Funke Akindele

Funke Akindele


Funke Akindele


Battle on Buka Street
After a lifetime of rivalry, two women find themselves at loggerheads once again when they set up food businesses on the same street.
Battle on Buka Street
After a lifetime of rivalry, two women find themselves at loggerheads once again when they set up food businesses on the same street.
Главный папа 2: Разорение
Семья Бикрофт готова потратить все наследство шефа Дэдди, но только не в том случае, если генеральный директор его компании имеет к этому какое-то отношение.
Dwindle is a film based on the story of Sogo and Buta, two friends who hijack a car and venture into cabbing and how their lives take a drastic turn when their path runs into assassins who have just kidnapped the state governor.
Гетто. Сага
События фильма разворачиваются в Нигерии. Лефти и ее сестра-близнец Айомиде выросли в гетто. Когда миссис Бенсон удочерила девочек, они переехали в район для богатых, резко отличающийся от привычной для них обстановки. Несмотря на чистоту, роскошь и безопасность нового места жительства, Лефти магнитом тянет обратно в гетто, где у нее остались друзья, любовь и приключения.
Гетто. Сага
События фильма разворачиваются в Нигерии. Лефти и ее сестра-близнец Айомиде выросли в гетто. Когда миссис Бенсон удочерила девочек, они переехали в район для богатых, резко отличающийся от привычной для них обстановки. Несмотря на чистоту, роскошь и безопасность нового места жительства, Лефти магнитом тянет обратно в гетто, где у нее остались друзья, любовь и приключения.
Who's the Boss
A young, overworked ad executive with an overbearing boss starts her own side hustle and invents an employer once her business begins to flourish.
Ваше превосходительство
Kemi Ajadi
A bumbling billionaire businessman and failed Presidential candidate Chief Olalekan Ajadi is very much obsessed with US President Donald Trump. Just when his political campaign looks on the verge of another flop disaster, Ajadi is anointed by a majority party and becomes a tough credible contender with the assistance of powerful social media.
Ваше превосходительство
A bumbling billionaire businessman and failed Presidential candidate Chief Olalekan Ajadi is very much obsessed with US President Donald Trump. Just when his political campaign looks on the verge of another flop disaster, Ajadi is anointed by a majority party and becomes a tough credible contender with the assistance of powerful social media.
Ваше превосходительство
A bumbling billionaire businessman and failed Presidential candidate Chief Olalekan Ajadi is very much obsessed with US President Donald Trump. Just when his political campaign looks on the verge of another flop disaster, Ajadi is anointed by a majority party and becomes a tough credible contender with the assistance of powerful social media.
Chief Daddy
Tinu Beecroft
The story of billionaire industrialist Chief Beecroft, a flamboyant benefactor to a large extended family of relatives, household staff and assorted mistresses. Chief lives large, like there’s no tomorrow, until the day he dies suddenly and the ‘bullion van’ stops. What’s in his will and who gets all that money? What happens next will surprise you, as Chief Daddy has the last laugh from beyond the grave.
Moms at War
funke akindele
"Moms at War" is about two mothers who live in the same neighborhood, but hate each other. One felt that the other was a village girl who just got into money and is not fit to be in society with them. But both their kids coincidentally attend the same school and there was a competition that was done for the kids, and both were the top of their class. It comes down to one of them winning the competition and the mothers just go crazy, doing all sort of antics. It's a story of friendship, sisterhood, and bonding in spite of everything.
A Trip to Jamaica
A story about the adventures of a newly engaged couple in their relatives residence outside Nigeria, and how the secrets of their host led to the eventual breakup of their union amidst the culture shock of the new country and living with upper-class citizens.
Everyone in the Osayande family worries about Isoken. Although she has what appears to be a perfect life - beautiful, successful and surrounded by great family and friends - Isoken is still unmarried at 34 which, in a culture obsessed with marriage, is serious cause for concern. Things come to a head at her youngest sister's wedding when her overbearing mother thrusts her into an orchestrated matchmaking with the ultimate Edo man, Osaze. Osaze is handsome, successful and from a good family, making him the perfect Nigerian husband material. But in an unexpected turn of events, Isoken meets Kevin who she finds herself falling in love with and he just might be what she truly wants in a partner. The only problem is, not only is he not an Edo man, he is Oyinbo (Caucasian). Isoken is a romantic dramedy that explores cultural expectations, racial stereotypes and the bonds that unite families in a touching, dramatic and comedic way.
Pretty Liars 2
