Eddie Phillips

Eddie Phillips

Рождение : 1899-08-14, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Смерть : 1965-02-22


Eddie Phillips


Ради этого стоит жить
Business Man (uncredited)
Алан Миллер, бывший алкоголик, в свободное от работы время по просьбе организации «Анонимные алкоголики» приходит к людям, оказавшимся в плену зависимости, и простым общением помогает им преодолеть тягу к спиртному. Однажды его вызывают к девушке, которая прежде была актрисой, но из-за собственных страхов променяла сцену на бутылку…
Buffalo Bill in Tomahawk Territory
Story concerns the efforts of Buffalo Bill to protect the Indian's land from a gang who want to get the gold buried there. The outlaws disguise themselves as Indians and raid and plunder the settlers in order to blame the tribe.
Белая горячка
T-Man (uncredited)
Неуровновешанный преступник, опекаемый своей мамочкой, добровольно сознается в совершении пустячкого преступления, чтобы сесть в тюрьму на минимальный срок. Таким образом он собирается отвертеться от наказания за убийство. И это у него получается — его сажают всего на два года. Но, на воле, бывший участник его банды убивает его мамочку; и ополоумевший от горя сынок сбегает из тюрьмы, чтобы отомстить, захватив с собой парочку сокамерников! Но он не подозревает, что один из сокамерников — полицейский под прикрытием…
Death Valley Manhunt
Deputy Marshal Blaine
Unknown to oil company president Ross, his man Quinn is pulling a swindle on the independent drillers. Quinn controls both the Judge and the Marshal. But when the Marshal is accidentally killed, Wild Bill Elliott is brought in as the new Marshal and things begin to change.
My Learned Friend
'Basher' Blake
An insane murderer is on the loose, and gunning for the men who put him away. Will Hay is on the list, and co-opts Claude Hulbert to try and stop him from meeting a grisly end.
Secret Service In Darkest Africa
An American secret agent travels to Africa to infiltrate a Nazi spy ring.
Slightly Dangerous
Reporter (uncredited)
Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.
Texas Trouble Shooters
Wade Evans, posing as Bret Travis
The Range Busters are together again to try and stop a swindle.
Ghost Town Law
The Caretaker, called "The Kid"
When two of their Marshal friends are killed, the Rough Riders are sent to investigate. They have to find the killers in a ghost town where the houses and an old mine are interconnected by secret passages and tunnels.
Stagecoach Express
Mustachio'd Henchman
Ellen has the contract for the South West Stage Line through the panhandle. Her father had the run for years and Haney, who runs the office, worked for him. But Ellen does not know that Haney is in league with Elkins and they want the stage line so they can rob the gold shipments. All they need do is stop the stage and end her contract, but that is not easy with Dave driving for Ellen.
Billy the Kid Trapped
Dave Evans
Stanton breaks Billy and his two friends Fuzzy and Jeff out of jail. He wants them free so three of his men can impersonate them for the robberies and murders he has planned.
Texas Man Hunt
Henchman Nate Winters
It's WW II and German Reuther has organized local gangs to sabotage the beef supply at the source. Marshal Lee Clark arrives to investigate and joins up with local cowboys Art Davis and Bill Boyd. Lee has a typewritten note from the gang and hopes it can be traced to it's source.
Forbidden Trails
Discouraged Convict
Two ex-cons plan to kill the range rider marshal who sent them to prison and, when their plan fails, join forces with their former boss, a crooked saloon owner who has the same idea.
Lt. Morgan
Trouble in Colorado is tying up Union troops needed back east during the Civil War and Lieut. Burke is sent to investigate. Macklin and his gang are causing the problems and Capt. Mason joins them. When Burke catches up with them he also finds Mason, his brother.
You're Not So Tough
The Dead End Kids are out of the slums of New York's East Side and running around the sunny valleys of California looking for a way to make a quick buck. The idea of working never enters their minds until Halop is egged on by Grey to show his capabilities. Before long, he and Hall are working on the ranch of Galli, an elderly Italian woman who treats her workers like human beings instead of animals. Galli's son disappeared as an infant, and Halop tries to convince her that he is that long lost son, thus possibly sharing in her wealth. Galli is such a good person that Halop is soon motivated by respect instead of greed, so he devises a plan to help her when truckers and a labor organization band together to keep her crops from making it to market.
