Louise Franklin


Jungle Man-Eaters
Jungle Jim does battle with a would-be diamond smuggler and a renegade tribe.
Праздничный роман
Elevator Operator (uncredited)
Мать одиночка Конни, растит шестилетнего сына и работает коммерческим шпионом - ходит по магазинам, покупает, меняет, ради изучения спроса. Однажды под рождество Конни покупает детскую железную дорогу с целью сдать её на следующее утро. Симпатичный продавец, выслушав её слезливую историю, оформляет ей возврат товара и теряет работу. Таким образом Конни и Стив знакомятся и проводят почти весь день вместе. Конни почти забыла, что ответила согласием своему жениху Карлу, выйти за него замуж на новый год, но до него остаётся еще целых пять дней. Стив же, прекрасно ладящий с детьми, находит в лице Тимми, сына Конни, своего самого большого друга.
Sky Dragon
Lena Franklin, first maid
All the passengers on an airplane headed for San Francisco are drugged, and when they wake up, it is discovered that a quarter-million dollars is missing. Charlie Chan--and, of course, his #1 son--must discover the identity of the person who doped the passengers and stole the money.
Sky Dragon
Lena Franklin
All the passengers on an airplane headed for San Francisco are drugged, and when they wake up, it is discovered that a quarter-million dollars is missing. Charlie Chan--and, of course, his #1 son--must discover the identity of the person who doped the passengers and stole the money.
Strange Journey
Reformed racketeer "Lucky" Leeds flees from the police when he thinks they are about to arrest him for a murder he didn't commit. He and his wife Patti fly to his privately-owned remote island and have to crash land. Also on the island is a group of shipwrecked people, including a German professor, his daughter, an English journalist, a wealthy widow, a sailor and a Nazi Agent.
Stormy Weather
Dancer (uncredited)
Dancing great Bill Williamson sees his face on the cover of Theatre World magazine and reminisces: Just back from World War I, he meets lovely singer Selina Rogers at a soldiers' ball and promises to come back to her when he "gets to be somebody." Years go by, and Bill and Selina's rising careers intersect only briefly, since Selina is unwilling to settle down. Will she ever change her mind? Concludes with a big all-star show hosted by Cab Calloway.
Хижина на небесах
Dancer / Jim Henry's Paradise Patron (uncredited)
Заядлый игрок в кости и любитель женщин Литл Джо решает начать новую жизнь. Его жена Питунья давно молит Бога о том, чтобы он расстался с пагубными страстями, раскаялся и нашел работу. И такой день настал, Джо пришел в церковь на исповедь, но когда дошла его очередь причаститься, он сбежал со своими дружками в игорный клуб отыграться напоследок от долгов. В клубе его заподозрили в жульничестве и ранили выстрелом из револьвера. В предсмертном бредуДжо является Люцифер-младший со своей свитой, с целью забрать его в Ад, но Питуньяне зря просила и молила Бога за жизнь мужа и Ангелы также пришли к его постели. Междусилами добра и зла произошла разборка за душу азартного игрока, точку в которойпоставило решение Господа, дать Джо еще шесть месяцев на земле на исправление, но с одним условием - он не будет помнить эту встречу. Если за этот срок он обелит свою душу, то попадет в Рай, если же нет - тогда навсегда останется в лапах Люцифера.
Lucky Ghost
Second Waitress (as Louise Franklyn)
An all-black horror comedy starring Mantan Moreland and sometimes partner (and straight man) F.E. Miller, Lucky Ghost is amusing low-brow fare that exploits the more base, stereotypical elements of old-time black life (chicken thievin', gamblin', runnin' from ghosteses) for laughs -- sort of like the BET of its day. Mantan and Miller win a house-cum-casino in a craps game, only to discover that the deceased former owners aren't too pleased that their old home is being used for "jitterbugging, jiving, and hullaballooing". I hate hullaballooing. The ghosts decide to scare everyone off by opening doors and windows, pulling out chairs, even playing the drums.
Гражданин Кейн
Susan's Maid (uncredited)
Фильм об истории репортера, которому поручено выяснить подробности биографии недавно умершего газетного магната Кейна.
Mystery in Swing
Nightclub Patron
In and around some great blues, swing and jazz music, a very unpopular band-leader. Prince Ellis, is killed in a Harlem nightclub, and, in and around some more great music, a detective finds the lists of suspects is very long, as Prince Ellis was indeed very unpopular with many citizens.
Gang War
Phil's Girl
Two mobs fight for control of the jukebox racket.
Broken Strings
Nightclub Patron who gets a camera close-up
After noted violinist Arthur Williams suffers a hand injury which ends his playing career, his hopes are transferred to his son, who prefers swing music to classical.
Way Down South
Dancing Slave
In the pre-Civil War South, a plantation owner dies and leaves all his possessions, including his slaves, to his young son. While the deceased treated his slaves decently, his corrupt executor abuses them unmercifully, beating them without provocation, and he is planning to sell off the father'e estate--including the slaves--at the earliest opportunity so he and his mistress can steal the money and move to France. The young boy doesn't want to sell his father's estate or break up an of the slave families, and he has to find someone to help him thwart the crooked executor's plans.
The Singing Kid
Singer (uncredited)
Neurotic Broadway star Al Jackson faces professional ruin when he loses his voice. While recuperating in the country, he falls in love with farm girl Ruth Haines, the pretty aunt of precocious little Sybil Haines.