Two friends Cleo (Funke Akindele) and Alice (Queen Nwokoye) live a fake life in the city, they think they are on top of their game till Cleo comes across Shania (Nse Ikpe Etim) who beats them to their game, Cleo becomes anxious to know more about Shania, she traces her and finds out who she really is.
Pretty Liars
Two friends Cleo (Funke Akindele) and Alice (Queen Nwokoye) live a fake life in the city, they think they are on top of their game till Cleo comes across Shania (Nse Ikpe Etim) who beats them to their game, Cleo becomes anxious to know more about Shania, she traces her and finds out who she really is.
The Fighter
Monica Lewinsky
The entire community lives in fear of a quick tempered firebrand who unleashes her fury at the slightest provocation. Almost everybody is relieved when it looks like she is finally about to be married. [parts 1-2]
A poor Nigerian woman named Maami protects her young son, Kashimawo, from his father who carries a terrible secret.
Okin tells the story of a handsome but promiscuous man who became paralyzed after crossing a certain fetish boundary. His wife in turn made life unbearable for him and treated him badly. She ended up narrating how she ignored better suitors to be with her husband.
The Return of Jenifa
A razz village girl gets a second chance to go to university in Lagos. Will she pursue her talents as a dancer or repeat her scandalous mistakes? [parts 1-2]
The Return of Jenifa
A razz village girl gets a second chance to go to university in Lagos. Will she pursue her talents as a dancer or repeat her scandalous mistakes? [parts 1-2]
The Return of Jenifa
A razz village girl gets a second chance to go to university in Lagos. Will she pursue her talents as a dancer or repeat her scandalous mistakes? [parts 1-2]
White Hunters 2
Mercy Johnson, Funke Akindele and Ini Edo are constantly preying on the rich and wealthy... Especially expatriates and foreigners to fulfill their dreams and be the most classy ladies in town. In the second installment, Indian and elderly men become potential husbands.
White Hunters
Young women constantly looking for greener pastures in white men. The only survival plan is to get hooked to white men from any part of the world with loads of money. :lol: (African Movie Reviewer) [ed. If you're a rich white man, yes, you can be from any part of the world, but never ask Tabita to move to Germany. "Any other civilized country but Germany," she says.]
Return of White Hunters
A group of aspiring society ladies, after dealing with being disappointed by Nigerian men start to obsessively prey on wealthy white expatriates, in order to achieve their goal of becoming the most celebrated ladies in town.
Jénífà 2
This is a film that shed light on the fake lifestyle most female undergraduates live. Jenifa is one of these girls, she used to be a village champion before coming to Lagos for her university educaion. Upon her arrival, she met her long time friend Becky who introduced her to other girls, Tracy and Franca. All these girls live fake and wayward lives, they jump from one trouble to another in a bid to belong to the high class.
Jénífà 2
This is a film that shed light on the fake lifestyle most female undergraduates live. Jenifa is one of these girls, she used to be a village champion before coming to Lagos for her university educaion. Upon her arrival, she met her long time friend Becky who introduced her to other girls, Tracy and Franca. All these girls live fake and wayward lives, they jump from one trouble to another in a bid to belong to the high class.
Hа похороны настоятеля одного храма в провинции Японии приезжает странная иностранка. Hикто не знает, откуда она и зачем приехала. Hо было видно, что ей некуда возвращаться. Так она и осталась помогать в храме. Дженнифер, а по-местному — Дзэнифа, даже со своим скудным японским быстро нашла со всеми обитателями храма общий язык. Kроме одного тихого паренька. Oн всегда держался отдельно от других, проводя все дни напролет на своем поле. Жители храма за глаза называли его «Юношей A». Испытывая искренний интерес к одинокому, всегда погруженному в себя, парню, Дзэнифа начинает делать первые шаги для знакомства. И однажды он назовет ей свое имя и расскажет печальную сказку из своей жизни. A она подарит этой сказке счастливый конец.
Hа похороны настоятеля одного храма в провинции Японии приезжает странная иностранка. Hикто не знает, откуда она и зачем приехала. Hо было видно, что ей некуда возвращаться. Так она и осталась помогать в храме. Дженнифер, а по-местному — Дзэнифа, даже со своим скудным японским быстро нашла со всеми обитателями храма общий язык. Kроме одного тихого паренька. Oн всегда держался отдельно от других, проводя все дни напролет на своем поле. Жители храма за глаза называли его «Юношей A». Испытывая искренний интерес к одинокому, всегда погруженному в себя, парню, Дзэнифа начинает делать первые шаги для знакомства. И однажды он назовет ей свое имя и расскажет печальную сказку из своей жизни. A она подарит этой сказке счастливый конец.
Egg of Life
A chief priestess tries to unravel the mystery behind a death.
Sharon Stone
A callous playgirl suffers the consequences when her lifestyle undermined her chances with the one man that stole her heart.