Robert K. Bonine


Surf Board Riders, Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands
An early look at surfers off the coast of Honolulu
Young men playing on a floating platform off the coast of Honolulu.
Panoramic View, Oahu Railroad, Haleiwa, Hawaiian Islands
A view of Haleiwa via the Oahu railroad.
Pa-u Riders, Hawaiian Islands
Scenes of men and women parading horses.
Surf Scene, Laupahoihoi, Hawaiian Islands
A static shot of the sea tide bashing against the rocks.
Shipping Cattle, Kawaihae, Hawaiian Islands
Cattle are driven into the sea and tied to a row boat.
Loading Sugar, Kahului, Maui, Hawaiian Islands
Dock workers offloading bags of sugar in Hawaii
Panoramic View, Crater of Haleakala, Hawaiian Islands
A 360 degree view of Haleakala.
Various scenes of local color in Hawaii.
Scenes on a Sugar Plantation, Hawaiian Islands
Various scenes of daily working life at a sugar plantation in Hawaii.
Panoramic View, Honolulu Harbor, Hawaiian Islands
A panoramic view of Honolulu Harbor
Panoramic View, King St. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands
A view of King Street in Hawaii.
Films of the San Francisco Earthquake
Robert K. Bonine documents the destruction of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.
Panoramic View, Waikiki from an Electric Car, Hawaiian Islands
A view of Waikiki in 1906.
Crowds Returning from the Games, Waikiki, Hawaiian Islands
A static shot of crowded trams returning people from an unknown sporting event.
Kanaka Fishermen Casting the Throw Net, Hilo, H.I.
Cast fishing in Hilo.
Panoramic View of Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, H.I.
A panoramic view of Waikiki Beach.
St. John's Guild. Crippled Children to and from Wagon
Camera Operator
Scene on Lower Broadway
A busy street scene on Lower Broadway,
The Boys Think They Have One on Foxy Grandpa, But He Fools Them
The boys dance to Grandpa's banjo playing, then indicate that he can't equal their skill. Grandpa gets up and performs an intricate step while still playing the banjo.
Foxy Grandpa and Polly in a Little Hilarity
Foxy Grandpa and Polly was a comic strip upon which husband and wife team Joseph Hart and Carrie DeMar based a musical for the stage. Here, they enter from our left, hand in hand, a sylvan backdrop behind them. They're in fancy dress: he in three-piece suit and tie, bowler hat in hand; she in frilly floor-length dress, hat, and long braid of hair behind. They do a carefully choreographed dance - he's comic with large nose and male-pattern baldness splitting white curly hair; she's festive and smiling. They stay in sync. The camera is stationary, and it's one take.
Starting a Skyscraper
Taken in the immense excavation for the foundation of the new Macy building at the corner of Broadway and 34th Street, New York.
Boys Diving, Honolulu
In the background is a row of three-masted sailing ships, at anchor, their sales furled. In the foreground, a simple pier that's more like a yardarm juts out above the water; about 15 boys of six or seven years of age are on the jutting wood, and they jump off into the water below. The water looks to be about three feet deep. They swim back toward the pier. A small motorized boat passes. It's a stationary camera; one take.