Two Girls on Broadway
Reporter (uncredited)
Eddie Kerns sells his song to a Broadway producer and also lands a job dancing in the musical. He sends for his dance partner-fiancée Molly Mahoney who brings her younger sister Pat. Upon seeing Molly and Pat dance, the producer picks Pat for the show and gives Molly a job selling cigarettes. A wealthy friend of the producer named "Chat" Chatsworth also has his eye on Pat. Pat is teamed with Eddie in the specialty number as Kerns and Mahoney. Pat and Eddie soon realize that they are in love and must tell Molly. Pat balks at hurting Molly and goes out with Chat who already has five ex-wives.
Vengeance of Rannah
Henchman Macklin
Insurance Agent Ted Sanders has been called in to investigate a robbery and murder. A deputy also arrives to investigate. But unknown to Ted, the Deputy is a fake and actually part of the gang. The fake plants some of the money in Ted's room so he can arrest him. Then with the help of the gang he plans to finish Ted off.
Born to Fight
An honest boxer refuses to throw a fight for a gambler. They get into a fight and the boxer knocks the gambler out. Thinking he's killed him and believing that the police are after him, the horrified boxer runs off and takes to the road, promising never to box again. However, one day he comes upon a small but scrappy young kid who has the potential to be a champion. The former boxer takes the kid under his wing and trains him, but the kid's ensuing success starts to go to his head. Pretty soon he finds himself mixed up with gamblers, too.
Ambush Valley
Clay Morgan kills Joel Potter and Marshal Manning has to arrest the brother of the girl he plans to marry.
Phantom Patrol
Henchman Emile
A deranged killer escapes into the Canadian woods. He tries to fool the locals by pretending he is a well known mystery writer, but the local Mountie starts to get suspicious.
Wildcat Trooper
Bob Reynolds
A Royal Canadian Mountie is assigned to bring in a criminal called "The Raven." The problem is that no one has ever seen him.
The Millionaire Kid
Joe Toronto
The Millionaire Kid is young Tommy Neville whose wealthy parents, Thomas and Gloria Neville are preparing to fight it out in divorce court.Tommy runs away from home. The private detective assigned to watch him tells Mrs. Neville he has been kidnapped. She immediately suspects her husband. Meanwhile, Tommy is selling newspapers in another city. He is attacked by a bully, and is rescued by gangster Terry Mallon and his daughter Kitty. Unaware of his identity, they take him to their beach home. Reporter Breezy Benson is sent to interview Mrs. Neville about the divorce, and is fired when she won't talk to him. He meets Kitty at the beach and is intrigued by her. He meets her father, who is curious but not suspicious as news of the alleged kidnapping has not been reported.
The Pace That Kills
Manager of Dead Rat Club
Drug dealer on the run from the law meets an innocent young girl and her brother, and turns them into “cocaine fiends”.
The Ivory-Handled Gun
Bill Ward as a Young Man
Buck Ward and the Wolverine Kid, who each own one of the ivory handled guns, continue the feud started by their fathers.
3 Kids and a Queen
An eccentric, wealthy spinster, 'Queenie' Baxter is erroneously presumed to be kidnapped. She subsequently pretends to indeed be kidnapped, , in order to allow a reward of $50,000 to benefit an impecunious family headed by Tony Orsatti and his three sons, Blackie, Doc and Flash.
The Throwback
Milt Fergus
When Buck is young his cattle stealing father is killed. Now grown Buck returns home still carrying the burden of his father's reputation. When he is framed for rustling, he finds an object that identifies Milt Fergus, the brother of his girl friend, as the rustler. Getting bailed out of jail he and his Uncle Ford have a plan to trap Milt.
