Richard Fréchette

Richard Fréchette


Richard Fréchette


Coco Ferme
Maurice - General Store Manager
Les Tricheurs
Two lovers and a friend meet up for a game of golf. They are soon joined by a stranger who puts to the test the bonds between them and in the process reveals buried secrets.
Nut Jobs
Valère Gravel
Benjamin tells his ex-girlfriend, Angie, that he joined a cell of left-wing terrorists to get revenge on her former boss, who owns a right-wing radio station. His story blends conceptual artists, amateur theatre troupes, hallucinogenic vinyl record and other magical powers. All that nonsense leave Angie wondering if he made that up only to win her back.
Ghislain Larrivée
Инсценировка реального нюрбергского скандала 2005 года, в фильме снимаются Франсуа Арно в роли президента компании Венсана Лакруа и Венсан-Гийом Отис в роли вице-президента Эрика Асселина.
My Very Own Circus
A girl who comes from a long line of circus performers tries to fulfill her dream of going to private school.
Белоснежка. Сказка для взрослых
Father Guilbaud
После смерти отца юная и прекрасная сирота Клэр продолжает работать в принадлежавшем ему отеле под руководством авторитарной мачехи Мод. Когда молодой любовник Мод заглядывается на Клэр, ревнивая вдова решает жестоко избавиться от соперницы. Клэр бежит на отдаленную ферму, где встречает семерых мужчин и начинает познания себя и своей сексуальности.
The Far Shore
Employé du salon funéraire
Navigating the treacherous social tides of high school, Marine is cut adrift by Océane, her older sister who’s caught in the thrall of an older man. Meanwhile, their mother struggles to keep her head above water.
March Fool
Struggling with depression, Louis finds out that his family is planning a prank on him for April Fools' day. Problem is: we're still in March...
A man blames himself for the tragic death of his daughter's friend. Unable to get past this event, the man spirals into depression, and then he undergoes a 'groundbreaking' therapeutic treatment that may put him in contact with dead people.
A Done Deal
Remy, a hitman for a small-time Montreal mobster, has to kill Fernand, an old associate who talks too much. The plan is simple: invite him for coffee, offer him a ride and shoot him in the alley. Easy! A done deal...
Everything would be fine. Maurice had made up his mind. He had made a list: pick a date, announce his retirement, sell the car, see old friends, and empty the garage. Then, die with dignity.
Henri Henri
Préposé couvent
Henri was raised by religious in a convent and lived with them until the women, now elders, moved, leaving him alone. Henri fixes lamps. Since his young age, he's been replacing burned light bulbs and illuminates people's lives. After following signs, he finds himself working in a lamp company. Through his new work, he meets an old man trying to never forget his glory days and a blind woman, teller in an adult cinema, with whom he falls in love.
Любовь во время гражданской войны
Алекс молодой наркоман, который продает свое тело в Монреале. Он находится в окружении Бруно, Симона, Жанна, Эрика и Велма, все они попали в ту же спираль принуждения. Заложники общества потребления, они падшие ангелы темного и бурного времени.
Herd Leader
Clara is a lone, much to the chagrin of her family, who wish she could find happiness with a partner. After her aunt dies, she inherits a pet...
Десять с половиной
Normand (pédophile)
Томми — 10 с половиной лет, и он очень хорошо знаком социальным службам. Его считают «угрозой обществу», поэтому помещают в специальный центр для несовершеннолетних. Жиль, сотрудник этого центра, пытается вытащить пацана из мира всепоглощающего насилия, в котором тот пребывает.
Face Time
Benoit, an actor surviving on his barman wages, follows the advice of is his brother Frank - a former hockey player turned talent agent- and grows a beard to get a part in a dinner theatre play. Benoit's girlfriend Vicky, an ex dramaturge who now works as a librarian, finds it difficult to accept this latest development, as it will delay the couple's plan to purchase a condo from their friends Caro and Vincent, who manage a hair and beauty salon. But Benoit's beard seems to have magical powers: he suddenly has a great deal of success, while Vicky develops a mysterious allergy to her boyfriend's facial hair.
Monsieur Truffe
Chaos ensues after global warming transforms a working-class Montreal neighborhood into a world Mecca for truffles.
Maman Last Call
Réjean Leclerc
Evil Words
Fernand Lucas
One day, for no apparent reason, a cop kills 11 children. The same day, horror novelist Thomas Roy tries to commit suicide after cutting his fingers. At first glance, nothing seems to link the two events – until Dr. Paul Lacasse, a disillusioned psychiatrist, takes over the case. Prompted by his colleague Jeanne, a fan of Thomas Roy, Dr. Lacasse investigates the writer’s past. Hounded by a gossip columnist, Dr. Lacasse uncovers a series of troubling facts that bolster his convictions about the case. As he tries to reassemble the pieces of the puzzle in order to better treat the famous writer, Dr. Lacasse is dragged further and further into a series of events, with terrifying consequences.
