Stefanie E. Frame


Хэнк Бойд Мёртв
Sarah Walsh
Молодая двушка была нанята для облуживания поминок обвинненого в убийстве Хэнка Бойда. В результате она узнает, что обстоятельства его преступлений и смерти не такие, какими казались на первый взгляд.
Трое выряженных придурков со специфическими предпочтениями в еде облюбовывают мексиканское бистро. Персонал вынужден поздней ночью принимать участие в развлекательной программе гурманов, включающей в себя игры, возлияния и трапезу. Единственный остренький вопрос этого вечера — что же сегодня в меню?
Happy Hour
When two friends fall behind on their rent, they must get creative in order to please their landlord.
They're Out of the Business
Sarah Jane
A decade and a half after their seminal indie film launched meteoric filmmaking careers, Splick and Jason find themselves staring at their own individual, pre-midlife crises. Having not spoken to one another since a late-nineties falling out, they're each grappling with the challenges of stalled careers and relationships, as the hands of time creep ominously past forty-o'clock. Splick's most recent TV show, centered around his character's perverse relationship with dessert foods, is unceremoniously cancelled by the network, forcing a return to his childhood bedroom at his mother's apartment in New York. Frustrated by a barrage of comments about the "good," "funny," movies he used to make with his old partner, Jason, Splick determines to seek him out and attempt a reunion.