Danger Ahead
Captain Matthews is paid 40,000 dollars in cash by Nick Conrad for his shipment of silk from China. About 15 seconds after he gets the cash, he's lured away on a false pretence and robbed by Conrad's henchmen. Newspaper reporter Jerry Mason witnesses the robbery and steals the cash from Conrad.
Trails of the Wild
An agent tracking down a man who disappeared in the mysterious "Ghost Mountain" area discovers discovers the hideout of a gang of murderous outlaws.
Adventurous Knights
David De Portola, an outstanding athlete with an abundant youthful exuberance, is raised by a wealthy American guardian. He learns that he is the heir to the throne of Translavia and is recalled to accept the Crown, which along with the freedom of the country is threatened by the impostor, Black Prince. During a forbidden outing on the town with his college sidekick, Mickey Daniels, who has been brought along to make a (unintended) bungling Major Domo, David meets the lovely Princess Carmencita who, unknown to David, is to be the wife of the new King. David rejects his crown when told he must marry a girl he doesn't know. Black Prince has no trouble detaining him until David learns that Princess Carmencita is the girl he must marry. Delighted with this prospect, he saves the country, Crown and Princess following a wild and humorous escape from his captors.
Code of the Mounted
Henchman Louie
A thug robs and kills a fur trapper. He is caught and locked up by the Mounties, but is soon broken out by his partner. As the Mounties investigate, they discover that the two are part of a ruthless crime ring run by a female gangster.
Roaring Roads
Alan Chambers
Young David Morton, heir to millions, has been over-zealously restrained from normal youthful activities by his two old-maid Aunts, Harriet and Agatha. In an outburst from his confinement, he meets lovely Gertrude, and promises to race her injured-brothers car in the Big Race. Between the gangsters trying to win the race by disabling him, and his bungling bodyguards trying to bring him home safely, David has a battle to win the race and Gertrude's heart.
Forsaking All Others
Party Guest (Uncredited)
A socialite only realises that her friend is in love with her when she falls for the wrong man.
Three Chumps Ahead
Archie Baker, First Suitor
Thelma rushes into the apartment she shares with Patsy, excited because she's fallen in love with Archie, a rich man with yachts and a British accent. Patsy isn't impressed and less so when Archie comes calling. She does her best to sink the romance, making noise while the lovers talk and offering Limburger cheese sandwiches. In desperation, Archie calls his brother Benny, who's a sailor, and asks him to keep Patsy company. After a series of mishaps, they end up at a saloon where Patsy orders everything on the menu. Who's going to have to pay?
Fighting to Live
Joe Gilmore
When attacked by two dogs, Joe Gilmore leaves them on the desert to die. Later one of the dogs saves John Blake from drowning. Men arrive claiming the dog is killing their chickens. They want to kill the dog but John convinces them the dog's fate should be determined by a trial.
Woman Unafraid
A dedicated and compassionate policewoman risks her job by offering refuge to a young mother with mob associations. Crime drama.
Saturday's Millions
Jim Fowler is Western University's football hero and is constantly besieged by reporters. Jim's father Ezra comes to visit him and becomes reacquainted with an old Western football chum, Mr. Chandler, who happens to be the father of Jim's girlfriend Joan. Jim keeps his roommate, Andy, busy by sending him to collect money on their laundry concessions business, even though Andy is desperately trying to meet his girlfriend Thelma, who has just come for a visit. When the coach tells Chandler and Fowler that Jim is nervous and erratic, Chandler invites Jim to spend the night before the big game at his home.
Torch Singer
Nightclub Patron
When she can't support her illegitimate child, an abandoned young woman puts her up for adoption and pursues a career as a torch singer. Years later, she then searches for the child she gave up.
Her Forgotten Past
Dan Simmons
A compulsive gambler, thought to have been killed in an automobile crash, reappears when his wife remarries.
Police Call
A professional fighter decides to quit the sport and go to college, but he finds out that his sister has gotten mixed up with gangsters.