Обратная сторона Луны
Le médecin
После смерти матери два брата с диаметрально противоположными темпераментами осуществляют сложное и долгое примирение на фоне покорения космоса, увлечения одного из них.
A Girl at the Window
Monsieur Bélanger
Imprisoned by an illness, a young country girl decides to leave for Quebec City in order to study piano and discover an animated and enthralling lifestyle.
Karmina 2
Restaurateur gastronomique
All the vampires have to take a special potion made by Ghyslain Chabot to be human. Chabot's wife isn't a vampire yet but wishes to become one. Ghyslain doesn't share her desire because of all the rules and responsibilities inherent in being a vampire. As a result, Ghyslain's wife throws him out of the house without the potion.
Security guard
25-летняя Бибиан, недавно перенёсшая аборт, сбивает мужчину и скрывается с места инцидента. С этого момента жизнь девушки наполняется хаосом. Но неудачная попытка самоубийства приводит её к перерождению.
Robert Lepage directed this Canadian comedy, filmed in black and white and color and adapted from Lepage's play The Seven Branches of the River Ota. In October 1970, Montreal actress Sophie (Anne-Marie Cadieux) appears in a Feydeau farce at the Osaka World's Fair. Back in Montreal, her boyfriend Michel (Alexis Martin) watches the October Crisis on TV and sees Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau declare the War Measures Act. The Canadian Army patrols Montreal streets. Sophie learns she's pregnant and phones Michel. However, Michel is immersed in politics, while Sophie rejects the amorous advances of her co-star (Eric Bernier), becomes friendly with a blind translator, and passes an evening with frivolous Canadian embassy official Walter (Richard Frechette) and his wife Patricia (Marie Gignac). Meanwhile, in Montreal, Michael plots terrorist activities. Commenting on East-West cultural distinctions, the film intercuts between Quebec (in black and white) and Japan (in color).
The Thousand Wonders of the Universe
Le surveillant bleu
A science-fiction film centered around planet Earth receiving a coded message from outer space and the subsequent disappearance of 12,000 inhabitants of Sepuvedra, a free-trade port. The government and the army are convinced that they have been kidnapped by aliens and Professor Larsen, an eminent astrophysicist and UFO expert, is assigned to lead an urgent investigative mission into the deserted town.
Poverty and Other Delights
Le gérant du cinéma
Marcel and Joseph are tireless walkers. Their itinerary is an invitation to discover improbable places and fascinating people. Everlastingly looking for Stanley, Marcel’s only friend, they meet an unlikely crowd of extravagant characters. Each has a story to tell, his hope to share.
Le Polygraphe
In this French Canadian thriller, an actress wins the role of a murder victim in a film based on the true story of an unsolved crime. She discovers her neighbor was the lover of the woman who was murdered in real life -- and is still a suspect.
André Lamontagne
Тонкая грань между прошлым и настоящим образует причудливый узор в этой блестящей мистик-психологической драме известного мастера французского кино Робера Лепажа. Пьер приезжает на похороны отца, где встречается со своим приемным братом Марком. Вместе они пытаются найти свою мать и узнать о прошлом отца, которое оказывается чересчур запутанным и неоднозначным. Поиски истины уводят братьев в далекое прошлое, во времена суровых нравов и тайных обрядов священников. В город, о котором никто никогда не слышал, но в котором были рождены Марк и Пьер...
Montreal Stories
Moufette fils
Six stories about Montreal. 1: A young housewife from Toronto samples the nightlife using basic French. 2: The tale of a painting of Montreal's first mayor, Jacques Viger. 3: During a hockey game, Madeleine tries to tell Roger she wants a divorce after forty years of marriage. 4: A visitor to a conference on pictographs arrives at the airport, where the female customs officer steals a momento from each person. 5: As she is being driven to the hospital in an ambulance after an auto accident, Sarah recalls her life. 6: At a diplomatic reception, an older woman reminisces about her grand love in Montreal.
After a dangerous sea crossing and a stay in a camp in Malaysia, the young Vietnamese Tinh and her family are accepted as refugees in Canada and arrive in Granby where they begin their new life. But for Tinh, adapting has its share of difficulties. Already shy and reserved by nature, she must learn a new language and integrate into her new environment. Haunted by the hardships of the journey, Tinh will have to draw deep within herself the resilience necessary for her survival and her happiness.