Wan Chiu


Lucid Dreams
Lucid Dreams is an episodic film which the director recounts four of his own dreams: Don wants to repay his debt by arranging a fake wedding; Fan, a white collar, learns to let go of his ego after struggling with love and work; a writer named Tong reunites with her long-lost mother; a driving instructor, Chung, is inspired by four 'ghost ladies' and starts to believe again in his musical talent.
Улетная ночка
Alan is a rich kid looking forward to a busy 24 hours: his birthday celebration tonight and attending court as witness in a criminal trial the next morning. Gal pal Wendy gets things rolling with plans for a night of non-stop partying. Alan's lawyer knows his client's unreliability, so he pressures Alan's dependable chum Chris to tag along. Chris's friend Sam, an entrepreneur eager to do business with Alan's crowd, also joins in for fun and profit. As they make the rounds, Alan gets increasingly plastered while searching for his latest infatuation, Ayaka. By sunrise, he's hardly in condition to testify and even the hangover-curing skills of bartender Cherry prove ineffective. As the deadline looms, another solution is sought. In the process, the guys discover their twilight craziness provided each with a new self-perspective that has intangibly changed their lives.
Lucky Star 2015
Wen Chao
Eric Tsang and Wong Cho Lam lead a huge cast of Hong Kong comedy stars to celebrate the Year of the Goat with Lucky Star 2015! Wen Chao (Mr. and Mrs. Gambler) stars in this uproarious comedy as a professional Stephen Chow impersonator who dreams of becoming the next big comedy superstar. With the support of an up-and-coming comedian (Wong Cho Lam) and the founder of a Stephen Chow fan club (Ella Chen of S.H.E.), Chao finally gets his foot in the door. However, he discovers the harsh reality of the entertainment world when he realizes that investors only want him for his impersonation skills instead of his talent.
Однажды в Шанхае
Начало 20-го века. Чжэнь Ма Юн оказывается в рядах людей, надеющихся найти работу в Шанхае. Будучи человеком порядочным, он отказывается стать членом одной из бандитских группировок и находит друга в лице благородного гангстера Ци Луна. Японский шпион Хасимото, возмущённый отказом Ци Луна принять его предложение, пытается убить их обоих…
Baby Blues
When a young couple moves into a home, they find a mysterious doll that changes their lives forever.
Принцесса и семь мастеров кунг-фу
Young Lucky Star Vilager
During the early years of the Republic era, in the North-East region of China, the people are suffering from the power struggle among the local Warlords, bandits, and Japanese invaders. Warlord Lam (Sammo Hung), is not a leader of great vision, but stands firm in his own beliefs. The only paradise within the region is 'Lucky Town', the one place where no one dared to attack as it was protected by the seven kung fu masters who have resided there. When young patriots, Yan Fang (Rose Chan) who disguised herself as a man, and Howard Luo (Dennis To), infiltrate Tiger's Den at night trying to steal the code book fail in their mission and tries to run, only Yan survives and is rescued by Cheryl. Mistaking Yan as a man, Cheryl falls for Yan. She then brings Yan to Lucky Town and begs the Seven Masters to cure Yan. Cheryl and the Seven Masters are then told of the secret plan by the Japanese, and together, they resolve to fight against Tiger Den and save Warlord Lam.
The Bounty
Former cop Shifeng Cao (Chapman To), now unemployed and living off of his savings, learns of 400,000 HK bounty placed on a wanted criminal. He then makes a trip out to the Lazy Inn Hotel in hopes to track the criminal's whereabouts.
Marrying Mr. Perfect
Whizkid Xing
Winnie, in her late twenties, certified as an old maid when she is dumped by her boyfriend and bullied by her colleagues. Koo is a rich womanizer tycoon ruthless in his business dealings. In his latest take over Koo’s action led to death threats by a former employee. For security Koo and his assistant, Ryan to switch identity. Koo as a commoner met Winnie and falls for her as she is the first true person to like him not for his riches. What happens when Winnie release Koo’s real identity?
Mr. & Mrs. Gambler
Xing Chao
Two compulsive gamblers struggle to quit their habit and raise a child.