Частный детектив № 62
Mrs. Wright's Paramour (Uncredited)
Сотрудник Госдепартамента США Дональд Фри был пойман во Франции при попытке украсть французские государственные бумаги. Фри увольняют и депортируют в США. Вернувшись домой, он убеждает Дэна Хогана - владельца захудалого детективного агентства - принять его на работу. Фри не подозревает, что агентство Хогана финансируется местным бандитом Тони Бэндором. Однажды Бэндор обращается к Хогану с просьбой организовать дискредитацию дамы из высшего общества - Джанет Рейнолдс, которая непростительно много выигрывает в его игорном заведении. Дело в том, что если получится впутать Джанет в скандал, она лишится права требовать от Бэндора выплаты выигрыша. Это щепетильное задание Хоган поручает выполнить Дональду Фри...
At Twelve Midnight
Bradley Thurston
A hero in a robbery comes up against a crime boss and the crooked guardian of the girl he loves
Cross Fire
Bert King
Tom and five older respected business men run the Sierra mine. When Tom leaves for Europe to fight in WW1, everything is OK. When he returns after the war he finds his former assistant not only in control of the mine but the whole town. His former partners have fled becoming outlaws and are now robbing the mine shipments of money they believe is really theirs.
The Racing Strain
'Speed' Hall
A race-car driver whose career is on the skids because of his drinking falls for a rich society girl. That motivates him to clean up his act and resume his career, but it may be too late for that.
Call Her Savage
Party Guest (Uncredited)
A high-spirited, short-tempered, young woman hates her father and loves to rebel against him. She marries a man whom her father hates but her marriage fails and she learns the errors of her ways.
A Strange Adventure
Claude Wayne
A police lieutenant and a female reporter investigate a series of murders committed by a hooded killer in an old dark house.
The Phantom Express
Dick Walsh (posing as Bruce)
Railroad foes cause terror on the tracks with the illusion of a ghost train.
The Thirteenth Guest
Thor Jensen
Thirteen years after a dinner party in which the thirteenth guest failed to arrive, the remaining guests are being murdered one by one, and their bodies being placed at the same dinner table in the appropriate seats they occupied thirteen years prior.
Night World
Vaudevillian (uncredited)
"Happy" MacDonald and his unfaithful wife own a Prohibition era night club. On this eventful night, he is threatened by bootleggers, and the club's star dancer falls in love with a young socialite who drinks to forget a personal tragedy, among other incidents.
Symphony of Six Million
Birdie's Husband
A young doctor escapes the slums of New York City to make his fortune as a Park Avenue doctor. When a fatal mistake results in tragedy his resolve to continue working is severely tested. Based on a novel by Fannie Hurst.
Allen Wells
Janet Holman is suspicious of her fiancé, Allen Wells, after he kisses her best friend Gwen when the lights are turned out during a party. Allen leaves early, purportedly for business reasons, but in reality, he is going to visit his secret girl friend, seventeen-year-old Ruth Jarrett. When Ruth's neighbor and landlady, Mrs. Humphries, overhears her talking to Allen on the phone, she becomes morally outraged and calls the police. Ruth is taken away to juvenile hall, and when Ruth's older brother Nick comes home to celebrate Ruth's birthday, Mrs. Humphries explains that Ruth has been seeing an older, wealthy man who has been leading her astray, and that she sent her away for her own good. Nick is saddened that he has failed to keep Ruth on the right track, and when he returns to his apartment, he becomes enraged to see Allen there. When Allen claims ignorance of Ruth's age, Nick hits him, and they engage in a brawl.
Racing Youth
A young man is mistaken for his boss.
Dream House
Reginald Duncan
A 2 reel short directed by Mack Sennett and starring Bing Crosby.
A Private Scandal
There is a sensational jewel robbery at the home of one of the leaders of the Boston Back Bay aristocracy, and a Count d'Alencourt is arrested on the basis of a long police record involving jewel thefts and later convicted. The story follows the activities of his accomplices who escape, led by Daniel Treve. Daniel and a gang-member hide out in a small Connecticut town, where Danny marries a local girl, Mary Gate, when her guardians try to railroad her in a reform school when she refuses to marry their son. She is the innocent means by which Danny gets the stolen jewels to New York. Danny tells her he only went through with the marriage to save her, and gives her money to live on until she can obtain a position. He them leaves New York determined to quit the rackets and make himself worthy of her. She then provides the way in which he can.
