Marc-Antoine Vaugeois

Marc-Antoine Vaugeois


Marc-Antoine Vaugeois


They Salivate
"They salivate" is the story of a kiss. A couple kiss each other in their deserted living room. The party begins and one guest drinks the couple's last kiss.
Porte sans clef
Raging Royan
"Royan la Rage" is the crossed portrait of a family facing his visceral need to desire. André, the father, has no more wishes. To feel free to be and to desire, he has to get rid of his money. Miss Canine, a financial domineering, snatched him from his daily hypocrisy. Doubts about his double life gradually contaminate his wife and his daughter. The newfound lucidity at a price. Behind the utopian world of the seaside resorts, it spreads like a virus and makes appearances disappear.
Campagne Campagne
This is the last day of the election campaign. Encouraged by her adviser, a candidate of the regional elections pays a last visit to a farm. The politicial discussion turns into an unlikely confession.
Minami et les trous noirs
Paris, in the summer. Minami wanders in the streets and parks, absorbed by her vacation. As planned and unexpected encounters occur, she is slowly filled with a sense of foreboding.
Звездное небо надо мной
1996, Бруно публикует свой первый роман. Он критикуется и рассматривается как французский Джон Фанте. Двадцать лет спустя Бруно скоро 50, и с тех пор он ничего не опубликовал. Он одинок, не имеет детей и живет с молодой Femen в качестве соседа по комнате. Для него все идет хорошо, но его близкие беспокоятся и решают принять меры.
Марго и Марго
Garçon éméché
Сорокапятилетняя Марго — профессор истории и географии и живет в Лионе. Ее жизнь выверена и идеально распланирована. Однажды на вечеринке она знакомится с двадцатилетней тезкой. Юная Марго — студентка, которая предпочитает вечеринки и встречи с парнями учебе. Внезапно Марго-старшая понимает, что ее новая знакомая — это она сама в 20 лет. Эта случайная встреча со своим прошлым полностью меняет жизнь героини.
Le comptable
On this particular day, Armand Münster, the boss of a caddy factory on the edge of bankruptcy, is drowning in a sea of problems.
L'homme nu
Nicolas has been dumped by Louisa. He decides to take off his clothes and not leave his ex-girlfriend’s flat in the hope of reconquering her. A joyous comedy that knows no boundary.
L'homme nu
Nicolas has been dumped by Louisa. He decides to take off his clothes and not leave his ex-girlfriend’s flat in the hope of reconquering her. A joyous comedy that knows no boundary.
Les dessins
В постели с Викторией
Blogger Leader
Виктория пытается начать новую жизнь — взять себя в руки, разобраться с любовниками, больше спать и лучше питаться. Только вот бывший, обратившийся к ней за помощью, не помогает навести порядок. А другой возлюбленный, возомнивший себя популярным писателем, посвящает всю сеть в подробности ее интимной жизни.
The Wheel of Emotions
Marc is an intern in the prestigious neuroscience lab of Professor Georges Erwin. He is working on an experiment that enables to make people laugh, and, in term, maybe to control one's emotions. He has met Elsa, a first year student in the school where he works. The young woman troubles him. One night, he offers her to try his device, but she starts crying instead of laughing... Bewildered and embarrassed, he does not know if he should report this unusual reaction to his professor. And that is when he discovers that Elsa has a tumultuous and secret relationship with the eminent George Erwin...
Chez Ramzi
Thomas cannot get over his breakup. He heads to the fast food restaurant run by his friends Mickael and Ramzi. They do everything possible to give him generally useful pieces of advice.
Sunny Star
In a strange villa, six young people are getting tanned. They are bored and get burnt, lying under the summer sun. They are children of the night, children of dreams. Coming from everywhere and nowhere, they are here, united like a tribe.
Fidelio, Alice's Odyssey
Sébastien, dit Seb
Thirty-year-old Alice's occupation is rather unusual for a woman: she works as an engineer on a freighter. She loves her job and does it competently but even in a greasy blue overall a woman will be a woman, with her heart, her desires and her seduction - In such conditions can an all-male crew really remain totally insensitive to her charms? A situation all the more complicated as not only does Alice leave her fiancé Felix behind but she also discovers on board the Fidélio that the captain is Gaël, her first love.
Manutention légère
Marion is a low-level employee in a high end ready-to-wear clothing business. He has a sole obsession: to present a prototype he's made to his boss, Monsieur Charlie. Jeanette, who he's very fond of, is worried and looks for him everywhere, while Michel, who controls the merchandise, wants to tell Monsieur Charlie that something isn't quite right about this particular morning.
Age of Panic
May 6, 2012. Cable news reporter Laetitia is covering the French presidential elections, while Vincent, her ex-husband, demands to see their two young daughters. It's a manic Sunday in Paris: two agitated girls, a frazzled babysitter, a needy new boyfriend, a grumpy lawyer and France cut in half!
The Great Bear
One night under the stars, Marc dreams of meeting a girl.