Robert Dean Klein


Случайная любовь
Алексу бросает парень прямо в её День Рождения. В расстроенных чувствах она пишет сообщение подруге, но ошибается номером и случайно отправляет рассказ о разбитом сердце Джейсону, с которым у неё завязывается общение. Девушка обретает хорошего друга, который всегда готов выслушать. Действительно ли это просто дружба или между ними пробежала искра?
Killer Design
And up-and-coming interior designer hires the young woman who saved her life as an assistant. However, she soon learns the incident was far from random and her Savior isn't a good Samaritan.
The Wrong High School Sweetheart
When Danielle reunites with her high school boyfriend, she is shocked to learn how far he's willing to go to keep everything alive.
A couple embarks on a weekend getaway only to find the island curiously deserted. After stumbling upon the town’s dark secret, they trigger a time loop, forcing them to relive a demented cycle of terror with seemingly no means of escape.
The Killer in My Backyard
After purchasing a house, Allyson and her fiancé Eric decide to rent out the guest house to cover the cost of some expenses. Joshua arrives willing to put up a hefty rent for a short stay, and appears to be the perfect tenant. But soon after, Josh's behavior makes the couple uneasy, and his twisted plan begins to unfurl.
Mommy's Deadly Con Artist
After Denise, loses her husband, she is determined to find who did it, which leads her to tracking down Stephanie and her "mother."
Deceived by My Mother-In-Law
Kristen suspects her new family isn't what they seem after her mother-in-law moves in unexpectedly.
The Wrong Valentine
As Valentine's Day approaches, a high school senior attracts the attention of a new student who may have ulterior motives.
The Wrong Mr. Right
Jessica moves back home after college and finds her single mother, Tracy, has a new boyfriend, Paul, moving in as well. While working at a restaurant owned by her mother's best friend, Sandra, Jessica sees Paul fighting with another woman and immediately enlists the help Sandra and Hal who suspect something very strange. When Jessica discovers Paul is not who he seems, she sets out to prove Paul is the wrong Mr. Right.
The Wrong Mommy
After receiving a promotion and more responsibility at work, Melanie decides to hire Phoebe as her personal assistant. Smart and cunning, Phoebe has an ulterior motive for taking the job and a twisted plan for revenge involving Melanie's mother.
The Wrong Teacher
Successful teacher and author Charlotte Hansen has a passionate, one-night stand with a younger man, Chris. She later finds out that he is 18 years old and a student at her high school. Now, Chris will stop at nothing to have her for himself.
Не тот человек
Ким приезжает на похороны бабушки и остаётся в городе на несколько дней. Вскоре она начинает подозревать, что дружелюбный молодой человек, который заботится о её дедушке, – не тот, за кого себя выдаёт.
The Wrong Neighbor
A recently separated father and his teenage daughter become the deadly obsession of their neighbor -- a beguiling, deranged young woman willing to do whatever's necessary to take her rightful place as their wife and mother.
Заклятые друзья
Два шалопая, Джек и Сладкий Стивен, целыми днями шатаются по улицам Лос-Анджелеса, размышляя о своем бренном существовании и божественном провидении. К счастью, именно в этот день силы, предопределяющие их однообразную жизнь, наконец-то решили направить судьбы унылых бездельников по новому, захватывающему руслу. И начаться новая жизнь должна с… ограбления порно-магазина!
Заклятые друзья
Два шалопая, Джек и Сладкий Стивен, целыми днями шатаются по улицам Лос-Анджелеса, размышляя о своем бренном существовании и божественном провидении. К счастью, именно в этот день силы, предопределяющие их однообразную жизнь, наконец-то решили направить судьбы унылых бездельников по новому, захватывающему руслу. И начаться новая жизнь должна с… ограбления порно-магазина!
The Coverup
Personal injury attorney Stuart Pepper faces the challenge of his young career when he takes on a controversial case of wrongful death in small town Iowa. Kevin Thacker's body was found in the alley outside the Marshalltown Police Department after the young man was arrested for drunk driving. The arresting officer's story is highly suspicious and everyone involved, from the investigating detective to the FBI, appear to be aiding in covering up what actually happened that fateful night. With a promise made to the Thacker family to expose the truth, Stu dives head first into an uphill battle against lies and corruption. What transpires will change this lawyer's life forever.
Мрачная поездка
Спустя десять лет после того, как он зверски убил двух юных девушек, безумному убийце удается бежать из психиатрической клиники строго режима, в которую его определил суд. Оказавшись на воле, маньяк решает вернуться к началу своего кровавого пути и находит пристанище в недрах тематического парка аттракционов «Поездка во мрак». Между тем, недалеко от парка, компания затеявших развеселое дорожное путешествие подростков, попадает в аварию. Не найдя лучшего варианта, юные герои отправляются искать ночлега в парк развлечений, где их уже поджидает безжалостный безумец, жаждущий пополнить список своих жертв их именами…
A Good Night to Die
One day in the life of a hit man, Ronnie, who spends it trying to save the life of fellow hit man, August, who he had brought into the business three years ago. August has become a real problem for some of the bosses around town, and Ronnie will soon find out just what his Frankenstein's monster will cost him.
Dead Dogs Lie
Associate Producer
Three hit people - two men, one woman, who have never met before are placed on a road trip down the East Coast together. The only thing they have in common is that they have all worked for the same boss - and, as they swap stories, discover that they have all screwed up for this same boss in the past. As they share their stories of errors on the job - seen through visual, stirring flashbacks - they begin to wonder why it was they were put together in the first place and what might be waiting for them at the end of their little road trip.
Dead Dogs Lie
Three hit people - two men, one woman, who have never met before are placed on a road trip down the East Coast together. The only thing they have in common is that they have all worked for the same boss - and, as they swap stories, discover that they have all screwed up for this same boss in the past. As they share their stories of errors on the job - seen through visual, stirring flashbacks - they begin to wonder why it was they were put together in the first place and what might be waiting for them at the end of their little road trip.