House of Mystery
Gerald Truesdale
Two hunters discover a dead young woman in a cabin in the woods.One of them being the sheriff, he proceeds to press the wealthy owner for an explanation. At first it looks like his son has killed his unfaithful wife, but the wife's lover and the family butler are acting suspiciously enough to be followed.
Dancing Sweeties
Needles Thompson
Bill is a hot shot dancer who partners with Jazzbo, until he sees Molly at the dance. He enters the Waltz with Molly and wins first prize - and they wind up being married that same night. Now they are free of their parents nagging and their own bosses. 24 hours - no dancing as in-laws are visiting. 24 days - the Apartment is finished so off to the Hoffman's Parisian Dance Palace. Molly can only dance the Waltz and not the hot new jazz dance so she leaves and Bill follows. They are both unhappy, Bill has two left feet when it comes to romance.
Big Boy
Coley Reed
Gus, the trusty family retainer, has hopes of riding his boss' horse, Big Boy, to victory at the Kentucky Derby.
Chasing Rainbows
Don Cordova
The road-show troupe of a top Broadway show go cross-country while taking the audience along on the on-stage scenes as well as what happens and is happening back stage of the production. The spectacular dancing ensembles and colorful costumes and pulchritude on-stage offers a contrasting background to the drabness of the backstage, where joy, sorrow, tragedies, deception, and romance are intertwined.
College Love
Flash Thomas
college love movie
Cross Country Run
Don Trent
One of the final installments of the Collegian series of short films where they are set to compete in a long race.
His Lucky Day
When a young man acts foolish, he's either insane, in debt or in love, and there's not much difference! Real estate agent Charles Blaydon is in love and in order to get the father of his sweetheart Kay Weaver to purchase a nearby property he is must fill the vacant house next door. So he does something foolish when he offers a few months rent free to the first group of prospective buyer he finds. However in his eagerness he doesn't suspect that this peculiar group isn't a family looking for a home but actually a gang of robbers on the lam!
1929 picture starring Laura La Plante, Huntley Gordon, and John Boles.
Burning Bridges
Tommy Wilkins
Bob and Jim Whitely are twin brothers. Bob, an army veteran who suffered shell shock in the war, escapes from a sanitarium and holds up the Express train, for which Jim is mistakenly arrested. Jim soon escapes from jail in order to find his brother. However, his task is complicated by a crooked sheriff who pins a holdup and murder on him that the sheriff himself actually committed. To make matters worse, the murder victim was Tommy Wilkins, the brother of Jim's fiancee, who now thinks that Jim killed her brother.
sportive gentleman
Two lonely people in the big city meet and enjoy the thrills of an amusement park, only to lose each other in the crowd after spending a great day together. Will they ever see each other again?
We Americans
Pete Albertini
We Americans was based on the Broadway play of the same name. Returning to the "melting pot" themes that he handled so well, director Edward H. Sloman concentrates on the trials and tribulations of three first-generation American families: The Jewish Levines, the German Schmidts and the Italian Albertinis.
Sliding Home
Don Trent
Sliding Home is a 1928 Comedy short
Splashing Through
Don Trent
Series #2, Episode #8 of The Collegians, where in this case centers around various water sports, and Benson even finds himself in jail at one point.
Running Wild
Don Trent
Series #2, Episode #7 of The Collegians and they are preparing for a auto race.
Paying the Price
Michael Donovan, a heavy loser at a gambling casino, confronts its owner with evidence of cheating and finds himself accused of murder, on circumstantial evidence, of the owner's murder.
Flashing Oars
Don Trent
Series #1, Episode #9 of The Collegians with the main focus on rowing and clubbing.
April Fool
Joseph Applebaum
An out-of-work pants presser starts an umbrella business and makes a fortune. His daughter is set to marry the nephew of a rich neighbor until the nephew is accused of stealing money from his uncle--but the money was really stolen by the rich man's son.
