amant d'Hanna
Добродушной Ханне 30 лет. Она очень обаятельна и совсем не умеет говорить «нет». Ханна страдает так называемым «синдромом доброты», доставшимся ей в наследство от отца Омара, социального бакалейщика, и матери Симоны, домашнего психолога. Несмотря на доброту, Ханне никак не удается найти общий язык с братом Хакимом, сосредоточенным на своем происхождении и религии. Пока одно непредвиденное событие не заставляет Ханну и Хакима сблизиться…
Gare du Nord
Gaspard, Joan's companion
Paris, North Station, anything comes by, even trains. One would like to stay, but they have to hurry up... Like other thousands lives crossing, Ismael, Mathilde, Sacha and Joan are going to meet here...
Незнакомец у озера
Лето, укромное местечко на берегу озера, куда мужчины приходят в поисках партнеров. Франк влюбляется в Мишеля — красивого, мощного и смертельно опасного человека. Франк все это знает, но хочет пережить эту страсть.
Молодой начинающий повар пытается изменить жизненный устой и предпочтения уже известного «звёздного» шеф-повара, и это упрямство и упорство делает из молодого человека настоящего короля кухни!
Последний романтик планеты Земля
Конец света близок — об этом уже объявили по радио. В сводках новостей сообщают, что на Токио сброшена бомба, по Парижу нанесен ракетный удар, но Робинсон, кажется, не замечает всеобщей паники. Посреди этого кошмара он ищет девушку, которая стала для него наваждением и мечтой. В погоне за ней он мог погибнуть десятки раз — ему ли бояться апокалипсиса?! Он колесит по всей Европе, чтобы обнять ее в последний раз!
Le voyage aux Pyrénées
The masseur
Getting away from it all causes more problems than it solves in this comedy from the French writing-directing team of Jean-Marie Larrieu and Arnaud Larrieu. Alexandre Darou (Jean-Pierre Darroussin) and his wife Aurore Lalu (Sabine Azema) are a pair of well-known actors who need a break from the tension and fast pace of their lives in show biz. Adopting the names "Mr. and Mrs. Go," Alexandre and Aurore head for a village high in the mountains of Southwest France, where they hope to enjoy some relaxing downtime and they won't be bothered. However, Alexandre and Aurore underestimated their own fame, and it isn't long before everyone in the town knows that a pair of movie stars are in their midst. As the couple head into the hills, Alexandre and Aurore discover they don't have much of a talent for roughing it, and while she believed that getting away from the city would help her deal with a recent bout with nymphomania, getting back to nature only increases her appetite for other men.
The Feelings Factory
A successful woman searches for romance by speed dating in this drama. Eloise has a great job and a great education, but she's looking for love. Can a couple of minutes be the key to finding true love?
Cap Nord
A party, musical love stories: head North, on a Northern Soul rhythm.
Let's Dance
In the Bellinsky family: there is Solomon the father, 80 years old, brimming with life. He is fighting not to be buried too quickly, between tap dance lessons under the high patronage of Fred Astaire and the search for a companion... The mother, Geneviève, dreams of only one thing: quietly continuing her infantilisation, with her household help, protector and guardian angel, Mr Mootoousamy.
A Real Man
During a party somewhere in Paris, an apprentice filmmaker, Boris, and a young executive, Marilyne, play at being a loving couple when they've only just met. They end up really falling in love. Five years later, Marilyne, accompanied by Boris and their two kids, goes to Ibiza on a business trip. Just as Boris, tired of being a househusband, is about to leave her, Marilyne takes off on a lover's spree. Five years later,; Marilyne reappears in the depths of the Pyrenees as the leader of a group of American women on a "personal growth" tour. She learns that the man who is to introduce them to the mysteries of coqs de Bruyère mating rituals is none other than Boris. In the same way that, five years earlier, they played at being intimate when they'd only just met, Marilyne and Boris will now play at being strangers when they know each other, For the very best.
История с ожерельем
В конце XVIII века во Франции, во времена царствования Марии Антуанетты случилась одна скандальная история, в которой оказалась замешана королевская семья. Восхитительная Жанна де ла Мотт-Валуа чьи родители за несколько лет до этого были лишены всего, разработала хитроумный и опасный план, в центре которого великолепное ожерелье с 647 бриллиантами, сделанное когда-то для любовницы короля…
Salle des ventes
Juste avant la chute
Cosmetic Valley
Candice à la fac