Shigeaki Saegusa
Рождение : 1942-07-08, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan
From Wikipedia:
Shigeaki Saegusa (三枝 成彰 (formerly 三枝 成章) Saegusa Shigeaki, born July 8, 1942) is a Japanese composer.
Based on the Waki Yamato's manga version of The Tale of Genji. An all-female production starring members of the Takarazuka Revue.
Original Music Composer
Music Arranger
In the year 198X, a young screenwriter, Ryohei Shimura, has been in a slump lately. Then an opportunity arises. He is asked to write a script for the comeback film of Akiko Ryuzoji, the legendary beauty who was known as Japan's Cleopatra. Ryohei met Akiko right away, but he couldn't believe his eyes. Akiko was young and good-looking, even though she was already an old woman. Ryohei moved into Akiko's house to work on his scenario. A film director, Mizumori, who lives with Akiko at the mansion, warns Ryohei, “Don't sleep with Akiko,” he says. In fact, Ryohei was chosen for the job for a surprising reason...
У Ториясу с Мико пропала собака. Кому мог понадобиться несуразный, ленивый и трусоватый Пападолл? Хотя и оборвать цепочку пес сам не мог… Сестренка строит невероятные домыслы, подозревая в похищении инопланетян и загадочных пришельцев, а брат угрюмо отстаивает самую прозаическую причину пропажи. Однако, как часто бывает в сказках, истинным оказывается самое невероятное допущение – Пападолл именно похищен, и похищен именно пришельцами. Они забрали собаку в свой удивительный кошачий мир Банипал Витт…
Original Music Composer
Загадочная история смерти самурая и изнасилования его жены. В жаркий полдень в летнем лесу самурай с молодой женой встречают дикого разбойника. Разбойник, увлечённый красотой женщины, не может справиться с желанием обладать ею прямо в присутствии мужа. Что произойдет дальше - на то есть три версии действующих лиц.
Original Music Composer
The future is bleak and urbanized. A government super-power holds the keys to all the doors. Hope lies in a secret organization who kidnaps "gifted" children and teaches them to wield their ability to view the life energy of all living things. A young girl befriends a sempai, a street rat comes to rescue her, and two parents wait helplessly to see their daughter one last time...
Based on "Kaidan Botan Dango" by Sanyutei Encho, a rakugo storyteller who was active from the late Edo period to the Meiji era, Kara Juro was in charge of the script. A feature-length historical drama depicting a fierce and painful love story between ghosts and humans. Impressive artistic and fantastic painting with depth as if you were watching the stage. In all, this work is a beautiful, love horror fantasy.
Original Music Composer
Муж и жена, родители одиннадцатилетней девочки Рэнко, в качестве первого шага к предстоящему разводу принимают решение заранее разъехаться с друг другом. Девочку по-своему волнуют и интригуют такие перемены в её жизни и возможность иметь сразу два дома. Однако вскоре усиливающийся антагонизм между родителями начинает беспокоить её, и она решает сама попробовать вновь соединить их друг с другом.
Original Music Composer
Upon the passing of the Sakanishi Clan’s boss, a fierce battle between his wife Hazuki and his disciple Terada breaks out. Will Hazuki be able to assume her husband’s position as the head of the established yakuza clan?
Original Music Composer
Set on a quiet ranch in Hokkaido. One day, a colt is born from a legendary bloodline. It is given the name Oracion or "prayer". When Oracion is grown, a factory owner buys the horse. Will he be the key to solving the man's problems? Based on the novel by Teru Miyamoto.
Original Music Composer
A hulking man from the country pursues his beloved to the underworld of Tokyo nightclubs, where he finds work as a sideshow wrestler and becomes involved with a faded opera singer.
Original Music Composer
Nagare, a painter who wanted to commit a lover’s suicide with Mizue, the wife of his friend and patron Takigawa. Growing afraid at the last moment, he doesn’t go through with it – but Mizue sinks to the bottom of Blue Lake. Some time later, Nagare follows an invitation by Takigawa, who claims to have forgiven everything. To Nagare’s shock, Takigawa’s new wife, Ameko, looks exactly like Mizue. While staying as Takigawa’s guest, Nagare becomes haunted by Mizue’s ghost, who wants to be reunited with him at the bottom of Blue Lake.
The movie takes place in the five-day period before, during and after a ferocious, seemingly liberating typhoon, which five of the students endure while marooned in their school gymnasium.
Original Music Composer
A double suicide happens in Morioka in Iwate Prefecture. The two were employees of rival real estate companies. A prosecutor who senses a setup exposes the truth.
Original Music Composer
After Emiko, a bookstore owner, is driven to suicide by loan sharks, her orphaned son Eisuke decides to take his revenge on them. As Eisuke has no relatives, he is taken in by Keiko, who keeps an eye out for him due to his unusual behavior. One day, Eisuke breaks into the loan company with an improvised gun. In the moment, Keiko ends up becoming Eisuke's accomplice and helps him succeed in the robbery. However, the two are surprised when they hear something on the TV news that differs from the truth.
Original Music Composer
У Токико Кохама было трудное детство, её отец Фусадзиро всю жизнь отдал лову тунца, её мать Ая бросила семью и убежала к другому мужчине. Токико ищет себе в мужья сильного человека, который любит море, как её отец. Но сможет ли отец принять её избранника, и сможет ли любимый стать настоящим рыбаком?
Original Music Composer
Masaru is freed from a juvenile detention center. Filled with rage and frustration he rapes a woman (Yuki Kazamatsuri) in the woods. She then meets his older brother, a deliveryman and tells him her story, and they soon become good friends, which will lead to a sexual relationship. Later, she finds out the two men are brothers and files a police report against the older one, accusing him of raping her. It seems she couldn't forget that night in the woods...
A free spirited woman signs a contract with her boss to be his mistress but finds she needs more satisfaction than he can give.
Original Music Composer
Когда молодого солдата, пытавшегося не дать продать свою сестру Каори в проститутки, убивают, его командир, полковник Мияги, пытается исполнить его последнее желание и спасти его сестру. Увидев Каоми на вечеринке в качестве гейши и затем спасая её от попытки самоубийства, полковник Мияги приглашает её жить к себе. Через некоторое время они сближаются, у Каори появляются к нему чувства, но полковник Мияги не может позволить себе ответить ей взаимностью. В ночь пред своей отправкой на войну Мияги наконец признаётся Каори в своих чувствах, но смогут ли они насладиться мирной жизнью вместе, когда начинается жестокое и кровавое восстание военных...