Bryan Fitzgerald

Bryan Fitzgerald


Bryan Fitzgerald is known for What Breaks the Ice (2020), The Magnificent Meyersons (2021) and American Rust (2021).


Bryan Fitzgerald


Хозяева ночи
Когда обиженный брат организует шалость с похищением, он невольно нанимает профессиональных преступников, у которых есть собственные планы.
Хозяева ночи
Когда обиженный брат организует шалость с похищением, он невольно нанимает профессиональных преступников, у которых есть собственные планы.
When Cassandra witnesses a drunken encounter between her friend and her roommate, she is compelled to investigate if it was consensual.
In Suspension
In a near future where social classes are split into parallel layers of reality, a promising young government worker must decide if she’s willing to risk her status and way of life to pursue the love of someone she can only remember in her dreams.
What Breaks the Ice
A coming of age thriller about two 15-year-old girls, Sammy and Emily, who hark from different worlds but strike up a quick and deep friendship. But what should be the best summer of their lives takes an unexpected turn when they become accidental accomplices in a fatal crime.
Light My Fire
Friend #1
A vengeful father hunts down his daughter's boyfriend on the Fourth of July.
Open House
Fearing the loss of his authority and job, a lonely emasculated high school custodian targets the new part-time employee: a poor refugee student.
Cigarette Guy
With his daughter's wedding quickly approaching, a Syrian deli owner, Amir, is struggling to let go. He distracts himself by joking and bickering with his employee, Ali, while they work the night shift. Down the street, a high school girl, Iris, lies to her father on the phone and prepares for a night of partying. When Iris and her friend Rachel meet a handsome stranger in Amir's deli, things don't go as planned. Reminded of his own daughter, Amir decides to help the girls out.
A susceptible teenager, in trying to escape the tumult of his home, drowns himself in alcohol, drugs, and parties. Based on a true story.
History Student
1951 год. Еврейский юноша Маркус Месснер едет из Ньюарка, штат Нью-Джерси в штат Огайо, где он собирается учиться в колледже. Там, на фоне продолжающийся войны в Корее, ему придется столкнуться с антисемитизмом и сексуальной подавленностью.
Deal Travis In
A man trying to make his peace with the mysterious death of his daughter is offered the answers he's seeking, but at the cost of his freedom and another woman's life.
Dirty Movie
Auditioner #1
An outrageous cut-rate producer, Charlie LaRue (Christopher Meloni) is about to fulfill his lifelong dream to make a movie about the most offensive, dirtiest jokes ever told.
Круг избранных
Young Nicky
В центре сюжета 19-летний парень из Бруклина Майк Манадоро, застрявший между двумя мирами. Он жаждет изучать фотографию в Манхэттенском университете, но живет в неблагополучном районе с бандитским окружением. Чтобы оплатить счета за учебу, Майк соглашается на предложение главаря одной из местных банд.