Wong Chi-Sang


Filmography (1975-2005), Actor (100+ films), Director (1 film), Assistant Director (1 film), Action Designer (1 film), Martial Arts Director (9 films), Assistant Martial Arts Director (3 films)


Ninja: The Final Duel
Wang's Teacher
The Ji Ho Ninja clan vow to destroy the monks of Shaolin temple. To do so they must first perfect many of their techniques in order to ensure the battle will be won. The temple finds protection from monks who set out to save it.
Мафия против Ниндзя
Tong Mao
Александр Ло Рей играет бойца приехавшего в город на заработки. Он вовлечён в войну, продолжающейся между китайской Мафией и японскими Воинами Ninja. Он находится на китайской стороне, и из-за этого, японцы пытаются убить его. Из-за неудавшихся попыток, японцы нанимают на работу четырех из лучших борцов со всех континентов, чтобы убить Ло Рейя
Demon Strike
Chang Wu
Silver Fox (Hwang Jan Lee) fights a dark martial arts master imbued with weird magical powers (which include performing strange rituals on captive women) and, of course, fantastic fighting skills. The Fox will need every one of his own prodigious fighting skills to triumph over the forces of evil that marshal against him in this rock 'em, sock 'em martial arts epic. The very formidable Leung Kar Yan costars.
Five Fighters from Shaolin
Abbot White's fighter
When a monk decides to leave his temple in order to defeat the Chinese Imperial Guards who brutally murdered is fellow monk, he collects five men and trains them to help him fight the guards and an old friend of his - a white-haired wizard.
Deadly Life of a Ninja
Cop's Assistant
A businessman and his sister-in-law are targeted for assassination by a band of evil ninjas and their vicious leader (Yasuaki Kurata). The ninjas are committing bizarre murders all over the city, and the police can't seem to pick up their trail -- so they call in ninja hunter and Kendo master Mr. Chow (Kuan Tai Chen). To take down the silent killers, Mr. Chow will have to fight against incredible odds in this campy ninja classic.
Шаолинь против ниндзя
История проста - японский вызов Шаолинь к соревнованию, которое определит, кто имеет лучшие военные искусства. Ниндзя хотят поссорить Шаолинь и японцев и это им почти удаётся...
Шаолинь против ламы
Mr. Tso
Синг Йо-Тинг уже пять лет бродит по Китаю, пытаясь найти себе учителя. Нет, он не настолько плох, что его никто не берет — наоборот, испытывая своих потенциальных учителей, он постоянно разочаровывается в их умении, постоянно их побеждая. Но в один прекрасный день он забредает в храм Шаолинь, где находит-таки себе потенциального учителя, который с легкостью победил его. Проблема только в том, что он не хочет брать себе в ученики чужака — когда-то один из таких чужаков, Чи Чунг оказался ламой, укравшим из храма древний манускрипт с секретным стилем. Синг решает вступить в монахи и поклясться, что вернет эту книгу, если его возьмут в ученики.
The Secret Rivals 3
Chu Pai Tien's brother
John Liu stars as Shao Yu Pai, master of the "northern kick" kung-fu, still seeking revenge for the death of his brother. Evidence mounts that Lu Tung Chung (Alexander Lo), master of the "southern fist" kung-fu, is the culprit. What Shao doesn't realize, however, is that the true villain is subtly manipulating both the martial artists behind the scenes, hoping to force them into a confrontation and have the dirty work done for him.
Woman Avenger
A deadly martial artist seeks vengeance on the killers of her husband.
Бесстрашная гиена
One of Yen Chuen Wong's Men
На глазах юноши Ланга убийцы расправляются с любимым дедом, в прошлом знаменитым бойцом. Под руководством старого учителя Ланг обучается искусству борьбы, чтобы отомстить бандитам.
The Mystery of Chess Boxing
Ghost Face's first kill/Student
Lee Yi Min stars as an eager young kung fu student who seeks to improve his fighting skills with an aim to avenge his fathers murder at the hands of the Ghost Face Killer an overwhelming force of destruction and master of the death dealing Five Element Fist. Lee eagerness to study attracts the attention of the master of Chess Boxing Jack Long who is the Ghost Face Killers arch enemy. Together master and student devise a wicked cross fertilization of the Chess Boxing and Five Element Fist styles and set out to put an end to the Ghost Faces deadly reign.
Incredible Kung Fu Mission
Sang Tso
When a comrade is captured by a hostile warlord, five martial arts masters confront the villain's foot soldiers, valiantly battling through their resistance until they come face to face with the warlord himself.
My Life's on the Line
Fong's first kill
Minute Fong is a ruthless contract killer who dispatches his victims in precisely sixty seconds. Working exclusively for an organization headed by the Master Chou Jan Tung, Fong begins to take on his assignments with reluctance. Realizing that Fong's days are numbered, Chou hires two new experts to deal with him and his sixty-second technique.
Shaolin Invincible Guys
The girlfriend of a con-man is being held in a brothel and he must try to raise 200 tales of gold as a dowry. So he cheats a country simpleton out of his money then goes and loses it in the casino resulting in the country man feeling sorry for him. The two become friends and as they are both expert fighters start working as instructors for a local big boss but this causes real trouble.
Искусство Шаолиня – змея и журавль
Hsiang West Brother
Каждый год восемь мастеров кун-фу из монастырей Шаолиня собирались вместе. Однажды после долгих обсуждений, рассмотрев все известные виды кун-фу, они соединили воедино самое лучшее в этих боевых искусствах. Так появилась новая техника, названная «Восемь ступеней Змеи и Журавля»…
Wu Tang Magic Kick
On his wedding night Mar Tien Lang, a prosperous businessman and instructor of 'The Magic Kick' technique, is attacked in his villa by the vilainous Fang Kang.
The Invincible Armour
Ordered to be beheaded
Hwang Jang Lee is a corrupt Ming guard who frames John Liu for murder. A wanted fugitive, John hides out with a teen who is an expert in the infamous Iron Armor technique, a technique that means the expert can withstand anything. However, Hwang is an expert in it as well as the Eagle Claw's. Can John stop Hwang before it's too late?
Lung Wei Village
Sensing a rebellion is brewing in the small town of Lung Wei Village, the Manchu warlords command the village magistrate to hunt down the rebels. He hires four warriors, all of them expert martial artists, to stop the rebellion. The stakes are high: If they don't succeed, the rebels may change the course of Chinese history.