Mikey McCleary

Mikey McCleary

Рождение : 1969-01-08, Chennai, India


Michael McCleary is an Indian-born New Zealand songwriter, composer, performer, producer and director living in Mumbai, India.


Mikey McCleary


Original Music Composer
When a mysterious murder takes place at exiled billionaire Ashish Kapoor’s birthday party, the prime suspects are his close family and friends.​ As twists follow turns and devious motives are revealed, CBI officer Mira Rao must use all her skill to unravel a mystery where nothing is what it seems and everyone hides a secret or two.
When a mysterious murder takes place at exiled billionaire Ashish Kapoor’s birthday party, the prime suspects are his close family and friends.​ As twists follow turns and devious motives are revealed, CBI officer Mira Rao must use all her skill to unravel a mystery where nothing is what it seems and everyone hides a secret or two.
Дорогая Моника
Original Music Composer
Страстный роман принимает неожиданный оборот и делает талантливого робототехника соучастником убийства. Но от жизни и даже от смерти можно ожидать чего угодно.
Phone Bhoot
Two crazy, jobless, horror-film addicts Major and Gullu, under immense family pressure to find work, hit upon the idea to float a unique ghost-capturing service when they meet a spirit, Ragini, who makes their business a success but in return asks them for a favour which they are compelled to honour.
Saakini Daakini
Original Music Composer
Two trainee female police officers find themselves in an endless race against time after they witness a kidnapping and decide to use their knowledge.
Original Music Composer
Determined to make it in showbiz, an aspiring young actor considers turning his back on the beloved Irani café run by his family for generations.
Небо розового цвета
Original Music Composer
The 25-year-old love story of a couple is told through the lens of their teenage daughter after she is diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis.
Additional Soundtrack
When Dev finds about his wife's affair, he starts blackmailing her and her lover but the blackmail game backfires on him.
Original Music Composer
A young working urban couple is overwhelmed with the birth of a baby girl but parenthood has its own challenges.
While visiting his comatose wife in the hospital, a serene old professor befriends a vibrant young woman whose husband has also fallen into a coma.
Бомбейский бархат
Original Music Composer
Бомбей 1960 года. Балрадж, уличный боксёр, влюблен в джазовую певицу Рози, и мечтает стать «большим человеком». Балрадж и его друг Чимман попадают в поле зрения некоего Кайзада Хамбатта, который меняет Балраджу имя на Джонни Балрадж и помогает ему открыть клуб «Бомбейский бархат», чтобы затем использовать этот клуб для своих незаконных сделок. Джимми Мистри, социалист, с помощью Рози получает фотографии, которые Джони использует для шантажа министра.
Маргариту, с соломинкой
Original Music Composer
Девушка Лейла, страдающая церебральным параличом, уезжает из Индии на учебу в Нью-Йорк, где она неожиданно влюбляется. Так начинается волнующее путешествие самопознания.
Sonali Cable
Original Music Composer
Sonali, a spunky self-made internet operator, proudly runs a small outfit along with her band of ghetto boys catering to a sprawling Mumbai suburb. Complications arise when Sonali's childhood sweetheart, Raghu returns from the United States and helps bring her small enterprise into the 21st century. But not all forces of modernization are as kind and as loving as Raghu. SHINING INC, a huge corporation wants her out to complete their monopoly of Shining Broadband in the city. Sonali refuses... and it's war! This is a character driven, edgy survival drama of an ordinary girl, a sizzling love interest and her rag-tag family of internet cable technicians for whom Sonali Cable Centre is more than a livelihood... it's their home.
'Pizza' is a supernatural thriller - it is the story of Kunal,a pizza delivery boy who works at a small pizza joint in Mumbai. The staff working at the Pizza joint are his only friends and his wife Nikita, is someone whom he trusts and enjoys spending time with. His life is limited to delivering pizzas across the city .Kunal is a non believer in the occult - whether ghosts or the afterlife. Life is a series of regular uneventful days, until one day a pizza delivery goes wrong. Kunal delivers to a couple at a House and this encounter changes his life around for the worse. The experiences in the haunted house makes Kunal realize there are supernatural powers in existence... and to make matters worse, when he finally escapes from the house, his wife Nikita goes missing. 'Pizza' is a horror film, with a twist.
Обратная сторона брака
Additional Soundtrack
Сид и Триша — типичный герой-любовник и современная девушка — теперь муж и жена. Сид поборол свой страх перед браком и нашел, наконец, время поклясться Трише три раза подряд. Вначале все идет прекрасно, но потом появляется боль как побочный эффект сладкого препарата под названием «брак».
Король драмы
Original Music Composer
Жизнь актера и режиссера Рама Пармара превращается в настоящую театральную драму, когда он однажды вечером спасает незнакомца, пытавшегося совершить самоубийство.
Original Music Composer
Речь пойдет не об одном Давиде, а сразу о трех. Правда каждый из них жил в свое время. Первый герой Давид работает на местного мафиозника, события разворачиваются в Лондоне в 1975 году. Второй Давид – молодой и талантливый музыкант, который живет в Мумбаи. Действия разворачиваются в 1999 году. И третий Давид – простой и скромный 40-летний рыбак, который живет в маленькой деревне и однажды влюбляется в глухонемую женщину. Происходит это все уже в 2010 году на Гоа.
Original Music Composer
The story is about two Davids living in different parts of India whose lives eventually come together in a twist of events., who are about to take a step which is going to change their lives forever.
Additional Soundtrack
Prime leader of a campaign against a big government project is killed in what appears to be a road accident. An IAS officer is ordered to probe the incident and the veils of falsehood begin to drop.