The Collegians
Don Trent
The Collegians was a four year series of 46 two-reel films, in which the same players played the same roles through four years of college life, as envisioned by Hollywood's screenwriters of the mid-1920's.
Benson at Calford
Don Trent
The first entry in the Collegians comedy short series, with 4th of July celebrations.
В небольшом городке у подножия горы в Эльзасе живёт Матиас, мечтающий стать бургомистром. Ради исполнения этой мечты ему пришлось заложить таверну и мельницу соседу Францу за шесть тысяч франков. Но срок возврата денег близится, Франц грозится выкинуть всю семью Матиаса на улицу. Было о чем задуматься Матиасу в рождественскую ночь во время сильнейшей бури, когда в его таверну постучался странник, польский еврей Барух Ковеский, желающий немного согреться и передохнуть. А в поясе его Матиас увидел много яркого, сияющего, манящего золота…
Footloose Widows
'Tuxedo' Eddie
Department-store models Flo and Marian set their sights on wealthy young soft-drink magnate J. A. Smith. Through a misunderstanding, they pick on the wrong J. A. Smith, a fortune hunter himself who assumes that Marian is a wealthy widow. Meanwhile, Marian falls for the real Smith, never dreaming that he's the millionaire.
Lightning Hutch
Clifford Price
A scientist invents a poison gas; the villain and his gang will do anything to get the formula; our hero, "Lightning Hutch", is sent to save the scientist, the scientist's beautiful daughter, and the formula.
Out of the Storm
Leonard Keith
Out of the Storm is a 1926 silent drama.
The King of the Turf
Dude Morlanti
Genteel southern horse-breeder Col. Richard Fairfax is framed on the charge of embezzlement by Martyn Selsby, his business partner, and sentenced to jail.
Capital Punishment
This is not a Clara Bow vehicle, and yet it is clearly the aspect/asset of Clara Bow which elevates a fairly serious melodrama to a timeless and profound social statement. Opening the film on death row where the handsome youth awaits the chair, a stirring test of the legal system evolves after two elite types conspire to expose its inadequacies. Elite, jaded society lawyer Gordon Harrington fabricates a murder, implicating an entirely "hired" fall-guy, one Dan O'Connor, while the bored playboy-type hides away on a yacht until the points are proven and the legal system has been disgraced. Naturally, something goes wrong, the playboy really turns up murdered, and O'Connor is now the accused, imprisoned murderer scheduled to be hanged.
Black Lightning
Ez Howard
A WWI drama in which a Red Cross dog saves a man.
The Beauty Prize
Eddie Schwartz
Sheer beauty is only way to describe these gorgeous creatures!
The Whipping Boss
Prison inmates are leased by the state to a lumber company, which makes them work under atrocious and dangerous conditions and treats them as virtual slave laborers. Based on a real-life incident that happened in Florida.
Through the Dark
The 'Glad Rag' Kid
Through the Dark is a 1924 silent mystery drama produced by Cosmopolitan Productions and distributed through Goldwyn Pictures. It is based on a short story "The Daughter of Mother McGinn" by Jack Boyle
The Nth Commandment
Jimmie Fitzgibbons
A department store clerk decides to marry a withdrawing colleague with tuberculosis, over another dashing, ambitious suitor, leads to a life of hardship and struggle. Though The Nth Commandment survives incomplete, enough exists of director Frank Borzage’s last film while under contract with William Randolph Hearst’s Cosmopolitan Pictures for scholar Hervé Dumont to declare “it the first truly Borzagian work.”
The Fog
Gordon Ruggles
Silent World War I (WWI) romantic melodrama (based on the novel by William Dudley Pelly) .
Just Around the Corner
Joe Ullman
A young woman attempts to find a good man to marry so that her mother may die in peace.
The Love Light
Mario Carlotti
Angela maintains a coastal lighthouse in Italy, where she awaits the return of her brothers from the war. She learns they are casualties and takes solace in the arms of an American sailor washed ashore. However, the sailor turns out to be a German spy, and she is torn between her love for him and her realization that he is part of the enemy force that has destroyed her family.