Commentary (voice)
The full-length television documentary, using currently found audio-visual records, tells the story of the fabricated political process from November 1952, the story of its victims and its masterminds. At its end, 11 executed high-ranking officials of the Communist Party of the Czech Republic, committed to the communist party, who mechanically "recited" memorized confessions and accusations of "accomplices", former friends and colleagues in front of the court in response to prearranged questions from the prosecutors and judges.
Команда детективов неуклюже и сбивчиво ведет расследование, в котором фигурируют убийство, шантаж и, возможно, кто-то из их знакомых.
Commentary (voice)
Commentary (voice)
A couple embark on an early vacation. Left alone, their children cut loose until the boy gets caught for skipping school and things take an unexpected turn. Boasting exquisite camera work, the film is also unforgettable for its wholly original ending.
Commentary (voice)
král Slavomír
náčelník MV
Adolescence is always a difficult time; it is doubly so for Gábina. For one thing, she is growing up in the normalization years of the 1970s, and then she also has to face the reality that her father is a well-known actor disavowed by the regime. Although he abandoned the family years before, his existence casts an ominous shadow over the lives of not only Gábina, but also her older sister and mother, who are trying to find a civilized way through the social mire of the times.
nezaměstnaný Homola
kapitán Charvát
King of the Ice Sea Company
Русалочка, одна из дочерей морского царя, увидев принца на палубе роскошного корабля, влюбляется в него. Но во время бури корабль разбивается о скалу, и все его пассажиры оказываются в воде. Русалочка, не раздумывая ни минуты, бросается на помощь и спасает своего возлюбленного от гибели. На берегу лежащего без сознания принца находит другая девушка. Придя в себя, он решает, что эта девушка и есть его спасительница. Но любовь Русалочки к прекрасному принцу так сильна, что ради нее она готова пойти на любые жертвы — боль, немоту и даже смерть…